
After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

On April 23, 1949, this was a special day, when the Chinese People's Liberation Army broke through the Yangtze River defense line and liberated Nanjing

Chiang Kai-shek

An attempt to rely on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River to stop the soldiers of our army on the north bank.

Just the day after the liberation of Nanjing, all subsequent events were proceeding in an orderly manner. At this time, at the entrance of the Thirty-fifth Army of the Eighth Army of the People's Liberation Army, a middle-aged woman wearing a cheongsam and dressed in a simple dress came. When the sentries saw the woman coming, they stepped forward and asked:

"Is there anything wrong with you?"

The woman looked at the sentry and said with a smile:

"I'm looking for your military political commissar He Kexi, and I'm going to bother to go in and report it."

The sentries were also puzzled, not understanding what the woman was going to do, plus the military commissar who had just been liberated


There's still a lot of work to be done and there may not be time.

Thinking of this, the sentry said to the woman:

"I'll go ahead and make a briefing, now the political commissar's work is relatively busy, there may be no time, you wait a little."

After saying this, the sentry went on to say:

"By the way, what's your name?"

The woman smiled and said:

"My name is Chen Xiuliang."

After that, the sentry ran quickly to report. A few minutes later, He Kexi came out of the military building and trotted all the way to the woman.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Hokshi

The first sentence of the meeting was:

"Secretary Chen, I was looking for you, but I didn't expect you to come."

After saying that, he took Chen Xiuliang into the military building, leaving the sentries with a puzzled look.

In the office, He Kexi held Chen Xiuliang's hand tightly and said excitedly:

"I really didn't expect that the person in charge of the underground party who helped our army liberate Nanjing would actually be a woman, and you have worked hard during this time."

After hearing He Kexi's words, Chen Xiuliang hurriedly waved his hand and said:

"We are all for the party, for the people, and I have not done anything, those fighters are the real heroes."

Hoksy said with a smile:

"Secretary Chen is too modest."

In fact, before this, every time a top-secret document came, they would feel that Chen Xiuliang was a young man with great skills, and they would not think that it was a woman.

In the next hour, He Kexi and Chen Xiuliang discussed a lot, and when he learned that Chen Xiuliang still had some important documents left at home and did not bring them with him, He Kexi specially sent two vehicles to personally escort Chen Xiuliang back to get things by the commander of the guard company to ensure the safety of these documents.

Ten minutes later, the two cars slowly drove into the neighborhood where Chen Xiuliang lived, and finally stopped in front of her house, and the neighbors were surprised: She was a secret agent?

So, what is the identity of "Mrs. Zhang", who usually loves to play mahjong? It was actually personally escorted by the People's Liberation Army.

Later, after understanding, I learned that the "Mrs. Zhang", who had been playing mahjong with them, was the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and she was also an agent.

Seeing this, everyone must be very curious, what has Chen Xiuliang done all these years? How did she become the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China?

In 1907,

Chen Xiuliang

Born into a wealthy family in Ningbo, his father was a businessman and had some influence in the region. Originally, such a life should be very happy, but when Chen Xiuliang was two years old, there was a change in the family.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Chen Xiuliang

When Chen Xiuliang was two years old, her father died tragically, leaving her to live with her sister and mother. Soon after their father's death, the people around them set their sights on their home and wanted to seize their property.

In order not to let her daughters be violated, Chen Xiuliang's mother made a decision and took her daughters out of her home in Ningbo to find a relatively stable environment to live in.

In Chen Xiuliang's impression, her mother was a knowledgeable woman, and unlike other mothers, she asked her daughter to learn female work and do housework. When Chen Xiuliang was young, his mother spent a lot of money to invite Mr. Teacher, who was specifically responsible for teaching Chen Xiuliang and his sister's study.

In 1921, Chen Xiuliang was admitted to the Ningbo Girls' Normal School, and her sister was also admitted to the Qiming Girls' School.

