
Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

"Zhongshan is windy and rainy, and millions of heroes have crossed the river. The tiger is better than the past, and the world is turned upside down. After the peaceful liberation of Nanjing, Chairman Mao wrote an imposing seven-law poem: "The People's Liberation Army Occupies Nanjing", which was propagated along with this poem, and there was a very famous oil painting "424 Clear Skies • Nanjing 1949".

"424" is the day of the peaceful liberation of Nanjing, on April 24, 1949, the meaning of "clear sky and ten thousand miles" means that the city of Nanjing was not attacked, did not go through the smoke of war, but a peaceful clear sky. Some of the people standing on the roof of the presidential palace were wearing plaster uniforms, some wearing Kuomintang army, navy, and air force uniforms, some wearing suits, and some wearing long shirts.

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

At the time of the liberation of Nanjing, the reason why such a peaceful picture of various groups gathered together was due to the middle-aged woman wearing a white cheongsam standing at the front of the picture, she was Chen Xiuliang, then secretary of the Nanjing Underground Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and it was General Chen Shiqu, commander of the Eighth Corps of the People's Liberation Army who was responsible for attacking Nanjing.

Chen Xiuliang is one of the most famous red agents in the history of our party, she has the courage and strategy, went deep into the Dragon Pond Tiger's Den, lurked under the eyes of Chiang Kai-shek for 3 years without being discovered, successfully countered the Kuomintang air force, navy, and royal forest army uprising, and made great contributions to the peaceful liberation of Nanjing.


Life is like a drama, if You see Chen Xiuliang's life as a movie, the plot of this movie is particularly ups and downs. Chen Xiuliang was born in 1907 in a wealthy merchant family in Ningbo, in 1907, it was the year that Qiu Jin, a heroine of Jianhu Lake, died, Chen Xiuliang's mother Yuan Yuying (later renamed Chen Fu) was an open-minded woman, she admired Qiu Jin's chivalrous courage and courage, and regarded death as a homecoming, often telling Chen Xiuliang the story of the heroine Qiu Jin when he was a child, and the young Chen Xiuliang's heart, so he planted a seed of national righteousness.

Chen Xiuliang also has a twin sister, the father died of a strange disease when they were very young, and the mother Yuan Yuying was widowed at the age of 19, one person took care of the housework, and raised two daughters alone. Yuan Yuying had read books and personally taught her daughters to read and write, in order to let them master the ability to dominate their own lives, and no longer like most women in that era, clinging to the cage all their lives and being other people's playthings.

Chen Xiuliang's later achievements are inseparable from his mother's careful cultivation. When Chen Xiuliang was 6 years old, her mother hired a doctor who studied in Japan as a teacher, just to open the child's vision, when Chen Xiuliang had tuberculosis, her mother took her to see Western medicine and take pictures, so that her illness was treated in time.

Chen Xiuliang did not live up to her mother's expectations, in 1922, at the age of 15, she was admitted to the Ningbo Women's Normal School, and in the school, Chen Xiuliang, who had excellent results in all scientific fields, soon became a leader among the students and received the May Thirtieth Movement. Originally admitted to the normal school, Chen Xiuliang wanted to become a teacher after graduation, so as to support his family, but in the dark social reality of the people's lack of livelihood and warlords at that time, such a simple wish also became an unattainable luxury.

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

The story of Qiu Jin's sacrifice for the revolution has always inspired Chen Xiuliang, in order to inherit the legacy of his predecessors and let the dark society see the light of day, Chen Xiuliang resolutely gave up the ordinary life of being a good wife and mother, and threw himself into the torrent of revolution without hesitation. She first served as the secretary of Xiang Jingyu, the female founder of the Communist Party, and then joined the party under the introduction of Xiang Jingyu. From 1927 to 1930, Chen Xiuliang studied at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow for three years, and after returning to China, he worked underground in Shanghai and other places for a long time.

