
Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

On October 19, 1950, the Chinese volunteer army, led by Mr. Peng, crossed the Yalu River and reached the Korean battlefield on the 25th. Early in the war, MacArthur, the commander of the U.S. Army, arrogantly believed that he could win the war before Thanksgiving. The winter in North Korea was extremely cold, the temperature reached more than minus 40 degrees, at this time, Chi Haotian stood up, in the Battle of Chosin Lake, he constantly interspersed between the positions, achieved great results, how fierce was the war at that time? How did Chi Haotian create a miracle? Click on it and start talking now!

Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

Born in 1929 into an ordinary peasant family, Chi Haotian was influenced by the new culture and had lofty patriotic aspirations from an early age. In June 1944, at the age of 15, Chi Haotian joined the anti-Japanese guerrilla brigade, and he did not want to see the Japanese invade his compatriots and he could not do anything about it.

In the Battle of Menglianggu, Chi Haotian was broken by the enemy's left calf, the environment was harsh, the medical conditions were poor, and the wound was quickly infected. To prevent him from developing tetanus, doctors were ready to amputate his leg. Just when he was pushed to the door of the operating room, Chi Haotian reacted, he grabbed the door frame deadly, did not agree to the amputation, and said firmly:

"If I want to amputate my limbs, I will have my head amputated first, I will fight, I will go back to the front, and I will die on the battlefield!"

The doctor could not help him, had to treat him conservatively, and worked hard to keep his body complete.

Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

During the Liberation War, Chi Haotian followed his troops to Shanghai, where he was ordered to lead a small group closer to the enemy. When they reached the north bank of the Suzhou River, Chi Haotian's troops and the Kuomintang Youth Army collided head-on. Chi Haotian was not afraid of danger, with a compound and a high-rise building, he occupied a favorable terrain advantage, while shouting for the enemy to surrender, he quietly led three team members from the sewer to the enemy division headquarters, without spending a single soldier to capture more than 700 prisoners, creating a miracle. Because of this, he also received the attention of Nie Fengzhi, commander of the 27th Army.

In 1950, the Korean War broke out, and in October, the Ninth Corps of the 27th Army also went to the battlefield, including Chi Haotian, who was a battalion instructor. On October 25, the volunteers launched a surprise attack on the enemy, firing the first shots of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and at the position of Liangshuidong, the volunteers annihilated a South Korean battalion and an artillery squadron in just over an hour. The first campaign lasted 11 days, and the volunteer army was so strong that it annihilated more than 15,000 enemy troops, driving the enemy troops south of the Cheongcheon River, and shattering MacArthur's dream of ending the battle before Thanksgiving.

Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

Chi Haotian would not have imagined that at the age of 21, the first unit he faced when he entered the Korean War was the US First Marine Division, known as the ace unit. Due to the rush into North Korea, the troops did not bring enough cold-resistant clothing, and in North Korea in winter, the temperature could reach more than minus 40 degrees. Most of the soldiers of the Ninth Corps were from the south and had little experience in fighting in the cold, which was destined to be a harsh war.

On 27 November, the Battle of Chosin Lake broke out, and at this time, the logistics of the Volunteers were extremely difficult due to the constant hovering of American bombers in the sky. Chi Haotian and his teammates could only wear a single coat and nibble on potatoes frozen into ice cubes to fill their hunger. Fortunately, he once followed his father to the Kanto region and had some experience in fighting the cold, he told reporters:

"As soon as it's cold, I'll rub the snow and rub my face again, so I'm the only one in the camp who doesn't get frostbite."

Chi Haotian told his teammates of the three battalions about this method, and as soon as they arrived at the camp, they let them rub their faces with snow to cool off and resist the cold, so that the soldiers of the three battalions were not seriously frostbitten.

Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

Due to the huge disparity in armed forces, the volunteer troops suffered heavy casualties, Chi Haotian's 235 regiment killed and wounded more than 600 people overnight, and the main force lost the ability to attack, so the regimental commander sent the reserve to the battlefield.

On December 1, 1950, after several days of fighting, a unit of the U.S. First Marine Division suffered heavy casualties and attempted to flee to the division headquarters to join the large forces. At this time, Chi Haotian received the task of blocking the US army. He knew very well that fighting weapons could not be fought, and could only be outwitted, so he formulated a plan:

"We put the cotton coat back, revealing a white substrate, and melted with the ice and snow to make it easier to hide ourselves." In addition, the warriors are now frozen and hungry, and they must control the speed, not too fast and too slow, and try to save physical strength. ”

Under the deployment of Chi Haotian, Gao Yunlong led 9 companies to catch the enemy by surprise and successfully captured the main peak of the 1280 highland, while the 7 companies he personally led took advantage of the darkness to touch the enemy's camp, completely annihilated a reinforced company of the enemy army, and captured the 1400 heights. Next, it is time to complete the interspersed task.

Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

At that time, due to the lack of air supremacy, the volunteers mostly operated at night, but Chi Haotian made a bold decision to attack during the day. Before the war, he held a mobilization meeting:

"Comrades, now that the enemy has been shaken on all fronts in an attempt to seize the road and flee, our army is pursuing the enemy on all fronts. Our 3 battalions captured two high ground in one night in a row, which shows that the US army is not terrible, as long as we combine bravery and technology well, we will definitely be able to completely annihilate the enemy! ”

Chi Haotian led his troops through the rugged and hidden path and touched the edge of the enemy's position. On the morning of the 2nd, Chi Haotian commanded a platoon of fighters to launch a surprise attack on the 1340 heights, while he himself led the troops to garrison the 1340 heights, blocking the enemy's retreat. The enemy only had 1280 high ground left to go, and Chi Haotian had already sent the remaining personnel of the 3 battalions to garrison here, so the volunteer army fully surrounded the American troops.

Chi Haotian performed a miracle, with 2 casualties taking 4 high ground, and the commander of the 27th Army: recalled for reuse

In less than two hours, Chi Haotian and his troops successfully captured 4 high ground, annihilated more than 10 enemy troops, and made contact with the 237 regiment, while their own side only paid the price of two casualties, creating a huge miracle. After the commander of the 27th Army learned of this, he immediately sent someone to recall Chi Haotian, so that such a talent must be reused.

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