
An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

Introduction: Recently, Ideal Auto CEO Li Xiang posted a sales data chart on Weibo, interestingly, this is a set of ideal ONE and a large number of medium and large SUV sales data comparison, from December 19 ideal ONE began to deliver, to November this year ideal ONE announced the amount of insurance, these 24 months, ideal ONE showed amazing sales growth, but also completed from the Volkswagen two medium and large SUV "crushed", to surpass the Volkswagen 5 medium and large SUV counterattack.

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

Specifically, in December 2019, the ideal ONE began to be delivered, its insurance volume was 1011 units, at that time the volkswagen Touareg and Tuon combined sales of 13173 units, the ideal ONE sales at that time even less than 1/10 of the Volkswagen two models; and in November 21, the ideal ONE insurance volume was 13438 units, at this time the Volkswagen Touareg, Tuon, Lanjing, ID.6 CROZZ and ID.6 X combined sales of 12445 units ——" I want one (an ideal ONE) to play five (five Volkswagen medium and large SUVs)", this sentence, the ideal can be very confident to shout out to the public.

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

Some people may wonder, why should the ideal be pressed on the mass hammer? In fact, before the ideal hammer Volkswagen, Volkswagen first called the ideal, in September 20, Volkswagen China CEO Feng Sihan expressed his disapproval of the extender, saying that the extender is the "worst solution", and the later thing is what was said above, a year later Feng CEO was punched in the face. So the question is, from the perspective of sales, is the ideal of extenders successful?

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

There is no doubt that the answer to this question is yes. If you take a model of about 100,000, selling 10,000 + units a month, you may not feel how surprised, but a model of 338,000, sold 10,000 + units a month, its gold content is obviously higher, and it is still a new brand that has only been 2 years since the date of delivery.

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

From the perspective of driving mode, the ideal ONE uses a powertrain of extended range, and in 19 and 20 years, it is not too optimistic about the outside world, and some people think that this is a bad solution. So the question arises again, is a range extender a good solution?

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

First of all, let's take a look at Feng Sihan's view at that time, he believes that the range increase has a certain value from the perspective of a bicycle, but from the perspective of environmental protection, the range increase is the worst solution, because the goal of new energy is to reduce carbon emissions, and the range extended electric vehicle that retains the engine cannot do this.

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

But in fact, the range extender has an engine that can be said to be not environmentally friendly, but the PHEV model with the engine can also be crowned with the label of "not environmentally friendly", and Volkswagen also has a PHEV model, so grasp the point that the range extender is not environmentally friendly to make a fuss, the premise of the need is that there is no internal combustion engine model at all, obviously Volkswagen is not suitable to say this.

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

Back to the question above – is an extender a good solution? From the perspective of the ultimate goal of new energy, only pure electricity or other environmentally friendly energy sources are optimal. In the current transition stage, range extenders and PHEV models have a stage to show their strength, compared to pure fuel models, their carbon emissions will be reduced by a part, in a sense, it can also be regarded as a certain contribution to energy conservation and emission reduction.

An ideal ONE hits 5 volkswagens, from the sales point of view, the ideal of extender is successful?

Of course, there will be some shortcomings in the extender, such as high fuel consumption at high speed, weakening power in the state of power loss, etc., but at this stage, it is obvious that it is not "up to" the so-called bad degree.

Ah Chuan commented on the car

In general, the ideal ONE can now reach a single month of sales of more than 10,000 results, but also from the market side reflects that the car is recognized, the so-called existence is reasonable, the ideal ONE used in the range of extenders in the current view, there is not much fault, but also a reasonable form of power. With the characteristics of the green card, coupled with good product strength and practicality, the ideal ONE still has its own unique way of selling.

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