While studying at the Ningbo Girls' School, Chen Xiuliang fell in love with calligraphy and planned to become a calligrapher in the future. At that time, in order to systematically learn calligraphy, Chen Xiuliang also paid special respects to a calligrapher who was a little famous at that time

Sha Menghai

For the division.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Sha Menghai

I thought that my future life would be arranged like this, but what happened next changed Chen Xiuliang's life.

At that time, revolutionary thought was like a flame burning on the land of China, and this flame also burned into Chen Xiuliang's heart. She began to read a lot of progressive books, patriotic articles, determined to become like

Qiu Jin

That kind of woman.

At that time, Chen Xiuliang, who was influenced by revolutionary ideas, also published an article called

The Salvation Debate

article. Since then, school leaders have feared that Chen Xiuliang would cause them unnecessary trouble, so they expelled Chen Xiuliang for various reasons.

After that, Chen Xiuliang met the director of the Propaganda Department of the Hankou Municipal Cpc Committee of the Communist Party of China

To the police

Xiang Jianyu felt that Chen Xiuliang had a revolutionary heart, so he introduced her to the Communist Party of China, and since then, Chen Xiuliang's life trajectory has completely changed.

After becoming the Communist Party of China, Chen Xiuliang has been engaged in the revolutionary cause, and has also made great achievements, which have been affirmed and praised by the organization. During those years, Chen Xiuliang met a man named


The man, who was also a member of the Communist Party, shared the same ideals as Chen Xiuliang.

As a result, Chen Xiuliang and Sha Wenhan quickly became acquainted, confirmed the relationship, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

However, Chen Xiuliang's highlight moment was actually after 1946, what did she do during that time?

In April 1946, Chen Xiuliang was appointed secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and was the main person in charge of the underground party in Nanjing. The organization gave careful consideration to this appointment.

Because since 1922, the CCP's underground organization in Nanjing has been hit by the enemy 8 times, and each municipal party secretary has sacrificed himself in his post, at that time the organization is thinking that it must find a particularly suitable person to take on this work.

In thousands of choices, Chen Xiuliang's information appeared on the table of the superior leader, which made the leader's eyes light up. This suitable candidate was finally found, that is, Chen Xiuliang.

First, Chen Xiuliang has worked hard over the years and achieved very good results; second, Chen Xiuliang is a woman who can better hide her identity, and it is difficult for the enemy to imagine that this woman who looks weak and cannot help the wind in front of her will actually be the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal CPC Committee.

Combining these two points, the organization decided that Chen Xiuliang would serve as the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal CPC Committee. At that time, he was the deputy secretary of the Central China Branch

Tan Zhenlin

In a remote farmhouse, the appointment of Chen Xiuliang by his superiors was conveyed, and chen Xiuliang was also analyzed by the situation in Nanjing and expressed the high expectations of the organization for Chen Xiuliang.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Tan Zhenlin

Chen Xiuliang also knew that this was a very dangerous job, because at that time, Nanjing was the base camp of the Kuomintang, of the 970,000 people in the city, 110,000 people were Kuomintang, and the streets of Nanjing were full of Kuomintang eyeliner.

This work is undoubtedly a tooth extraction, and the degree of danger is bizarre. However, Chen Xiuliang was very clear about this, she had long put her personal life and death aside, and was ready for new challenges.

In order to do this job well, the first step Chen Xiuliang did was to find himself a suitable identity for hiding. At first, Chen Xiuliang wanted to hide herself as an aunt from abroad, but it wasn't long before she found that this identity was not feasible, because this aunt from abroad came to Nanjing on the grounds of visiting relatives, and she couldn't stay in Nanjing all the time without leaving.

After knowing that this identity was not feasible, Chen Xiuliang immediately changed her identity, and after several conversions, she finally found a very suitable identity, that is, the boss lady of Shanghai Huade Electric Materials Company, "Mrs. Zhang".

After hiding his identity, Chen Xiuliang's work can be said to have officially begun. By chance, when Chen Xiuliang was flipping through the old roster of the Zhuji County Party Committee, one of them was called

Wang Weiheng

The name piqued her interest,

What's going on?

