
Liang Qichao's nameless and undivided wife, who died in a dark grass hut in his later years, cultivated 9 national pillars

In the past, the traditional Chinese concept was polygamy, and in order to continue the incense, as long as there was enough money, you could marry multiple wives. Like the former emperor is the harem beauty three thousand, but in the Republic of China, began to implement monogamy, although there are still people who marry aunts, but this is at least a big step for us.

Liang Qichao once had a nameless wife, dedicated herself to the Liang family, but in her later years she died of illness in a dark grass hut, and she used her life to raise 9 national pillars, which is really worthy of admiration.

She is Liang Qichao's second room, Wang Guiquan.

Liang Qichao's nameless and undivided wife, who died in a dark grass hut in his later years, cultivated 9 national pillars

Liang Qichao is a very talented man, he was 4 years old when he was at home to learn to write, his grandfather often told him many small stories, some are literary and historical knowledge, more are passionate patriotic stories, so he has a moment of patriotic heart since he was a child.

In 1889, 17-year-old Liang Qichao went to Guangdong to take the township examination, and although he was young, he successfully passed the examination. At that time, the chief examiner admired Liang Qichao's talent and felt that this person would have great achievements in the future, so he gave him his sister Li Huixian Xu.

Liang Qichao's nameless and undivided wife, who died in a dark grass hut in his later years, cultivated 9 national pillars

Li Huixian is 4 years older than Liang Qichao, but his family is very prominent, and he also admires Liang Qichao's talent. After the marriage, Liang Qichao and his wife met the old man, miss Li Huixian was not as squeamish as Liang Qichao imagined, she was not only full of patience, but also actively helped the elderly in the family to work, which was quite recognized by the old family.

Li Huixian married into the Liang family and brought two dowry maidens, one of whom ran away early because he could not bear the hardships, while the other Wang Guiquan has always been loyal, from bookkeeping to using money, to manage the family in an orderly manner.

Liang Qichao's nameless and undivided wife, who died in a dark grass hut in his later years, cultivated 9 national pillars

Soon after, Liang Qichao and Li Huixian's son Liang Sicheng was born, seeing his son's weak body, considering the problem of the Liang family's incense and prosperity, the husband and wife discussed whether they could take concubines, and after careful consideration, Li Huixian chose the person he was most familiar with- the dowry wang Guiquan. Wang Guiquan already had a good feeling for Liang Qichao, which was even more unavoidable. A total of 6 children were born to Liang Qichao.

After the failure of the Penghu reform, the Liang and Li families fled to Japan, Wang Guiquan was a very survivable person, and it did not take long to learn Tokyo dialect, so of course, all the products to be purchased at home became Wang Guiquan's task, and Wang Guiquan always had no complaints.

Liang Qichao's nameless and undivided wife, who died in a dark grass hut in his later years, cultivated 9 national pillars

At the same time, although Wang Guiquan is an authentic rural woman, she attaches great importance to education, and she likes to watch several children read seriously. Liang Sicheng once recalled that once when he did not get good results in the exam, Li Huixian was angry and smoked him with a feather duster that helped the wire, when Liang Sicheng jumped up and down. Wang Guiquan couldn't bear it, and used his body to protect him, and later even a stick directly hit Wang Guiquan's body.

Therefore, both Li Huixian and Wang Guiquan's children love her very much, and they call Li Huixian "Ma" and Wang Guiquan "Niang".

Liang Qichao's nameless and undivided wife, who died in a dark grass hut in his later years, cultivated 9 national pillars

But later, the 82-year-old Wang Guiquan was affected by the cultural shock, a person was isolated, sometimes even sleeping in a very dimly lit grass shed, not long after, Wang Guiquan died, when there was no child around.

The children of the Liang family rushed back to bury the good bride and planted a mother tree next to the joint tomb of Liang Qichao and Li Huixian to remember this great woman who had paid silently for decades.

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