
Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

author:Medicine for life

In this era of information explosion, a small "cigarette card" game has set off a storm among children. Recently, the news that a father burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards in anger because his son's addiction to the "cigarette card" game caused his grades to regress has attracted widespread attention. The father's behavior can't help but be reminiscent of Lin Zexu's Humen cigarette sales back then. However, this time it was not opium that was destroyed, but the "cigarette card" that threatened our next generation. What kind of social problems does this modern version of "Humen Tobacco Sales" reflect? Let's dive in.

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

What exactly is the "Smoke Card" game? Why is it so appealing to children? According to the CCTV news client, the "cigarette card" is a game prop made from discarded cigarette boxes. The children tore off the lid of the cigarette box, folded it into a rectangular card, placed it on the ground, and slapped the ground with an empty palm. It seems like a simple game, but it quickly became popular among elementary school students.

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

In the investigation, the reporter found that after school, primary school students often gather in groups of three or five to lie on the ground to play "cigarette cards". The level of love the kids have for this game is amazing. When asked if it was fun, the children replied without hesitation: "It's fun." "

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

More worryingly, there are many ways to get "cigarette cards" from different sources. Some children collect cigarette packs at home, others ask their parents to buy cigarette packs, and some children even rummage through the trash cans to find cigarette packs. What's more, some children have started to buy "cigarette cards" at shops around the school and online. One elementary school student even revealed: "The owner of the cigarette seller downstairs has a good relationship with me, and he gives me all the shells of the cigarettes he has smoked." ”

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

This phenomenon has aroused widespread concern and concern in society. The "cigarette card" game may not only affect children's learning, but also lead them to tobacco and even the vice of smoking. One parent said: "Some children buy their own cigarettes to smoke, and they smoke cigarettes to get a cigarette card, and I have found a lot of this." "

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

Faced with this situation, we can't help but ask: why is the "cigarette card" so attractive to children? Is it because we are ignoring the psychological needs of our children? In this age of material abundance, have we given enough spiritual care to our children?

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

When Lin Zexu sold cigarettes in Humen, he was confronted with opium that threatened the country and the nation. Today, we are facing a "cigarette card" that threatens the healthy growth of the next generation. Although the form is different, the essence is to protect our future.

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

So, how should we deal with this problem?

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

1. Parents should strengthen their attention and guidance to their children. Instead of banning it, communicate more with your child to understand their thoughts and needs. It can provide children with more recreational activities that are beneficial to their physical and mental health, cultivate their interests and hobbies, and keep them away from the temptation of "cigarette cards".

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

2. Schools should strengthen the education and management of students. By carrying out a variety of interesting extracurricular activities, students can enrich their campus life, so that they do not have time and energy to play "cigarette cards". At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen publicity and education on the dangers of tobacco, so that students can establish a healthy concept of life from an early age.

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

Third, all sectors of society should also unite and make joint efforts to create a good environment for growth. Businesses should consciously resist the sale of tobacco products to minors, and online platforms should also strengthen management to prevent the spread of negative information such as "cigarette cards".

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

Fourth, government departments should introduce relevant policies to curb the spread of "cigarette card" games from the source. Consider reworking the cigarette pack packaging so that it is no longer play-worthy, making it less appealing to children.

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

The ancients said: "When the youth is strong, the country is strong". Children are our future and the hope of our country. Each of us has a responsibility to create a healthy, positive environment for them to grow in. Just as Lin Zexu resolutely destroyed opium in the past, we should also resolutely say "no" to "cigarette cards" today, so as to clear the obstacles on the road to the growth of our next generation.

Dad burned nearly 1,000 cigarette cards angrily! Learn from Lin Zexu to protect the hope of the future of society.

Let us work together to learn the spirit of Lin Zexu and the wisdom of Meng's mother's three migrations, stay away from low-level interests, and shape a healthy and uplifting world. I believe that with our joint efforts, our children will be able to grow up healthy and happy and become the pillars of the motherland.

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