
After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

In history, there were many Central Plains emperors who were captured by foreign nationalities and died in other places, and before the well-known Song Huizong Song Qinzong was captured to drink the northwest wind, there was a Central Plains emperor who was also captured, and he spent more than twenty years in the bitter cold land, and he had to die the emperors of the three Central Plains dynasties at that time.

This slightly sad emperor was the son of shi Jingyao, the notorious traitorous emperor in five generations of history. Although nominally Shi Chonggui is The son of Shi Jingyao, he is related by blood to an uncle and nephew. Shi Chonggui was adopted as a stepson by his uncle Shi Jingyao after his father's death, and after Shi Jinggui's death, Shi Chonggui naturally became the second emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

When Shi Chonggui was young, he was deeply liked by his uncle Shi Jingyao, and every time he traveled, Shi Jinggui also took Shi Chonggui with him, and Shi Chonggui also lived up to expectations, and repeatedly gave Shi Jingyao a good strategy for governing the country and breaking the enemy. Later, Shi Jingyao relied on the Khitans to succeed in starting a business, and became the emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty, and when he accepted the canonization of the Khitans, Shi Jingyao wanted to choose a son to stay in his hometown of Jinyang, so that he could go to Luoyang to ascend the throne.

At this time, the lord of the Khitan kingdom said to Shi Jingyao, "Let me choose one for you." Shi Jingyao then let his sons come out to let the Khitan lord choose, and the Khitan lord saw Shi Zhonggui in the eyes of everyone at a glance, so he said to Shi Jingyao: "This eye is big." Later, Shi Chonggui had a nickname called Shi Dayan, and in the few years after staying in Jinyang, Shi Chonggui also rose all the way, and was deeply valued by Shi Jingyao, and he was diligent and earnest to stay in Jinyang. It wasn't until Shi Jingyao's life was in danger that he had a turnaround.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

At that time, Shi Jingyao had to consider the matter of establishing a reserve because of his serious illness, although the ministers all strongly recommended Shi Chonggui at this time, but because he was a stepson after all, no matter how important Shi Jingyao was, he would not be willing to give him the throne.

Therefore, Shi Jingyao, who had been lying ill for a long time, asked the chancellor Feng Dao, hoping that he could assist his young son Shi Chongrui to ascend the throne after his death, but as soon as the old fox Feng Dao and Other Shi Jingyao died, they combined with Jing Yanguang, who held military power, saying that now that the world was in constant war, the mature and elderly Shi Chonggui should be established as emperor.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

With the support of these two people, Shi Chonggui justifiably succeeded to the emperor's throne. As soon as he sat in the position of emperor, Shi Chonggui's arrogant and lascivious nature was exposed, and the coffin of his father Shi Jingyao had not yet been officially buried, and Shi Chonggui was ready to do a big thing: he was going to get married!

It turned out that Shi Chonggui had long coveted the beauty of his uncle, and as soon as Shi Jingyao died, he couldn't wait to take her as a harem. So the absurd thing happened, Shi Jingyao's funeral and Shi Chonggui's wedding were carried out together, in the morning Phi Ma Dai Filial Piety cried and mourned, and at night wore red flowers and beat gongs and drums, which made everyone at that time extremely embarrassed and helpless.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

Although Shi Chonggui's life is a little absurd, one of the things that makes him stronger than Shi Jingyao is that he has a backbone. Because before Shi Jingyao, in order to claim the title of emperor, he called both a son and a subject to the Khitans, which made Shi Chonggui very disgusted, so in his state letter with the Khitan after he ascended the throne, he only called him Sun, not a subject. Shi Chonggui's meaning of this title is to tell the Khitan that I can recognize you as a grandfather in my personal relationship, but the country is decent, we are equal!

As soon as the Khitans saw that Shi Zhonggui was hardened, they immediately couldn't bear it, and then led a large army south.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

But shi chonggui on this side just ascended the throne, the whole country broke out of drought and locust plague, at this time the Khitan people invaded on a large scale, which made him anxious, and what annoyed Shi Chonggui even more was that his generals were really incompetent, and the cities at the border pass were broken one after another, and in the face of such a situation, Shi Chonggui had to drive in person.

Shi Chonggui's ability to fight was really unusual, and he repelled the Khitans in this place of Liaozhou with one shot, but the Jin state was also greatly weakened, and the national treasury was increasingly empty. At this time, Shi Zhonggui successively sent envoys to various places to collect taxes, which made the people of the Jin State, who were not rich in the first place, even worse.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

After a few years, the Khitan invaded the south again, this time more ferociously, with the momentum of swallowing up the Jin state.