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Wang Weiheng

It turned out that she had heard that the deputy director of the Technical Committee of the Joint Logistics Headquarters of the Kuomintang Military and Political Department had recently been called by this name, and she asked herself in her heart, could it be the same person? Thinking about it again and again, she thought it was very likely.

Therefore, she handed over the relevant documents of Wang Weiheng


He instructed Sha Wenwei to investigate Wang Weiheng, and within a few days, Sha Wenwei brought the results of the investigation.

It turned out that these two Wang Weiheng were the same person. 1929"

Zhu Ji rioted

After that, the communist Wang Weiheng mixed into the Kuomintang army, and after so many years, he had become a deputy director of the Kuomintang, and the CCP thought that Wang Weiheng had died.

After knowing this news, Chen Xiuliang had a new way of thinking. If Wang Weiheng's heart is still toward the Chinese Communist Party, then he can obtain a lot of important information through him.

But the question is, how to contact Wang Weiheng?

Just when Chen Xiuliang was thinking, Cha Wenwei brought another piece of good news. He said to Chen Xiuliang:

"I used to have a relationship with Wang Weiheng, and the breakthrough of this problem is in me."

Chen Xiuliang's eyes lit up, and he felt that this matter could be completed, so he quickly discussed the details of the action with Sha Wenwei. First of all, the first step is that Sha Wenwei needs to create a chance encounter with Wang Weiheng and get back in touch; the second step is to test Wang Weiheng's true position. Only by completing these two steps can the third step be successfully realized: obtaining intelligence.

After taking concrete steps, Chen Xiuliang immediately implemented the plan, and she asked people to investigate the places where Wang Weiheng often haunted, which was used to create chance encounters. In this way, Sha Wenwei and Wang Weiheng met in a restaurant.

At that time, Sha Wenwei saw Wang Weiheng coming over and immediately got up to say hello:

"Are you Wang Weiheng?" We've seen it before. ”

Wang Weiheng looked at the young man in front of him and felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, so he asked:

"Who are you?"

Chauvinville laughed:

"It's me, I'm Shavenway, you don't know me?"

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Chauvinville

After hearing Sha Wenwei's words, Wang Weiheng finally remembered and laughed the same way:

"It turns out to be you, and we haven't seen each other in years."

Chauvinville replied:

"Yeah, I haven't seen it in years, come on, let's sit down and talk."

After that, Sha Wenwei and Wang Weiheng sat together and talked about a lot of previous things, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Chavin Wei turned sharply and said:

"I heard that you recently worked in the Kuomintang and became an official."

Wang Weiheng smiled and replied:

"What is an official and not an official is to eat a mixed meal."

Then Shavenway said:

"Then are you willing to do things for the 'family' now?"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, both of them fell into absolute silence. Sha Wenwei can guarantee that Wang Weiheng can understand this sentence, but this is exactly the case.

Only to see Wang Weiheng look deeply at Sha Wenwei, and after a few seconds said firmly:

"Yes, of course I do."

Both men were thrilled, and finally Cha wenwei said "welcome home" and left.

A few days later, on Chen Xiuliang's desk, some classified information about the Kuomintang appeared, such as the numbers of the units at and above the kuomintang division level and the names of the commanders, which Wang Weiheng had provided, and there were many confidential documents in the drawer of the Kuomintang office.

That afternoon, these confidential documents about the Kuomintang appeared

Chairman Mao

In front of him, Chairman Mao laughed and said:

"Well, our party has such excellent intelligence officers, and it is a great fortune to do so."

Some people in the Kuomintang are also puzzled, and they can't figure out why the CCP knows the name of the Kuomintang army better than they do.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Chairman Mao

This intelligence work can be said to have been done quite well, and it is really not easy to make such excellent achievements in nanjing.

However, as the campaign to liberate Nanjing drew nearer and closer, it was not enough to grasp the intelligence work, and in order to make the people less affected by the war, Chen Xiuliang began to carry out a large number of counter-insurgency work.

If the intelligence work is in the dark and relatively safe, then the counter-action work is in the open, need to reveal their identity, the degree of danger will be greatly improved, and every step of the action needs to be extra careful.

