
She was orphaned at the age of 4, trafficked four times, and died in a cowshed at the age of 85

Watching the history of the Republic of China, in fact, it is not difficult to find that the status of women in marriage is not equal to speak of, even if it is a wife who is married by a clear media, it is not easy to get the respect of her husband, the protagonist today, she died at the age of 4, became an orphan, and was resold by human traffickers 4 times, after doing the Ring, even the name of the concubine is not, but with her own set of philosophy of life, never exceed the rules, and is deeply valued by the big family, everything in the family, everything is controlled by her alone, This person was Liang Qichao's second wife, Wang Guiquan.

She was orphaned at the age of 4, trafficked four times, and died in a cowshed at the age of 85

Wang Guiquan is a native of Guangyuan, Sichuan, her childhood life is quite tragic, when the family only has a few acres of thin land, all rely on the father's hard work, the family can barely survive, and the mother died when Wang Guiquan was very young, the father married a stepmother, the stepmother believed the fortune teller's nonsense, saying that Wang Guiquan was her parents, so she often abused her.

When he was 4 years old, his father unfortunately fell ill and died, and wang Guiquan, who had no one to rely on, was bought by human traffickers, was resold 4 times in a few years, and finally sold to Li Huixian's mother's house, Guangxu twelve years, Li Huixian returned home to visit relatives, saw Wang Guiquan's clever and clever hands and feet, so he took her to the Liang family to make a ring.

She was orphaned at the age of 4, trafficked four times, and died in a cowshed at the age of 85

At that time, Liang Qichao, who was in full bloom, thought that the name of Wang Laixi was too vulgar, so he casually changed it to Wang Guiquan for her, but he did not expect that this name and Liang Qichao had accompanied him for a lifetime, in Wang Guiquan's heart, Liang Qichao was gentle and elegant and talented, she admired him very much, in 1903, Wang Guiquan became Liang Qichao's side room.

At the beginning, Liang Qichao and Tan Si founded the Monogamous World Association together, he could not renege on his word, so he could not even give Wang Guiquan the title of a concubine, but Wang Guiquan was still without complaint or regret, and after giving birth to six children for Liang Qichao, she still did not ask Liang Qichao for a name.

She was orphaned at the age of 4, trafficked four times, and died in a cowshed at the age of 85

To Wang Guiquan, Liang Qichao could not be as kind as he was to his wife Li Huixian, but at least he respected her, and he once said to his eldest daughter Liang Sishun: "She is a very important figure in our family, she can serve me, share many of your responsibilities, you may as well write to her often to make her happy." "One year, Li Huixian's child was infected with diphtheria, Wang Guiquan guarded in the hospital, the clothes were not untied, and the child finally turned to safety, but her own biological daughter was also struggling on the line of life and death because of diphtheria, she was lacking in surgery, her daughter died unfortunately due to poor nursing, Wang Guiquan was very sad, but she could only secretly hide in the bathroom while crying and washing clothes.

On January 19, 1929, Liang Qichao died of illness at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Wang Guiquan accompanied him to the last moment of his life, when she looked at the relics as if she had no soul, Liang Qichao, although he had written and lectured all his life, was famous all over the world, but after his death, he did not save money, he also left Wang Guiquan a large family burden and nine young children, the youngest of whom Si Li was less than five years old.

She was orphaned at the age of 4, trafficked four times, and died in a cowshed at the age of 85

In the family is extremely difficult, Wang Guiquan from chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar to sew new repairs wash and change, her strong and independent personality has always affected the children, the impression of 9 children, the mother seems not to worry, always with an optimistic attitude to meet the tests and tribulations of life.

Because of Wang Guiquan's stoicism and diligence, most of her children became talents after adulthood, of which Liang Sicheng also became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1941, Wang Guiquan sold his family property, borrowed money from friends, and collected $400 for his son Liang Sili to send him abroad, Liang Sida went to Yunnan, and Liang Sining joined the New Fourth Army.

She was orphaned at the age of 4, trafficked four times, and died in a cowshed at the age of 85

The children left home one by one, resulting in the family being empty, leaving only Wang Guiquan alone, and there was no noise and warm atmosphere in the home, but fortunately, Wang Guiquan did not live up to her husband's instructions, and the children grew into excellent talents, but I did not expect that Wang Guiquan lived in a dilapidated cowshed in the countryside when the wind and candles were broken, and tragically completed 85 years of life.

The kind villagers secretly took a broken grass mat and buried her on the hillside, and when Wang Guiquan's children came to find her, they could only look in the direction pointed by the villagers, and in front of the overgrown deserted grave, the children ignored Liang Qichao's taboos, they all called Wang Guiquan a mother, they all recognized this mother in their hearts, and the children erected a sleeping monument for Wang Guiquan next to the joint tomb of Liang Qichao and Li Huixian in Xiangshan, Beijing, and there was a whitebark pine behind the monument, and her name was engraved on the stele, Wang Guiquan.

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