
It is said that the eight worship friends are the best friendships, do you know which eight allusions are?

When we describe the friendship between two people as very firm, we often say that these two people are eight worship friends. However, in Chinese history, which eight prayers are referred to at the turn of the eight prayers? I believe that after reading these eight prayers, you will definitely have more respect for this idiom, and then I will introduce it to you one by one.

It is said that the eight worship friends are the best friendships, do you know which eight allusions are?

The first is the friendship of Guan Bao

Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya are a pair of good friends of Qi Guo, and when they were young, they chose to do business together with a huge disparity in identity. However, when collecting money, the poor Guan Zhong was always able to get more money, so Bao Shuya's servants saw it and said this to Bao Shuya. "This Guan Zhong is really strange, there is no ability to invest money, but the ability to make money is quite large." Bao Shuya heard the servant's words, so he said to him: "But don't say this, Guan Zhong's family is poor, so he wants to take more money to support his mother, it doesn't matter if he takes more." On the battlefield, Guan Zhong was at the end every time, and everyone said that Guan Zhong was a greedy person who was afraid of death, and Bao Shuya would speak for Guan Zhong every time, "You misunderstand Guan Zhong, he is not greedy for life and afraid of death, he has to leave his life behind to take care of the old mother at home." "Later, after Gongzi Xiaobai became king, he decided to make Bao Shuya the prime minister, but Bao Shuya said to Xiao Bai that Guan Zhong was better than me in all aspects, and you should invite him to be the prime minister." Gongzi Xiaobai listened: "Guan Zhong wanted to kill me, he was my enemy." "Bao Shuya" said that he could not be blamed for this, he was also the master of all of you. Later, the company Xiaobai listened to Bao Shuya's words, and asked Guan Zhong to be the prime minister, and sure enough, Guan Zhong helped Gongzi Xiaobai to govern the Country of Qi very well, and posterity praised the friendship between them, and when the friendship was firm, they would say that they were Guan Bao's friends.

The second story is the friendship of the acquaintances

The friendship of Zhiyin must have been heard by everyone, this story is the story of the mountain flowing water, the two protagonists of the friendship of Zhiyin, that is, Yu Boya and Zhong Zi period.

It is said that the eight worship friends are the best friendships, do you know which eight allusions are?

The 3rd Neck-To-Neck Crossing

I believe that when you hear this word, you will also feel a little strange, ah,

The intersection of the necks

It is actually a story of Lian Po and Lin Xiang. This story is from the chronicle of Lin Xiang. At first, Lian Po looked down on Lin Xiangru very much and was very jealous of him, but after listening to Lin Xiangru's national ambitions for him, he had such an enviable legend as Xianghe.

The fourth story is the renunciation of life

Legend has it that during the Warring States period, Zuo Botao and Yang Jiaolai, the two met, and went to the Chu Kingdom together to ask for the King of Chuzhuang, but on the way, they encountered a fierce weather with heavy snow. Since there was no weather forecast at that time, the clothes they wore were very thin, and the grain they brought was not enough to eat, Zuo Botao left his clothes and food to his friends in order to keep his friends alive, and in order to let his friends go out well, he found a place to hang himself.

It is said that the eight worship friends are the best friendships, do you know which eight allusions are?

The fifth one is talking about the intersection of the rubber knees

This story is about Chen Zhong and Lei Yi, both of whom are said to be very clever, and later Lei Yi was recommended as Xiucai after returning to the countryside. However, Lei Yi thought that Chen Zhong was more qualified than himself, so he wanted to give up this position to Chen Zhong. However, the assassin at that time did not approve his request, so Lei Yi pretended to be mad, saying that he had a nervous disease. Faced with this situation, Thorn Shi had no choice but to let his friend become this showman, and posterity also called the friendship between the two of them

The intersection of the rubber knees.

The sixth one is about the friendship between chicken and chicken

It is about a person called Paradigm, who made friends with Zhang Shao, a Lunan person, when he was a teenager, when he was a teenager. They met again two years later, and Paradigm said, "When I come back in two years, I will definitely go to your house and visit your family." Two years later, I didn't expect that Paradigm hadn't forgotten his friend, and posterity called the agreement between them a chicken friend.

It is said that the eight worship friends are the best friendships, do you know which eight allusions are?

The 7th story must have been heard by everyone, that is, the intersection of life and death, which tells the story of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei's Taoyuan Sanjieyi.

The eighth story is about the friendship of the year, which refers to the story of the same age, but the friendship is made.

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