On May 5, 1946, the streets and alleys of Nanjing City were hung with blue sky and white sun flags, and Chiang Kai-shek held a ceremony to return the capital in a magnificent way, as the capital of the Kuomintang, the secret rule here was even more strict to the point of no return, and for Nanjing, which was right under his own eyes, Chiang Kai-shek confidently called it "a city like an iron barrel".

At that time, Nanjing, with a total population of just over 900,000 people, more than 110,000 Kuomintang military and political personnel, accounting for one-ninth of the total, and more than 10,000 full-time agents of the Kuomintang's military command, central unification, and the Ministry of National Defense combined, had more than 10,000 people. While conducting strict interrogations at important passes and tracking and monitoring in the streets and alleys, the work of the underground party in Nanjing at that time can be said to be full of dangers and difficulties.

In order to cope with the complex battle pattern, the Communist Party began to establish an underground party organization in Nanjing in 1922, lurking in such a dragon pond tiger's den, for more than twenty years, the bloodshed and sacrifice paid were unimaginable, the Nanjing underground party has suffered 8 devastating blows, the first eight secretaries of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee have heroically sacrificed in Nanjing Yuhuatai, in 1946 there were only more than 200 underground party members left in Nanjing, and continued to carry out a hard struggle with the Kuomintang.

However, the dragons are leaderless, who will be the next secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee? This is an extremely arduous and responsible task, going deep into the tiger's den, not only to be able to save oneself alertly, but also to seize the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to the heart of the Kuomintang at the right time.

Tan Zhenlin, then deputy secretary of the Central China Bureau of the Communist Party of China, thought of Chen Xiuliang, who was experienced in underground work, and in March 1946, in an ordinary farmhouse in the base area of the New Fourth Army in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, Tan Zhenlin, Chen Xiuliang, and Chen Xiuliang's husband, Sha Wenhan, the three of them had a seemingly ordinary but significant conversation.

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

Tan Zhenlin said bluntly that Nanjing has the natural dangers of the Yangtze River, and there are many inconveniences in leading nanjing work across the river, so the organization decided to re-establish the Nanjing Municipal CPC Committee, with Comrade Chen Xiuliang as the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal CPC Committee, and Chen Xiuliang thus became the first female secretary of the municipal party committee in a large city in the history of the CPC.

As a veteran party member who has been engaged in underground work for a long time, Chen Xiuliang knows the grim situation in Nanjing better than anyone, but when she heard this appointment, her face was still as calm as water, and she seemed to have been mentally prepared to gnaw this hard bone. Seeing that Chen Xiuliang's expression was calm and he didn't say anything, Tan Zhenlin, as a superior, knew the difficulty of this task and asked her with concern: "Comrade Xiuliang, for this task, if you feel any difficulties, although you put it forward, everyone who can help organizationally will try to help." ”

Chen Xiuliang's answer sounded full of feminine tenderness, but what was reflected in the words was the fortitude and courage of how many men were ashamed of themselves: "Of course, there will be many difficulties, but it is useless to put it forward, and it can only be solved one by one after arriving in Nanjing." ”

In April 1946, on the edge of the rushing Yangtze River, Sha Wenhan and his wife Chen Xiuliang said goodbye, and the Xi Xi River breeze in the spring was warm and comfortable on people's faces, but Sha Wenhan and Chen Xiuliang's hearts were difficult to calm for a long time, Chen Xiuliang remembered Jing Ke who was separated from his friends by the yishui riverside a thousand years ago: "The wind is xiaoxiao, the water is cold, and the hero will not return once he is gone."

Chen Xiuliang, who was about to go deep into the old lair of the Jiang family dynasty, like Jing Ke at that time, was undoubtedly "exploring the tiger's den and entering the Jiao Palace", and her heart had already put aside her personal life and death honor and humiliation, and was ready to sacrifice at any time. On the occasion of parting, between Sha Wenhan and Chen Xiuliang, there was no crying and crying like a child.

