
Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

On the night of December 16, 1948, the auditorium of the Kuomintang Air Force Club in Nanjing was very lively, and Chiang Kai-shek was holding an award ceremony here to award air force personnel who had made meritorious contributions in the Huaihai Campaign.

In fact, chiang kai-shek also had a purpose at this award ceremony, that is, the balance of victory in the Huaihai Campaign at that time had begun to tilt toward the People's Liberation Army, and in order to boost the morale of the Kuomintang army and reverse the decline on the battlefield, Chiang Kai-shek thought of such a method.

But Chiang Kai-shek did not expect that at this moment he was already in great trouble!

Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

On the outskirts of Nanjing, more than 100 bombers and fighter jets had just been transferred by Chiang Kai-shek.

At this time, all the pilots went to the Air Force Auditorium to participate in the award ceremony, and after the award ceremony, Chiang Kai-shek also asked everyone to watch the movie "The Soul of the Nation" together. However, just as everyone was going to the auditorium with great interest, the hearts of Yu Bo and the other four comrades were mentioned in the eyes of the throat, because just a few days ago, they had quietly joined the ranks of the people and were ready to revolt and surrender.

On this night, they had planned to bomb the Presidential Palace with warplanes, but they had just learned that Chiang Kai-shek was going to hold an awards ceremony in the Air Force Auditorium, so their mission became to bomb the Auditorium.

The five men pretended to have seen the film, did not go, and after deceiving the airport ground staff and guards, they took off in a bomb-laden B-24 bomber and soon came to the sky over the Air Force Auditorium.

Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

Unfortunately, however, they did not know that our Party underground personnel had already passed through the inner line of the airport and manipulated the hanging bombs of this plane, so they had a malfunction when preparing to drop the bombs.

After adjustment, the bomb was finally dropped, but it could not accurately explode into the Air Force Auditorium, and it exploded not far away, so Chiang Kai-shek escaped the disaster!

The panicked Chiang Kai-shek quickly left the auditorium under the escort of everyone, and when he returned, Chiang Kai-shek was still very angry, and directly dismissed the commander of the Nanjing airport and punished more than twenty officers above the colonel level in a row.

So, who planned this bombing that almost made history? Who instigated these five rebels?

This person is the hero of our party's hidden struggle front, and he is also the person Chiang Kai-shek wants to find when he goes mad, named Chen Xiuliang.

Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

At that time, Chen Xiuliang was serving as the supreme person in charge of our party's Nanjing underground organization, and on this day, after careful reconnaissance, she learned that Chiang Kai-shek, in order to reverse the decline of the Huaihai Campaign, had transferred almost four-fifths of the country's aircraft to Nanjing, preparing to fight to the death.

At the same time, a major event was also brewing in Chen Xiu's conscience: If he could plot against a few pilots and let them fly to surrender, the impact on Chiang Kai-shek would be no worse than the annihilation of several of his divisions. Therefore, Chen Xiuliang set his sights on Yu Bo, a pilot of the Kuomintang Air Force, and finally succeeded in plotting against him, and there was the opening scene, which almost killed Chiang Kai-shek.

If it can be said that this time the plot was a little different and cost Chiang Kai-shek's life, then Chen Xiuliang's feat of opposing the Nanjing Guard Division was to hurt Chiang Kai-shek's vitality.

Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

On this day, an underground agent of our party came to Chen Xiuliang specifically and provided her with an important piece of information: Wang Yanqing, commander of the Nanjing Capital Guard Division, was a decent man, very dissatisfied with the corruption of the Kuomintang, and repeatedly expressed disappointment to his subordinates and friends.

After Chen Xiuliang listened, his eyes lit up.

However, how to do Wang Yanqing's counter-rebellion work in the end? Chen Xiuliang did not worry about this problem at all, because with her efforts in the past three years, the membership of the Nanjing underground organization had increased from more than 200 to more than 2,000, and it had penetrated into all walks of life under the rule of the Kuomintang, so it was still very easy to find someone who could contact Wang Yanqing.

Soon, an agent told Chen Xiuliang that his uncle was a fellow villager with Wang Yanqing and had a very good relationship and could come to help. Chen Xiuliang immediately made a decision and asked the agent's uncle to come and do the preliminary work. In order to ensure the success of the rebellion, every time the agent's uncle met with Wang Yanqing, Chen Xiuliang had to tell him the specific method.

Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

Wang Yanqing knew very well that this was the Communist Party plotting against him, but after all, he was the commander of the Capital Guard Division, and his determination to surrender was still difficult.

In the end, Chen Xiuliang simply went out on his own horse and interviewed Wang Yanqing, dispelling all of Wang Yanqing's concerns, and finally the 97th Division of the Capital Guard Division won the uprising.

On the day of the uprising of the Capital Guard Division, Chiang Kai-shek heard the news and was actually out of breath with angina. Later, Zhang Yaoming, commander of the Nanjing garrison, said in his memoirs:

"Chiang Kai-shek covered his chest with his hands, sat on the ground, and it took a long time before he eased up and scolded me: 'Where are the underground personnel of the Communist Party, you hurry to find it for me!'" ”

But where to look? If it had been so easy to find, Chiang Kai-shek would not have fallen to this point!

Chiang Kai-shek was holding an awards party when a Nationalist bomber came over and dropped a bomb

When the People's Liberation Army captured the Nanjing Presidential Palace, Chen Xiuliang went to find He Kexi, political commissar of the 35th Army of the People's Liberation Army, and the guards did not know her, so they stopped her outside the door and went inside to report.

When He Kexi heard Chen Xiuliang's name, he immediately ran out, tightly held Chen Xiuliang's hand, and said excitedly:

"Comrade Chen Xiuliang, Nanjing has been liberated, and we have won!" Welcome back to the team! ”

Later, Chen Xiuliang served as deputy director of the Shanghai Organization Department and propaganda director of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and died of illness in 1998 at the age of 91.

In addition, Chen Xiuliang's husband is named Sha Wenhan, who is also an important figure in our party, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the governor of Zhejiang Province and the president of Zhejiang University.

(References: "Chinese Soul", "Century Style", "United Times")

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