
The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

Or split, or independent, car companies "practice trumpet" has become a common practice.

From Dongfeng Lantu, to SAIC Zhiji and Feifan, from Geely Krypton, Changan Avita, to BAIC Jihu, GAC Eian and Great Wall Salon, in recent years, major domestic car companies have successively launched independent new energy brands positioned at the high end.

On the electrification track, Chinese car companies have been exploring for many years. Whether it is Dongfeng New Energy, Geely New Energy, or Chang'an New Energy, they have left a strong mark, of course, this seems to have become a thing of the past.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

From the early launch of a variety of oil to electricity products, to the establishment of independent brands, the thinking of car companies has become clearer. Renaming, restructuring, or seeking independent listing, among the top 10 domestic car companies, in addition to FAW, Chery and Jianghuai, who does not have their own independent new energy brand?

Unlike the new forces of "Wei Xiaoli" car manufacturing, Chinese car companies have their own advantages and restrictions. This time, they no longer simply tested the water with the "oil to electricity" model, but tacitly launched an independent brand and actively promoted pure electric platform products to meet market demand. Is this an opportunity for them to seek an upgrade? Or an awakening on the smart electrification track?


Spin-off or independence, Chinese car companies crazy to open trumpets

Dongfeng Lantu fired the first shot at the development of independent new energy brands.

In July 2020, Lantu, a new high-end electric brand under Dongfeng Group, was officially unveiled. Of course, this new brand is the product of Dongfeng Group's careful planning for many years, and everything reveals new ideas.

Lantu brand development model has a new look: Dongfeng's independent subsidiary, fully market-oriented operation, with a new strategy, a new organizational mechanism, a new business model, a new team.

In order to do a good job in the Lantu brand, Dongfeng Group announced its return to A-shares, landed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, and raised funds for Lantu. The data revealed that 7 billion yuan will be used for the Lantu project, accounting for 1/3 of the raised funds.

The brewing of the Lantu brand to its birth has a revolutionary significance for the new energy layout of Chinese car companies. Because this has subverted the layout model of any Previous Chinese Company.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

Looking back at the development of the new energy business of Chinese car companies, 2015 is an important year. In the past year, nearly 10 car companies have successively issued strategic plans for new energy vehicles. Whether it is BAIC's "Weilan Strategy", SAIC's "Green Core Strategy", JAC iEV Strategy, or Geely's "Blue Geely Action", they all take the number of new energy vehicle models, sales proportion and sales target as the benchmark to show their path and determination to develop new energy vehicles. Subsequently, companies have followed the established plans and moved towards their own strategic goals.

In May 2020, a letter from Zhu Yanfeng to the employees of the H Business Department caused an uproar. At this point, the mysterious face of the H Division has surfaced, which will be a new business unit created by Dongfeng. H Business Department undertakes the heavy responsibility of Dongfeng brand upwards, and will also be a new brand that Dongfeng has made every effort to build.

Just after the Dongfeng Lantu brand, various companies have also launched independent brands in various forms.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

In November 2020, GAC Aeon became independent from GAC New Energy. Since 2011, GAC Group has started the new energy vehicle business, and in 2017, GAC New Energy Company was officially established. For this spin-off, Gu Huinan, general manager of GAC Aean, publicly stated that the complete realization of the independence of the new energy brand is a further hope to achieve brand upwards.

On the other hand, the extreme krypton brand promoted by Geely Automobile has also become the top priority of its transformation. In March 2021, after five years of conspiracy, the boots finally landed and the extreme krypton car turned out. Extreme Krypton Automobile was personally led by Li Shufu and An Conghui personally operated. The Extreme Krypton brand is also known as the dividing line between Geely's "traditional" and "emerging".

In May 2021, after the cooperation of "Changan Weilai" ended without any results, the Avita brand jointly created by "Changan, Huawei and Ningde Times" was officially unveiled. Tan Benhong, executive vice president of Changan Automobile and chairman and CEO of Avita Technology, clearly stated, "High-end brands will develop independently, independently carry out market-oriented operations, and have independent listing plans." ”

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

A glance at the domestic traditional automakers doing separate/split new energy brands

SAIC Motor has developed two major brands, Zhiji and Feifan, to reflect its determination to develop high-end intelligent electric vehicles.

Crazy "opening trumpet" has become a new road for Chinese car companies to launch an impact on new energy vehicles again. Such a layout is also unprecedented. In order to do a good job in these brands, car companies give full support in the allocation of resources, carry out new changes from the company's organizational structure, and even bring a new atmosphere in the corporate culture.

Of course, the valuation of car companies seems to have subtle changes in this round of "number training" trend. Chinese car companies, labeled traditionally, are looking to boost their new energy business and are doing something new in the capital market.


The meaning of practicing numbers: a new path

Looking back at history, The new energy business of Chinese car companies and the new forces of car manufacturing are almost in a state of synchronization.

In 2010, new energy vehicles were identified by the State Council as one of the seven strategic emerging industries, and the main development direction was determined to be plug-in hybrid and pure electric vehicles.