For his wife, Who Didn't Let Her Brow Go, Chavin Han wrote an impassioned poem for her to practice:

"Boy I is rampant, is there no whale turning over?" If you want to get a tiger, you need to go into the cave, and now the tiger's den is Nanjing. ”

In the face of the upcoming struggle environment of the nine deaths, the mentality of the husband and wife is the same resolute: "Do not enter the tiger's den, but get the tiger." ”


The first step in Nanjing is to successfully hide yourself. Chen Xiuliang completely changed from appearance to identity, she took off her military uniform, put on a cheongsam, and transformed herself from a female fighter in a revolutionary team to an ordinary Nanjing citizen. At that time, Chen Xiuliang was already a middle-aged woman of nearly 40 years old, she was thin, with a pair of small eyes with a single eyelid, high cheekbones, no powder, plain dress, walking in the crowd, no one would pay attention to her, and no one would look at her more.

In conversations with others, she said that she had come to Nanjing from Huai'an to do business, and as an aunt, she had borrowed to live in the home of a nephew surnamed Zhang, and no one would have thought that it was such an aunt who usually loved to play mahjong, but secretly set off a storm in Nanjing City.

In the face of arduous tasks, Chen Xiuliang lifted a heavy weight, and the most important thing he did after arriving in Nanjing was two things, the first thing was to establish an intelligence system, with Lu Boming as the person in charge, and the second thing was to establish a rebellion system, and the person in charge was Sha Wenwei, the younger brother of her husband, Sha Wenhan, and the person in charge of these two systems was a single-line connection with Chen Xiuliang.

One day, Chen Xiuliang went to the home of Fang Xiu, an underground party member hidden in Nanjing, to discuss work, Fang Xiu's public identity was a primary school teacher, chen Xiuliang entered the door, Fang Xiu quickly told him that his wife and brother were now living in his home, he was a spy of the military command, and he should be careful to talk to the wall and have ears, so that Chen Xiuliang had better come to his home less during this time.

But Chen Xiuliang's idea happened to be the opposite, which was good news, Fang Xiu's wife and brother were in charge of radio work, and maybe they could dig out some valuable and important information from him, so they asked Fang Xiu to pay more attention. Not long after, Chen Xiuliang came to Fang Xiu's house again, Fang Xiu's wife and brother just happened to be on a business trip, but they forgot their handbags at home, Fang Xiu found that there was a bag of military codes inside, Chen Xiuliang took a look at it, and was overjoyed, this is exactly the Kuomintang military code that the Party Central Committee desperately needs.

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

Chen Xiuliang hurriedly told Fang Xiu that he wanted to lend the codebook to use, and Fang Xiu nodded in agreement and instructed Chen Xiuliang: "We must send the codebook back in the afternoon, because my wife and brother will be back soon." Chen Xiuliang took the codebook back and handed it to Lu Boming, Lu Boming and his assistant rushed to copy the password for 3 hours in a row, and after copying, Chen Xiuliang unconsciously sent the codebook back to Fang Xiu's home and put it back into his handbag. At the same time, Lu Boming also sent the code to Shanghai non-stop, which played a key role in the PLA's grasp of the movement of the Kuomintang army.

Because of the excellent completion of the work this time, the Party Central Committee specially sent a commendation order to Chen Xiuliang. To do the work of a secret agent, chen Xiuliang used a pair of eyes that were good at discovery to obtain a lot of important information in the sword-lined city of Nanjing. In war, the importance of intelligence work is self-evident, and it is often possible to achieve the effect of subjugating soldiers without fighting.

In addition to intelligence work, counterinsurgency work is Chen Xiuliang's second major task, the object of rebellion is very important, a little attention may expose the identity, after heavy screening, Chen Xiuliang set his sights on the Kuomintang Air Force bomber Eighth Brigade pilot Yu Bo.

