
Governor, Inspector, General, Metropolitan, Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, whose official position is greater? Look at the answer

Governor, Inspector, General, Metropolitan, Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, whose official position is greater? Look at the answer

There are many people who rush to answer this question, but Twitter said a lot, very messy, and, after half a day, I can't say that I am ugly. Some people even pulled down and said that these officials are mutually restrained and counterproductive, and it is difficult to say who is big and who is small.

Well, well, it's up to me to answer.

Use my method – the most direct, the most graphic, and the most convincing: the example method.

It is said that in the eighteenth year of Daoguang (1838 AD), the governor of Huguang, Lin Zexu, personally awarded the "Qincha Minister Guan Fang" to go to Guangzhou to ban smoking.

On the day Lin Zexu arrived in Guangzhou, all the officials of Guangdong Province and abroad gathered at the Tianzi Wharf of the Pearl River in Guangzhou to wait for each other.

Among these people were Deng Tingzhen, the governor of Liangguang, Yiliang, the inspector of Guangdong, the general of Guangdong, Deke Jinbu, the Duke of Yixiang, the left wing of the capital, Guan Tianpei, the admiral of Guangdong, and Yu Kun, the supervisor of Guangdong Customs.

Governor, Inspector, General, Metropolitan, Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, whose official position is greater? Look at the answer

It is not difficult to see that several official positions mentioned on the title have appeared.

Let's talk about the official promotions of these people separately, so that we can see which of these official positions is big or small.

Let's start with Deng Tingzhen.

Deng Tingzhen was previously the Governor of Anhui, and because the former Governor of Liangguang, Lu Kun, was not able to smoke smoking, he was promoted by the Daoguang Emperor and promoted to the Governor of Liangguang in the fifteenth year of Daoguang.

Let's talk about Yiliang.

Yi Liang was a Manchurian Zhenghongqi man, originally a political envoy of Jiangsu, and in February of the eighteenth year of Daoguang (1838), he was appointed as the governor of Guangdong. After Deng Tingzhen and Lin Zexu were dismissed at the same time, Yi Liang briefly served as the governor of Liangguang. In the twentieth year of Daoguang (1840), Qi Shan served as the governor of Liangguang, and his private "Treaty of Wearing Nose Grass" angered the Daoguang Emperor and was dismissed from his post and investigated. Yi Liang then concurrently served as the Viceroy of Liangguang, and was later appointed viceroy of Fujian and Zhejiang.

Governor, Inspector, General, Metropolitan, Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, whose official position is greater? Look at the answer

To add to Deng Tingzhen, after he and Lin Zexu charged the army of Yili, he was also appointed as the governor of Shaanxi and the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu.

Then, judging from the promotion process of Deng Tingzhen and Yi Liang, it is clear that the official position of the governor is larger than that of the inspector.

Then look at the situation of Guangdong General Deke Jinbu.

Deke Jinbu was a Manchurian bannerman, who initially served as the viceroy of Urumqi, then promoted to general of Jingzhou, and later became the general of Guangzhou.

To add, yiliang was temporarily removed from his post the following year after he became the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang due to the involvement of Dahong'a. It was not until the second year of Xianfeng (1852) that he was reinstated as a general of Fuzhou, and the following year he was transferred to the governor of Liangjiang.

It can be seen from this that the official position of the governor is greater than that of the general, and the general is greater than that of the viceroy.

In the 20th year of Daoguang (1840 AD), Du Tong Yixiang was promoted to general of Jingzhou, and later served as a general of Guangzhou, a general of Shengjing, and a general of Hangzhou.

The official positions of the incoming army are larger than those of the capital.

Governor, Inspector, General, Metropolitan, Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, whose official position is greater? Look at the answer

Guan Tianpei was originally the commander-in-chief of Susong Town in Jiangnan, and later acted as the Viceroy of Jiangnan, and in the fourteenth year of Daoguang (1834 AD), he was transferred to the Admiral of Guangdong Water Division.

It is not difficult to see that the official position of the admiral is greater than that of the general soldier.

With this information, it should be added that the general, the governor, the governor, and the general soldier are all military positions, and the governor is a feudal official, usually acting for one or two provinces or more, and has the highest level of management power, including the political, military, economic and other aspects of the territory. The inspector has the responsibility of "patrolling the world, caring for the army and the people", and is in charge of the people's livelihood, civil affairs, lawsuits, and so on in a province.

Among the military posts, the generals and all belong to the banner people, and the Han people are not allowed to touch it.

In summary, the order of these official positions, from largest to smallest, is: governor, inspector, general, metropolitan, admiral, and chief soldier.

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