At that time, on Chen Xiuliang's desk, there was a list of rebels, which recorded some information about some Kuomintang military and political personnel who might be plotted against.

By flipping through this list, Chen Xiuliang gradually had his own plan. At this time, after the report of Lin Cheng, an underground party member of our party lurking around the Kuomintang, Chen Xiuliang gathered his eyes on a called

Yu Bo

on people.

Yu Bo, a pilot of the Kuomintang Nanjing Air Force Bombing Squad, particularly hated the corruption within the Kuomintang and had long ago expressed his disappointment with the Kuomintang, wondering why the Kuomintang had attacked Chinese with such a good fighter.

Once in and

Lin Cheng

During the chat, Yu Bo spat out the bitter water in his heart while saying to Lin Cheng:

"The Kuomintang is such a sight now, I really want to fly over there."

The speaker was intentional, the listener had a heart, and since then Lin Cheng has increased his contact with Yu Bo.

However, this time, chen Xiuliang's plan to rebel happened, so Lin Cheng suggested to Chen Xiuliang that he could start with Yu Bo first. After listening to Lin Cheng's report, Chen Xiuliang felt that this matter was feasible, and if this rebellion was successful, it could greatly hit the self-confidence of the Kuomintang and also provide help for the future work of plotting rebellion.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Therefore, Chen Xiuliang handed over the task of carrying out this counter-offensive work to Lin Cheng, who finally won Yu Bo through a step-by-step method, and Yu Bo also agreed to the uprising, but he also had another request, that is, he hoped to join the Chinese Communist Party before the uprising.

In fact, everyone can understand Yu Bo's uneasiness, after all, the uprising is not a trivial matter, but for the requirements of joining the Communist Party, Lin Cheng has no way to decide, so he told This matter to Sha Wenwei.

At first, Sha Wenwei was also very happy to hear that Yu Bo agreed to the uprising, but when he heard the request behind, he also made a mistake and reported the matter to Chen Xiuliang.

After hearing this, Chen Xiuliang said directly:

"Of course, you can join the Communist Party of China, and people will gamble their lives to revolt, and from this we can see that he has party spirit."

These words, like a needle in the sea, made Yu Bo's originally uneasy heart become calm, and he strengthened his determination to revolt.

After that, Yu Bo also found several pilots who had the same ideas as him and participated in the uprising together, which was a surprise for Chen Xiuliang. Together, they drew up a detailed plan for the entire uprising to ensure the smooth progress of the entire uprising.

At 9:00 p.m. on December 16, 1948, Yu Bo and several other pilots who participated in the uprising flew over the Presidential Palace in the most advanced Aircraft of the Kuomintang at the time, and several bombs were dropped. At about 11 o'clock that night, Yu Bo piloted the plane to our army's airport in Shijiazhuang.

The next day, deputy minister of the Central Ministry of Social Affairs

Luo Qingchang

Personally went to Shijiazhuang to comfort Yu Bo and others, and in the subsequent conversation, Yu Bo and others learned that the bombs that flew over the presidential palace that night and fell on Yanziji because of the wrong coordinates finally landed on Yanziji and did not explode to the presidential palace.

However, although it did not bomb the presidential palace, this rebellion incident also made Chiang Kai-shek almost vomit blood in anger, and ordered on the spot to be removed from the post of commander of the airport.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

Figure | Chiang Kai-shek

On the side of the Kuomintang, there was a miserable fog, while on the side of our party, it was full of joy, and the central authorities specially issued a commendation order to praise Chen Xiuliang and others well. However, Chen Xiuliang's work of plotting rebellion was not over, and she was ready to target the most advanced Kuomintang warship, the Chongqing.

In fact, Chen Xiuliang already had a plan in mind for the "Chongqing" plan to rebel, and she had an important piece of information a long time ago, so what would it be?

After the end of the Liaodong Campaign, the "Chongqing" above

Jiang Shude

Wang Jiting

Others had already begun to have the intention of uprising, but they had no specific plans at that time, and they had not made contact with the CCP, so the matter was put aside.

