
What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

The friendship of the eight worships, the social communication customs of the Han people in the old times. The original etiquette of two disciples who have been friends for generations when they meet each other's elders is also called brothers and sisters with different surnames in the old days. Later, the intersection of the eight worships refers to: the friendship of Guan Bao, the friendship of Zhiyin, the friendship of the neck, the friendship of sacrificing life, the friendship of glue paint, the friendship of chicken and yellow, the friendship of forgetting the year, and the friendship of life and death.

Guan Bao's friendship - Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty, "History of Guan Zhong": "The parents of those who gave birth to me, bao Ziye, who knew me." Guan Zhong used one sentence to explain the status of Bao Shuya in his heart.

Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya were very good friends when they were young, when Guan Zhong's family was very poor, and it was difficult to support his mother. Bao Shuya knew, so he looked for Guan Zhong to invest in business together. When doing business, because Guan Zhong has no money, so the capital is almost all Bao Shuya's, but when he makes money, Guan Zhong takes more than Bao Shuya, and Bao Shuya's servants look at it and say: "This Guan Zhong is really strange, the cost is less than our master, but when the money is divided, it takes more than our master!" Bao Shuya said to the servant, "You can't say that!" Guan Zhong's family is poor and wants to serve his mother, and it doesn't matter if he takes a little more. Once, Guan Zhong and Bao Shuya went to war together, and every time they attacked, Guan Zhong hid in the back, and everyone scolded Guan Zhong and said, "Guan Zhong is a person who is greedy and afraid of death!" Bao Shuya immediately spoke for Guan Zhong: "You misunderstood Guan Zhong, he is not afraid of death, he has to keep his life to take care of the old mother!" After hearing this, Guan Zhong said, "It was my parents who gave birth to me, and the person who knows me is Uncle Bao!" ”

Later, the king of the State of Qi died, the Grand Prince Zhu became the king, and every day he ate, drank, and did not do anything, Bao Shuya had a premonition that there would be civil unrest in the State of Qi, so he fled to the State of Ju with the little prince Xiao Bai, and Guan Zhong fled to the State of Lu with the little prince.

Soon after, the grand prince was killed, there was really civil unrest in the state of Qi, Guan Zhong wanted to kill Xiao Bai and make Gui Neng successfully become king, but unfortunately, Guan Zhong shot the arrow deflected when plotting against Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai did not die, and later, Bao Shuya and Xiao Bai returned to the State of Qi earlier than Guan Zhong and Gui, and Xiao Bai became the king of the State of Qi.

After Xiao Bai became king, he decided to make Bao Shuya the prime minister, but Bao Shuya said to Xiao Bai: "Guan Zhong is stronger than me in all aspects, and he should be invited to be the prime minister!" Xiao Bai listened: "Don't you know that he is my enemy?" You actually asked me to invite him to be prime minister? Bao Shuya said, "You can't blame him for this, he did it to help his master correct it!" If you just want to govern the country of Qi well, it is enough to use me. But if you want to dominate the world, you must reuse Guan Zhong! Xiao Bai listened to Bao Shuya's words and asked Guan Zhong to come back as prime minister, and Guan Zhong really helped Xiao Bai become the overlord of the world, and Xiao Bai was the Duke of Qi Huan in the Spring and Autumn Five.

The Friendship of the Confidants - Boya and Zhongzi Period

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

The story of Yu Boya and Zhong Zi period is from "Liezi Tang Qing". The idiom "mountain flowing water" is a metaphor for a confidant or a confidant, and also a metaphor for beautiful music.

In the spring and autumn, there was a man named Yu Boya, who was proficient in music and skilled in piano, and he took a boat to Penglai Island in the East China Sea to enjoy the natural scenery and listen to the sound of the waves of the sea. Bo Ya only saw the waves raging and the waves splashing; the seabirds flew and chirped in their ears; and the harmonious music of nature sounded in their ears. He couldn't help but take the piano and play it, and the tone turned at will, blending the beauty of nature into the sound of the piano.

Although Bo Ya's piano skills were exquisite, no one could understand his music, and he felt very lonely and lonely, and he was extremely distressed.

