
"Bleeding fever" is not terrible, and the main transmission route is rat-to-human transmission

Modern Express News Recently, there have been many cases of "hemorrhagic fever" patients in Xi'an, Shaanxi, and related "hemorrhagic fever" information has occupied the hot search list of the Internet for a long time. There are even rumors on the Internet that "eating strawberries will cause bleeding fever", which makes many citizens who do not know the truth discourage strawberries. So what kind of disease is "bleeding fever"? How does it make people win? Can the strawberries that have just been listed still eat normally? Through Jin Ke, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University), let's take a look at the disease of "hemorrhagic fever".

"Bleeding fever" is not terrible, and the main transmission route is rat-to-human transmission

Fever shock after farmland work The source is the wild rat in the field

One day in December, Ms. Li, whose home had moved to the countryside, suddenly developed fever symptoms in the middle of the night. The family thought that Ms. Li was cold and sent her to the local hospital as a common cold, but after three days of treatment, Ms. Li's symptoms suddenly worsened, and even shock occurred in the hospital. The family quickly transferred her from the local hospital to the Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital for treatment, and when she was admitted to the hospital, Ms. Li's vital signs were unstable, and she had already had a mental disorder, which was in danger.

Jin Ke, deputy chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Provincial People's Hospital, found that Ms. Li had leukocytosis, increased urine protein, kidney failure, nausea and vomiting and symptoms accompanied by pancreatitis. After learning that Ms. Li had an epidemiological history of many field labors one or two weeks ago, Deputy Chief Physician Jin Ke was highly suspicious for the first time that Ms. Li was working in the farmland and inhaled the dust or aerosol formed after the virus-carrying murine, urine and saliva polluted the environment, and then infected hantavirus. Subsequent positive hantavirus antibody tests also confirmed that Ms. Li had renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever. With the full rescue and treatment of the medical staff of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ms. Li was finally out of danger of life and could recover and be discharged from the hospital in a few days.

"Bleeding fever" high incidence in winter Bleeding and redness of the skin and mucous membranes has long been treated

"Winter November to January is the peak period of infection with hemorrhagic fever, our department has received several cases, in addition to fever, headache and other symptoms similar to colds, hemorrhagic fever may also appear skin mucosa congestion, bleeding, mainly concentrated on the face, eye conjunctiva, neck and chest." Jin Ke deputy chief physician introduction. "There is a case of patients suspected of going to the farm to play, eating apples bitten by rats and suffering from renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever; another case of patients is a worker, also when eating apples, although the apples were found to have suspected biting marks of rodents, but the worker master did not care, and the result was confirmed."

Deputy Chief Physician Jin Ke stressed that the common manifestations of hemorrhagic fever in renal syndrome are fever, exudative edema, congestive bleeding and kidney damage, and in some cases, typical "three pains" (headache, low back pain, orbital pain) and "three reds" (conjunctiva of the eyes and the skin of the face, neck and upper chest are congested and flushed). If there is any of the above manifestations, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in the nearest place in time and treat it as soon as possible. "Recently, the patients with renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever admitted to our department have been successfully discharged from the hospital after active treatment, leaving no sequelae." Deputy Chief Physician Jin Ke reminded.

The main route of transmission is rat-to-human eating strawberries and hemorrhagic fever is not directly linked

The full name of "hemorrhagic fever" is "renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever", also known as "epidemic hemorrhagic fever", which is a natural epidemic disease caused by hantavirus and is also a Class B infectious disease stipulated in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. The disease is mainly distributed in Asia, followed by Europe and Africa, with fewer cases in the Americas.

In China, the main source of infection of the disease is rodents (haddock rats, brown rats). Virus-carrying rat urine, feces, saliva and other polluted environments, can form dust or aerosols, can be inhaled by field workers, which is the main way of transmission. In response to the rumors circulating on the Internet that "eating strawberries will get bleeding fever", Deputy Chief Physician Jin Ke said: "If the strawberries are clean and not contaminated by the virus, there will be no problem." ”

Field workers can be vaccinated try not to drink raw water and eat raw food

Personnel working in farmland and working in the field in areas where renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever is endemic need special attention, and relevant personnel can be vaccinated against renal syndrome hemorrhagic fever in advance and do a good job of active protection. In addition, when working in fields, fields, and other places with more rats, it is necessary to wear a mask and tighten the cuffs and pants to prevent infection by parasitic insect bites on the rats. Do not drink raw water outside, fruits and vegetables need to be cleaned and treated before eating, food cooked and then eaten, to prevent direct consumption of food contaminated by the virus caused by infection.

Correspondent Cao Yong Xie Danlei Shao Yuyun Modern Express + reporter Liu Jun

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