Around 2014, various enterprises successively established new energy vehicle companies, and collectively released new energy strategies in 2015. At the same time, car manufacturing companies represented by Weilai with internet background have also entered the new energy vehicle track. For a time, there were more than 200 new energy car manufacturers in the market.

After fierce competition, the new car-making forces with the background of the Internet have stood out, while traditional car companies have gained very limited gains in the first round of exploration in the field of new energy.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

Taking Geely Automobile as an example, according to the "Blue Geely Action", the sales of new energy vehicles will account for more than 90% of Geely's overall sales in 2020. Geely plans to use five years to achieve a complete transformation from traditional cars to new energy vehicles. In the end, in 2020, Geely's new energy models sold a total of 68,000 vehicles, accounting for only about 5%.

The same is true of Dongfeng New Energy and Changan New Energy. In addition to the part of the sound volume generated by Changan New Energy, the rest of the products did not set off much waves. Dongfeng new energy products have also been reduced to the exclusive models of its travel platform, which is far from the grand goal set that year.

In contrast, the new car-making forces are desperate to make a desperate move from the aspects of brand, product, service, channel, etc., but they have achieved a subversive effect. According to Shi Ming, an analyst in the automotive industry, "in terms of products, we combine intelligence to subvert, in terms of services, we use new fan systems to subvert, and channel models are subverted by direct sales." ”

Looking at Chinese car companies, including Geely, Changan, Dongfeng, etc., the determination to transform is obvious, but the model is old. Often only the new energy business is placed in the traditional sector, and the traditional business competes for resources, and its mobility and innovation are obviously insufficient.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

As Shi Ming said, when new businesses, new technologies and new models arrive, traditional car companies only add proprietary departments and make the organizational structure more complex. "Something new rooted in the matrix, creativity, team vibrancy and flexibility will be lost."

Obviously, the development of new energy business according to the original model is no longer feasible. Shi Ming pointed out that "the early positioning of new energy vehicles of traditional car companies is too conservative and the system is too old. If you want to cut with the past, use new talents with new thinking, and form a new team, then you can only develop independent new energy brands. ”

The successful exploration of Tesla and "Wei Xiaoli" new power enterprises has given the industry opportunities and new ideas. Shi Ming concluded, "By the time traditional car companies reacted and planned to take advantage of the innovative play of new forces, several years had passed. ”

The establishment of the Lantu brand has pointed out a new direction for traditional car companies to seek a new development model. At this point, Chinese car companies have also awakened, and "new internal forces" such as Geely Extreme Kr, Changan Avita, and SAIC Zhiji have successively appeared on the stage.


Practice or practice waste, how can independent brands avoid pitfalls?

"It is right to be independent, and the change of equity structure, the change of governance structure, and the change of management structure provide a broad space for the development of these new energy brands." Fang Jianhua, partner and president of the New Energy Vehicle Entrepreneurship Sub-Fund of the National Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Fund, said.

The birth of an independent new energy brand has positive significance. Independent operation mode, more resources poured, can provide a moist development soil for these independent brands. In addition, in terms of valuation, independent new energy brands have got rid of the shackles of traditional car companies, avoided the embarrassing situation of "left and right fighting", and are more conducive to the capital market to discover its value.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, compared with the stage success of Tesla and Wei Xiaoli, it is difficult to say that the "trumpets" of Chinese car companies are successful.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

As of November, Tesla China had delivered more than 50,000 vehicles for three consecutive months. Since its development, Tesla has long become a presence that traditional car companies dare not ignore. Among the representatives of China's new car-making forces, Wei Xiaoli has handed over monthly sales of more than 10,000 results, and have crossed the so-called "life and death line" of car-making.

On the other hand, Geely Kr, which has entered the delivery period, delivered 2012 vehicles in November, but various disputes have arisen over the delivery issue. From "disguised price increases" to "gradient canopy and other standard variations", and then to "800V charging to 400V charging", the doubts of Extreme Krypton disguised "cutting leeks" continue to be raised.

The new energy melee is upgraded, starting from "practicing trumpet"

Major car companies deliver data statistics table

Lantu Automobile delivered 408 units in August to 1139 units in November, with a cumulative delivery volume of 3461 units. As a Landu FREE priced at more than 300,000 yuan, such delivery data is not a failure, and of course it is not eye-catching.

In contrast, the independent new energy brand of traditional car companies does not have the entrepreneurial story of "Wei Xiaoli", but it still has a strong state-owned enterprise style and large enterprise disease. At the same time, in the process of learning from the new forces, they are faced with a clash of talents, ideas, and cultures.

Fang Jianhua also pointed out that independent brands are not simply separated in the physical sense, "whether they can operate independently, change from the blood and body, and enter the capital market in the future, so that they can have prospects." ”

And this is exactly the dilemma faced by these car companies "trumpet". According to Wang Min, an auto industry insider, splitting, becoming independent and developing new brands means introducing new investors and partners and new blood. Today, "they can't escape the fate of imitators, and the lack of originality is a big problem." ”


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