Yu Bo's good friend Lin Cheng, a secret agent under the leadership of Sha Wenwei, met Yu Bo through his status as a doctor in the Fourth Army Hospital of the Kuomintang Air Force, gained a deep understanding of Yu Bo's personality and thoughts, and knew that he was a person who understood the great righteousness and was long dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt government. When Lin Cheng proposed to Yu Bo to let him lead the crew to revolt, Yu Bo agreed without hesitation.

Yu Bo's condition was to join the party organization before the uprising, and Chen Xiuliang resolutely agreed: "Yu Bo agreed to the uprising, that is, he withstood the test with practical actions, and he should be allowed to join the party organization." At that time, the Kuomintang Army uprisings occurred from time to time, but this was the first time that the Air Force piloted the aircraft to revolt, which had an unprecedented deterrent effect on the kuomintang's reactionary rule.

At 9:00 p.m. on December 16, 1948, Yu Bo, with five members of the crew, flew over the Presidential Palace with a B-24 heavy bomber No. 514, dropped three giant bombs, and then flew north, landing at Shijiazhuang Airport in the Liberated Area at 11 p.m. that same night.

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

Because of the poor vision at night, the bomb did not hit the presidential palace, but it scared Chiang Kai-shek half to death, so angry that he vomited blood on the spot and replaced the commander of the airport. After successfully plotting against the Kuomintang's first air force uprising, Chen Xiuliang set his sights on the Chongqing, the most advanced cruiser of the Kuomintang Navy.

On the Chongqing, there was also an underground party member Bi Chongyuan, who had been lurking for a long time, and he had been secretly planning a soldier uprising according to Chen Xiuliang's instructions. In February 1949, the Chongqing received orders to leave Shanghai and go up the Yangtze River to prevent the People's Liberation Army from crossing the river, Bi Chongyuan immediately decided to lead the soldiers to revolt, refused to carry out the order, and the captain Deng Zhaoxiang also joined the uprising and drove the cruiser to Huludao in the liberated area.

After successfully plotting against the air force and navy uprising, Chen Xiuliang's next task of counter-rebellion was more difficult and riskier, and she decided to plot against Wang Yanqing, commander of the Nanjing Capital Guard Division (97th Division), which was responsible for the security work in Nanjing, equivalent to Chiang Kai-shek's Imperial Forest Army.

This step looked earth-shattering, but behind it was also a meticulous plan; Lu Ping, a reporter of the Dagang Bao and an underground party member, knew Wang Yanqing well, knew that he was a person full of a sense of justice, and hated the corrupt officials and corrupt officials of the Kuomintang very much.

Faced with Wang Yanqing's ideological baggage, Lu Ping again found his uncle, Deng Minghao, a member of the Democratic Party, to persuade him that he should attach importance to the great righteousness of the country and the nation and not foolishly be loyal to the reactionary rulers. After that, Chen Xiuliang met with Wang Yanqing as the supreme leader of the underground party in Nanjing, China, and after a long conversation, he gave Wang Yanqing the last reassurance pill.

In March 1949, Wang Yanqing commanded two regiments of the Guard Division to revolt, break through the blockade and pursue, and successfully cross the Yangtze River. Chiang Kai-shek gritted his teeth in anger and summoned Zhang Yaoming, commander-in-chief of the Nanjing garrison, to come and scold him with a straight face: "The enemy has all hit the doorstep of the house, and you still can't figure out the southeast, south, and northwest, so you must give me the opportunity to destroy the underground municipal party committee of the Communist Party as soon as possible, otherwise I will come to see you." ”

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

Zhang Yaoming's eyes darkened, and he had no choice but to lament to his subordinates: "The underground municipal party committee in Nanjing is so godly, and unconsciously turned the imperial forest army in the capital away, where is it so easy to be destroyed, these people have seen the head and the dragon and the end, so where do we go to find it?" ”

The Nanjing underground party led by Chen Xiuliang did a great deal of work and obtained a batch of important military information drawn up by Tang Enbo, commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang's Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou garrison, and sent it to the headquarters of the Former Committee of the People's Liberation Army stationed in Hefei, such as the "Map of Nanjing City Fortifications," the "Map of Military Arrangements along the Beijing-Shanghai-Shanghai-Shanghai-Hangzhou Route," and the "Deployment Map of The River Defense," so that the People's Liberation Army had a thorough understanding of the Kuomintang's strength and equipment.

