
In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, our country fell into internal and external troubles, and the most serious thing was that the Japanese army stepped into our land, burned and plundered in our country, did no evil, and committed heinous and heinous evil deeds. In that dark and humiliating era, many people died innocently and tragically under the butcher's knife of the Japanese army, as the saying goes, where there is oppression, there is resistance, although the Japanese army temporarily suppressed the resistance of our people with their advanced weapons, but it does not mean that the people of the whole country are cowardly and will not resist.

In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

Under the leadership of some advanced people, countless Chinese people rose up to resist, and in that era of war, whether it was the poor people or the high-ranking officials and nobles, they entered the ranks of the War of Resistance and made their greatest contributions to defending the country. At that time, both men, women and children made some contributions to the revolution, men joined the ranks of the anti-Japanese front, some elderly people formed guerrilla groups and the Japanese army to negotiate, the women who stayed at home not only had to take care of the elderly and children, they would also make some clothes and shoes for the soldiers of the War of Resistance, and some would risk their lives to pass on the news to the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army.

Although the children and young people were very young, they had already learned the truth of defending their families and defending the country in that war-torn era, so they formed a children's group at a very young age, and their main task was to send out sentries and pass on news. I believe that everyone has heard of the name Liu Hulan, she is a very great young revolutionary, in her teenage years for the revolution heroic sacrifice, it can be said that her age is very small.

In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

However, in the War of Resistance Against Japan, there was a girl younger than Liu Hulan, in order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was unfortunately captured by the enemy, suffered three days and three nights of torture in the enemy's prison, faced with the enemy's torture she did not say a word, and finally was brutally killed by the enemy, when she had just turned 15 years old, she was sacrificed at a younger age than Liu Hulan.

This brave young revolutionary hero's name is Zhang Jinglin, born in a very poor rural family, just born when the father died of illness, so the mother can only bear the burden of the family, because the family is poor, so the young Zhang Jinglin is distressed and sympathetic to the mother, often help the mother to do some housework. At that time, many women made things like clothes and shoes for frontline soldiers, so her mother was also one of them, and under the influence of her mother, she also had a patriotic enthusiasm.

In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

Although Zhang Zhangjinglin's family was very poor and could only rely on her mother to support her family, her mother was very enlightened, and there was a school in the village at that time, so she was sent to this school. In order to let her study well, her mother saves some tuition fees every day, so Zhang Jinglin is very grateful for everything her mother has done for herself, she studies harder, and repays her mother's nurturing grace with good grades, so Zhang Jinglin's academic performance is often among the best.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, many people suffered the cruelty of the Japanese army, and Zhang Jinglin also witnessed many innocent villagers who were brutally killed by the Japanese army. In this hatred, Zhang Jinglin hated those Japanese invaders very much, and from an early age he had the spirit of patriotic resistance. In order to defend her country and avenge the murder of the people, she joined the Young Communist Youth League at the age of 14, although she was the youngest, but she did things cleanly and comprehensively, was deeply appreciated by the leaders, and even elected her as an officer.

In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

Once she received an information that the Japanese army was planning to build a stronghold in The Tiger Foundation Temple, which could be said to pose a great threat to our revolutionary army, so the superiors needed them to destroy the stronghold of the Tiger Foundation Temple as much as possible, and in order to hurry, Zhang Jinglin could only take advantage of the night with the masses to demolish the Tiger Foundation Temple. However, what she did not expect was that a traitor discovered their plan and reported it to the Japanese army, so the Japanese army urgently organized a team to surround them all, and she did not feel panicked in the face of such a situation, but calmly let everyone quickly move.

In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

Under her and his organization, the masses quickly rushed out of the enemy's encirclement, and Zhang Jinglin deliberately chose to run the wrong way to lead the Japanese army away, buying a lot of time for the masses to retreat. Unfortunately, however, she was captured by the enemy, and the Japanese army put her in a Japanese prison, where the Japanese army threatened and seduced her. She thought that a small child could get the news she wanted by just scaring, but no matter how much the Japanese threatened to seduce her, she was not moved. Eventually, the enemy became angry and tortured her severely.

In order to cover the breakthrough of the team, she was tortured by the Japanese army for three days without saying a word, and was only 15 years old at the time of her death

She was tortured for three days and three nights in the Japanese prison, and Zhang Jinglin endured great pain, but she did not reveal any information about the revolution. In the end, the enemy knew that he could no longer ask for relevant news, so he brutally killed her and him, Zhang Jinglin had just reached the age of 15 at that time, although she left the people, but Zhang Jinglin's spirit of preferring to die would always remain in people's hearts.

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