One night, Bo Ya took a boat tour, facing the breeze and the bright moon, he had a thousand thoughts, played the piano, the piano sounded melodious, suddenly he felt that someone was listening to his piano, Bo Ya saw a woodcutter standing on the shore, that is, asked the woodcutter to get on the boat, Bo Ya played a tune praising the mountain, the woodcutter said: "Majestic and solemn, like the towering Taishan!" When he played the surging waves, the woodcutter said: "It is vast and vast, as if you see the rolling water, the boundless sea!" Bo Ya said excitedly, "You are really my confidant!" "This woodcutter is the bell period. Later, after the early death of the zi period, Yu Boya learned about it, and played the last piece of his life in front of the grave of the Zhong Zi period, and then broke the strings and finally stopped drumming the piano.

The intersection of the neck - Lian Po and Lin are similar

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

"History of Lian Po Lin Xiang Xiang Biography": "The pawn and the joy are the friends of the neck." ”

Bear the sin of jing, the texts that each of us have read in middle school, and I will not repeat it here.

The friendship of sacrifice - sheep's horn and Zuo Bo Tao

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

In the spring and autumn, Zuo Botao and YangJiaolai met each other, and went to the Chu kingdom together to ask to see the king of Chuzhuang, and on the way they encountered heavy snow, and the clothes they wore at that time were very thin, and the grain they brought was not enough to eat. In order to fulfill his friend, Zuo Botao gave all his clothes and food to the sheep's horn, and he himself hid in a dead tree and committed suicide. Later generations then called the confidants with deep friendship "Yang Zuo".

The intersection of glue paint - Chen Zhong and Lei Yi

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

Chen Zhong, Zi Jinggong, Yuzhang Yichun people. When he was young, he became acquainted with Lei Yi of the same county. The two studied the "Lu Poems" and "Yan's Spring and Autumn" and other scriptures together, and they were all well-educated. Taishou Zhang Yun heard of Chen Zhong's name, praised his moral integrity and character, and recommended him as filial piety, Chen Important gave up his meritorious name to Lei Yi, and applied to Taishou more than ten times, but Zhang Yun did not approve. The following year, Lei Yi was also selected as a filial piety, and the two went to the county government together to take up posts.

Chen Zhong and Lei Yi both paid homage to Shang Shulang at the same time, and Lei Yi was dismissed from his post because he suffered on behalf of others. Chen Zhong also resigned and returned to his hometown on the grounds of physical illness. Later, Chen repeated that he was appointed as the commander of Xiyang County, with considerable political achievements and innovative measures; he was promoted to the post of Taishou of Huijian Commandery (会稽郡太守), because of the death of his sister, he resigned from his post; and was later recruited by Situ to serve yushi.

Lei Yi returned to his hometown and was recommended as a Xiucai, and Lei Yi wanted to give up this meritorious name to Chen Zhong, but Shi Shi did not approve it. Lei Yi pretended to be mad, and his cloak was scattered in the street to appeal for Chen Zhong, instead of answering the order. Therefore, the deeds of the two of them were praised throughout the township, saying: Glue and lacquer think that they are one and indestructible, and they are not as good as Chen Zhong and Lei Yi, honor and disgrace and coexistence, and life and death depend on each other. Later, the three governments recruited two people at the same time, and Lei Yi was appointed as the Taishou of the Gurudwara, and asked him to supervise the customs and indoctrination of the various counties and states, and he set up a chair to give lectures, and more than 70 officials at all levels of the Taishou Commander came to listen to the lectures.

During their time as officials, they were honest and honest, helped the needy and the poor, wore liver and guts, and achieved remarkable political achievements, and later died in office. The people of the world praised: Chen Lei glue paint, liver and gallbladder look at each other; for the officials for the people, the voice of the government carries the road.

The Friendship of Chickens - Zhang Shao and Paradigm

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

Paradigm, the character Juqing, he and Runan's Zhang Shao are friends, Zhang Shao's character Yuanbo, the two of them studied in Taixue at the same time. Later, when Fan Shi wanted to return to the township, he said to Zhang Shao: "I will come back in two years, and I will pass by your house to meet your parents and meet the children." So the two agreed on a date. Later, the agreed date was approaching, and Zhang Shao told his mother in detail about the matter, asking her mother to prepare wine and dishes to wait for the paradigm. Zhang Shao's mother said: "After two years of separation, although the date was agreed, but it was thousands of miles away, how can you be sure of it?" Zhang Shao said: "Paradigm is a trustworthy person, and it will certainly not default." The mother said, "If so, I'll make wine for you." When the agreed date paradigm arrived, and met Zhang Shao's mother, Fan and Zhang drank each other, and only bid farewell after having fun.

