
Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

From ancient times to the present, There is no shortage of heroines in China, and although women look weak, they contain huge energy in their bodies. They can often show greater willpower and heroism than men when necessary, so we can't take women lightly at any time. Women, whether ordinary or great, have their most admirable side.

Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

In ancient China, there was Liang Hongyu who repelled the enemy army, and countless heroines like Liang Hongyu emerged during the modern War of Resistance Against Japan. For example, Liu Hulan, Liu Hulan is a very young girl, but in the face of the Japanese army she did not choose to retreat, but unfortunately, such a young female soldier of the Eighth Route Army did not die at the gun of the Japanese army, but died under the knife of the bandit army.

Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

Zhao Yiman, who is also a great female warrior of our party, cannot fail to mention his name; Zhao Yiman is a female general, and he is also a female general who is both literate and martial. However, at first, Zhao Yiman's husband did not know that Zhao Yiman was actually the famous female general, until Zhao Yiman's unfortunate death, her husband sadly knew that his wife was such a female Haojie.

Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

Zhao Yiman is a soft woman, but Zhao Yiman is definitely not a weak woman. After being captured by the Japanese, Zhao Yiman showed his hard bones. In the face of the Japanese army's inhumane and all-out torture methods to extract confessions, Zhao Yiman only did to insist, from beginning to end Zhao Yiman never wavered, how many people have such willpower?

Zhao Yiman, an anti-Japanese heroine, was tortured by the Japanese army before her death, resulting in carbonization and cruelty in her body

What is even more unacceptable is that the Japanese army first used interests to tempt her to say important information, and seeing that she was not swayed by the interests at all, the Japanese army, who was ashamed and angry, showed his true face, and they insulted and whipped Zhao Yiman, but despite enduring such flesh and skin pain, Zhao Yiman did not leak any clues. And what is even more heinous is that the Japanese army used such torture as electric shocks against Zhao Yiman, causing some parts of her body to be carbonized, and a generation of heroes died at the hands of this group of hateful little Japanese, cruel to the extreme!

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