The Khitans burned and plundered all the way to the riverside states, and the Jin and Khitan armies fought inextricably near Yulindian (present-day northern Anyang, Henan), after which the Jin general An Shenqi arrived and repelled the Khitan army. Seeing this, Shi Chonggui began to organize an army to counterattack, successively recapturing Taizhou and Suicheng (near present-day Mancheng and Xushui, Hebei), and the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang also mobilized 80,000 troops to prepare for a decisive battle with the Jin army.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

At this time, the Jin general Du Chongwei saw that the Khitans were increasing their troops, and did not dare to fight again, so he retreated to the Yangcheng area and began to implement the combat strategy of turning attack into defense, after which the Jin army continued to fall into the inferior position when fighting against the Khitan army. To make the Jin army even worse, their grain and grass were cut off by the Khitans. At this time, the Jin army was gradually falling into a situation of exhaustion, and the various units of the army were constantly surrounded and divided by the Khitans, but a strong wind brought a turnaround in the war situation.

It turned out that when the Jin army was fighting the Khitan army, the wind suddenly blew up, and the yellow sand covered the sky, so the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang let the Khitan heavy cavalry dismount and fight. At this time, the military master Yao Yuanfu proposed to directly dispatch cavalry to fight against the heavy cavalry on foot of the Khitans, and the Jin general Li Shouzhen Fu Yanqing and others felt that it was feasible, so they personally led the cavalry to battle.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

The Khitan army did not expect that the Jin army dared to fight with cavalry in the fierce wind, and the heavy cavalry action was very inflexible, and under the impact of the Jin cavalry, it was scattered for a time, and the armor was abandoned. The Khitan army was defeated, and the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang had to flee as a small soldier in the rout army, but fortunately he picked up a camel after him and was able to escape back to The Khitans.

Winning the Khitan army twice in a row made Shi Zhonggui feel in his heart that the Khitans were just like this, and they had the idea of light enemies. In the days that followed, Shi Zhonggui brought his intoxicated and lascivious life to the extreme, not only singing night and night in the palace, but even living a luxurious life, and he did not care at all about the advice of the ministers.

This way of governing the country soon gave Shi Zhonggui a bitter taste.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

A few years later, Yelü Deguang, who had fled back to the Khitans, once again led his troops south to prepare to regain face, but at this time the Jin state was no longer what it used to be, And Shi Chonggui had long lost his fighting spirit, and the years of adultery not only hollowed out his body but also emptied his country, and his generals Du Chongwei and Li Shouzhen also surrendered to the Khitan successively.

The rebellious Shi Zhonggui no longer had the ability to resist, and when the Khitan army invaded the capital, he planned to set himself on fire, but fortunately the Khitans sent him a letter to make him give up the idea of suicide. The Khitan people's letter said that as long as Shi Chonggui surrendered, he could save his life, and after seeing the letter, Shi Chonggui immediately drafted a surrender table to raise the city to surrender.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

After the surrender, Shi Chonggui was escorted by the Khitans to the Khitan territory with a northwest wind, but the more interesting thing is that on the way back to the Khitan by Shi Chonggui, the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang died! Shi Zhonggui, the king of the fallen kingdom, did not die, but yelü Deguang, who had won the battle, fell ill and died first, and such a thing was really unbearable. I wonder if Shi Chonggui would feel a little relieved in his heart when he heard the news that Yelü Deguang had taken a step first.

Shi Chonggui, who had lived a hard life in the north for twenty-seven years, finally died in the Khitans, and during these twenty-seven years, Shi Chonggui survived the death of the Later Han, later Zhou, and the emperors of the three dynasties of the Northern Song Dynasty, and if you add Yelü Deguang, he survived a total of six emperors. From this point of view, his life is really a different kind of legend.

After a lifetime of being ashamed of his "father" and having a vendetta against his "grandfather", he survived the death of three emperors after surrendering

Although Shi Chonggui had more backbone than his father Shi Jingyao, his comprehensive ability was really poor, and his strong military ability could not make up for the shortcomings of his ability to govern the country, and in the few years of his reign, except for a few victories, he really had no other record of showing his hand. In the days of his reign, the people were displaced, but he was arrogant and lascivious, so it seemed that Shi Chonggui was more suitable to be a general who guarded the border rather than a king of a country.

However, considering that when Shi Chonggui took over the Jin State, the entire country was already in ruins, and then coupled with the natural disasters of the years, he could still break the Khitan army in this situation, so that the fault of the destruction of the entire Jin State could not be thrown on him.

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