
Xi'an has a number of consecutive cases of hemorrhagic fever, is it caused by eating strawberries? Can strawberries still be eaten?

Recently, Xi'an has confirmed a number of local covid-19 epidemics in a row, in a grim form.

At the same time, another news of "multiple cases of hemorrhagic fever in Xi'an" is even worse.

Xi'an has a number of consecutive cases of hemorrhagic fever, is it caused by eating strawberries? Can strawberries still be eaten?

Strawberries, also because of "bleeding fever" has been pushed on the hot search, because the rumor said that "bleeding fever" is because of eating strawberries.

Let's start with the problem of hemorrhagic fever.

Hemorrhagic fever is a naturally pathogenic disease caused by hantavirus, which is widespread, critically ill, and has a high fatality rate. Like the new crown epidemic, it is also a national Class B infectious disease, and if it is not handled properly, it will bring great harm.

The host of hantavirus is mainly rodents, and the urine, feces, and saliva of such animals may excrete the virus. In this respect, bleeding fever has little to do with strawberries.

Xi'an has a number of consecutive cases of hemorrhagic fever, is it caused by eating strawberries? Can strawberries still be eaten?

In addition, there is currently any evidence that eating strawberries increases the infection of hemorrhagic fever, even if crops or vegetables are contaminated with a small amount of virus, it is far from the amount of virus needed for transmission. Moreover, vegetables and fruits need to be washed with water before eating, which can also wash away most of the virus.

Currently, epidemic haemorrhagic fever can be prevented by vaccines, which can be given to people aged 16-60 years in high-risk areas.

It seems that every once in a while, similar rumors appear about what kind of disease you will get when you eat fruits or vegetables. For example, strawberries, in addition to hemorrhagic fever, it is said that it will also cause precocious ripening and the like, strawberries are really attracting who to provoke, and they are so rumored?

Can I eat strawberries out of season?

Xi'an has a number of consecutive cases of hemorrhagic fever, is it caused by eating strawberries? Can strawberries still be eaten?

Strawberries are indeed anti-seasonal fruits, its season is June-July, "autumn planting winter break", spring "flowering, fruiting", summer high temperature before "picking", is a real summer fruit!

And everyone can now eat strawberries, mainly thanks to greenhouse technology, in the greenhouse conditions, light and temperature can be adjusted, strawberries need the temperature is 15 ~ 25 ° C, through high-tech and other technologies, change the strawberry production environment, so that you can plant in May and June, around December can eat.

In short, due to the continuous maturity of greenhouse technology and convenient logistics, strawberries have become "suitable for all seasons" fruit! Don't "demonize" it! According to experts, the nutritional value of winter strawberries and summer strawberries is similar, so out-of-season strawberries can be eaten.

Can I eat strawberries with hormones?

Sometimes looking at the strawberries on the shelves, not only are they colorful, but they are also very large, and some parents will wonder whether this is ripe? Have you been hormone-pumped?

Earlier we said that the off-season strawberries, mainly planted with greenhouse technology, then such strawberries will be sprayed with some regulators to promote plant growth (also known as plant hormones), so as to achieve the purpose of fruit drop and ripening. Some strawberries will also use bulking agents, which is also a kind of plant hormone, the purpose is to grow full of strawberries, but it is not the kind of animal hormone that everyone thinks, where the potency of plant hormones is generally very low, the amount of use is also very small, are within the scope of national regulations, basically will not affect the growth and development of children.

Can strawberries with residual pesticides be eaten?

Last year, a US agency announced twelve kinds of "dirtiest fruits and vegetables" list, strawberries ranked first, but also for five consecutive years to become the "dirtiest fruit" first place, and here "dirty" refers to a large number of residual pesticides.

In fact, according to the standard of the Food Safety Monitoring Center: to determine whether the fruit is a safety standard, it is not to detect whether there is a pesticide, nor to detect how many kinds of pesticides there are, but whether the pesticide residue exceeds the standard.

With the strict control of pesticide use by the state and the promulgation of the Food Safety Law in 2015, the use of highly toxic, highly toxic and highly disabled pesticides has been accelerated. Moreover, according to the test of strawberries, the test results are less than 50% of the national standard, which is in line with national security standards. Therefore, strawberries purchased from regular supermarkets can be safely eaten.

In addition, any fruit is washed and then eaten, for strawberries, rinse with clean running water for more than 30 seconds or soak in water for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse again, of course, you can soak it with Suda powder or tao rice water.

In short, this pile of "infamy" carried by strawberries is unrealistic, and the reason why parents do not give their children strawberries may be a realistic reason, that is, expensive. You see children love to eat strawberries, eat one after another, my old mother is heartache, meat pain, wallet pain, in fact, strawberries have a high nutritional value, especially rich in vitamin C, appropriate to eat something for the child that is the problem!

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