Later, Zhang Shao fell ill, very seriously, and two friends from the same county visited him day and night. When Zhang Shao was dying, he sighed and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't see my life-and-death friendship." Yin Zizheng said: "We are both your close friends, if we can't call you a friend of life and death, who can still count it?" Zhang Shao said, "The two of you are my life friends, and Fan Juqing of Shanyang is my friend of death." Zhang Shao soon fell ill and died.

Paradigm suddenly dreamed of Zhang Shao, wearing a black hat and robes, and hurriedly called him: "Ju Qing, I died one day, buried on a certain day, and returned to the Yellow Spring forever." You haven't forgotten me, how can you not come? Paradigm suddenly woke up, sighed and wept, so he dressed in the mourning clothes of his bereaved friend and hurriedly rode to Zhang Shao's funeral.

The paradigm has not yet reached that side and has begun to mourn. When they reached the grave, the coffin was about to fall, but the coffin refused to move forward anyway. Zhang Shao's mother touched the coffin and said, "Zhang Shao, do you still have a wish?" "After a while, I saw the white car and the white horse, crying. Zhang Shao's mother saw it and said, "This must be Fan Juqing." After the paradigm arrived, the condolence said: "Gone to the Yuan Uncle, dead and alive in a different way, and never say goodbye." "Thousands of people who attended the funeral wept over it. Paradigm himself pulled the large rope that pulled the coffin, and the coffin continued to move forward. Paradigm then lived next to the grave and planted a grave tree for him before leaving.

The turn of the year - Kong Rong and You Heng

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, The Biography of You Heng: "Heng began with a weak crown, and rong was forty years old, so he made friends with him." ”

Kong Rong Zi Wenju, Lu Guoren, the 20th grandson of Confucius. Since childhood, he has been intelligent and well-read. It saw that Cao Cao's ambitions were getting bigger and bigger, to the point of intolerability, so he always wrote a song to satirize him. Cao Cao was jealous of Kong Rong's reputation and couldn't do anything with him.

Plain You Heng, the character is straight, very literary, but not among the seven sons. He thinks that he is a literary talent who is good at eloquence, untamed, likes to satirize current affairs, denigrates the powerful, and only cherishes Kong Rong, who also likes his talent. You Heng was just twenty years old, and Kong Rong was already forty years old, so they became friends. Kong Rong then wrote a song to recommend You Heng and praised him many times in front of Cao Cao. Cao Cao wanted to summon him, but he always scolded Cao Cao. Cao Cao held a grudge. However, You Heng's talent was very famous and did not want to kill him, so he sent someone to send him to Liu Biao in Jingzhou, and he insulted Liu Biao. Liu Biao could not tolerate him, because Jiang Xia was too defensive of Huang Zu's temperament, so he gave him to him. In the end, he was killed by Huang Zu and was only twenty-six years old when he died.

Shanyang Commandery guarded Xi Xi, saw the wind and made the rudder, and with a small mistake, asked for the removal of Kong Rong's official. Cao Cao took the opportunity to fabricate charges and frame Kong Rong, saying: Kong Rong once made a big fuss with You Heng and praised each other, and You Heng said that Kong Rong was "Zhongni does not die". Kong Rong said that You Heng is "Yan Huisheng". He committed the great sin of disrespect, and was killed.

The intersection of life and death - Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu

What are the eight prayers we call the Eight Prayers?

The story of Taoyuan SanjieYi can no longer be familiar, the three people were righteous when they were young, they did not seek to be born on the same day of the same month of the same year, but only wished to die on the same day of the same month of the same year. All three were Haojie at that time, who traversed the world for decades and finally established the Shu Han regime.

Later, Guan Yu was beheaded by Sun Quan, and Zhang Fei was anxious to take revenge, forcing his subordinates to be too cruel, resulting in being killed by his subordinates. Liu Bei knew that it was not in the national interest to cut down Wu, but he must also avenge his brothers. Perhaps, in his later years, Liu Bei was not a qualified emperor or politician, but if Guan Zhang and Zhang could have a big brother like Liu Bei, they could definitely smile at Jiuquan. Liu's use of the country and life proved the friendship between brothers and fulfilled the promise of living and dying together.

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