Chen Xiuliang also sent people to infiltrate the police, organized police officers to welcome the liberation of Nanjing, carried out the work of protecting factories, schools, and organs, and prepared a number of steamships for the Plaster to cross the river. On April 21, 1949, the People's Liberation Army launched the Campaign to Cross the River, and due to accurate intelligence, the defense of the Yangtze River fell apart in an instant.

On April 22, 1949, Tang Enbo, commander-in-chief of the Kuomintang Beijing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Garrison, decided to abandon Nanjing and blow up important facilities such as ports, railway stations, and airports during the evacuation, and Chen Xiuliang immediately dispatched more than 2,000 police officers who had successfully plotted against him to jointly maintain public order, and the enemy's sabotage plan did not succeed.

At 8:00 a.m. on April 24, 1949, the Kuomintang Central Radio broadcast a blockbuster news written by Chen Xiuliang himself:

"Our People's Liberation Army has liberated Nanjing, the capital of the Kuomintang... The Second and Third Field Armies of our People's Liberation Army, in accordance with the orders of Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu, bravely attacked and crossed the Yangtze River, the enemy army was overwhelmed, Nanjing was completely liberated, the capital under the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang was liberated, and millions of people in Jiangnan saw the light of day. All this is the result of the bravery and good fighting of the officers and men of our People's Liberation Army, the efforts of the military and civilians in the rear to support, the people of Jiangnan rising up to assist, and the unanimous cooperation of all field armies and local troops..."

Chen Xiuliang: Lurking in Nanjing for 3 years without being exposed, he successfully plotted against Chiang Kai-shek's Yulin Army and died at the age of 91

The 35th Army of the 8th Corps of the Third Field Army of the People's Liberation Army led by General Chen Shiyu first marched into Nanjing, and the underground party led by Chen Xiuliang and the People's Liberation Army cooperated with each other inside and outside, making immortal contributions to the peaceful liberation of Nanjing.

Years later, Chen Shiyu recalled the scene at that time: "Nanjing was actually peacefully liberated, and the underground party played a role in cooperating with the outside world. Most of the Kuomintang navy, army and air force had revolted, the enemy in Nanjing had fled, and the People's Liberation Army was able to occupy Nanjing peacefully. ”

After the People's Liberation Army occupied Nanjing, Chen Xiuliang, wearing a cheongsam, came to the headquarters of the 35th Army of the People's Liberation Army, and at this time people knew that this "aunt" who was usually not very conspicuous and loved to play mahjong the most turned out to be the secretary of the Nanjing Underground Party Committee who had been hidden in Nanjing for more than three years. ”

After the liberation of Nanjing, the Nanjing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China was reorganized, with Liu Bo as secretary of the municipal party committee, Song Renqiang as deputy secretary, and Chen Xiuliang as the standing committee member of the municipal party committee. The Nanjing Underground Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Chen Xiuliang as its secretary, successfully completed its mission and withdrew from the stage of history, and Chen Xiuliang also ended her lurking career.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chen Xiuliang successively served as deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee. Chen Xiuliang's husband, Sha Wenhan, died of an unjust illness in Hangzhou in 1964, and Chen Xiuliang walked over strongly, and after retiring, Chen Xiuliang also wrote more than 1 million words of party history articles with tenacious perseverance and illness. In 1998, at the age of 91, Chen Xiuliang died peacefully at home in Shanghai, bringing a successful end to her legendary life.

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