By chance, Jiang Shude heard that Wang Qi, who had been expelled from the army by the Fubo, had a brother who was probably an underground party of the CCP, and this news gave Jiang Shude and others the opportunity to contact the CCP.

So they found it right away

Wang Qi

At that time, Wang Qi also had the intention of uprising, so he agreed to help him. A few days later, Wang Qi brought back news confirming that his Brother Wang was an underground communist party, and he also told Brother Wang that Jiang Shude and others wanted to revolt.

After the Wang brothers received this information, they immediately reported it to Chen Xiuliang. Chen Xiuliang analyzed this matter and believed that it was necessary to seize Wang Qi's breakthrough.

After confirming Wang Qi's determination to revolt several times, Chen Xiuliang secretly met with Wang Qi and asked him to operate in Shanghai, while secretly connecting with Jiang Shude and others, and in this way, the secret group of uprisings on the "Chongqing" was officially established.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

On February 25, 1949, Jiang Shude and others, together with the rebel forces of the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China, detained all the reactionary officers on the "Chongqing" and also plotted against the captain Deng Zhaoxiang.

In this way, the "Chongqing" was in the captain

Deng Zhaoxiang

Under the command of the original course, he changed the original course and came to Huludao on March 4. After the Kuomintang learned of this matter, they immediately sent a large number of troops to bomb the "Chongqing", and there was no way, in order to prevent the Kuomintang from recapturing the "Chongqing", Deng Zhaoxiang and others decided to sink the "Chongqing" after discussion.

The underground party of the CCP has made the Kuomintang particularly jealous through one incident after another, and many Kuomintang members who were not very firm in their original position have developed the heart of uprising.

However, Chen Xiuliang's counter-offensive activities have not yet ended, and she still has to pull out one of the Tiger's teeth of the Kuomintang. This time, she targeted the commander of the Nanjing Capital Guard Division

Wang Yanqing


Wang Yanqing was a person with a certain degree of influence, and if he were to turn his strategy around, the blow to the hearts and minds of the Kuomintang army would be enormous. Through a series of intelligence, Chen Xiuliang handed over the counter-plot work to the underground party members

Lu Ping

Lu Ping has a fellow countryman called

Deng Haoming

He was Wang Yanqing's maternal uncle, through Deng Haoming's introduction, Lu Ping also entered Wang Yanqing's home many times, and through a period of slow understanding, Lu Ping found that Wang Yanqing was a bold person, and he was not accustomed to corruption within the Kuomintang, but Chiang Kai-shek had the grace of knowing him, so he never made the decision to revolt.

Although Lu Ping fought for him many times, there was still a fuse to successfully rebel in the end. But soon, the fuse came.

At a banquet, Deng Haoming said to Wang Yanqing:

"Loyalty to a certain person is a small thing, and doing something that benefits the country and the people is a big thing."

A word to wake up the dreamer, Deng Haoming's words made Wang Yanqing instantly awake, before he had been hesitant about this matter, after this banquet, he finally found the correct answer.

In this way, Wang Yanqing was also successfully plotted against, and everything was planned and carried out in an orderly manner by Chen Xiuliang, and before the liberation of Nanjing, Chen Xiuliang also rescued those "political prisoners" who were imprisoned, and plotted against many people.

After the liberation of Nanjing, a middle-aged woman was escorted back by the People's Liberation Army, and the neighbors were surprised: she was an agent

The Kuomintang also saw the strength of Chen Xiuliang's countermeasures, but they did not know until the liberation of Nanjing that the boss lady of the Shanghai Huade Electric Materials Company, who liked to play mahjong, was the main person in charge of the entire counter-offensive action.

On April 23, 1949, the People's Liberation Army occupied Nanjing, and Nanjing was liberated.

In the process of liberating Nanjing, Chen Xiuliang undoubtedly made outstanding contributions, and she told us with her own practical actions."

Who says women are inferior to men

”。 Tiger's mouth pulls teeth, worth a sentence of heroism.

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