
He Tiangu, director of the Sichuan Provincial Government Research Museum of Literature and History: Literary and historical work should inherit innovation and be close to the times

Source: China News Network

He Tiangu, director of the Sichuan Provincial Government's Research Museum of Literature and History: Literary and historical work should be inherited and innovated and close to the times

Chengdu, December 24 (China News Network) (Reporter He Shaoqing) "Literary and historical research and artistic creation need to go deep into life and be close to the times. We often organize librarians to carry out cultural research and sketching activities at the grassroots level, so that the creative research results can keep pace with the times, and give voice to the people, portraits for the people, and biographies for the people. He Tiangu, a non-partisan personage, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, president of the Sichuan Intellectuals Association, and director of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Literature and History Research Center, said in a recent interview with a reporter from China News Network that in recent years, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Literature and History Research Museum has actively organized librarians to carry out a series of activities around the functions of Chongwen Jianshi, and strive to build a platform for literary and historical experts and artists to tell Chinese stories and inherit Bashu culture.

The Research Museum of Literature and History of the People's Government of Sichuan Province was established in December 1952. For more than half a century, xie wuliang, Chen Zizhuang, Long Lian, and more than 800 highly respected scholars, mainly non-party intellectuals, have been hired as librarians. In recent years, whether it is the Wenchuan earthquake relief, the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, or the decisive battle against poverty and the promotion of the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing area, the librarians have always served the overall situation with the power of culture with surging passion and a high sense of responsibility, and resonated with the same frequency as the times.

He Tiangu, director of the Sichuan Provincial Government Research Museum of Literature and History: Literary and historical work should inherit innovation and be close to the times

He Tiangu was interviewed by a reporter from China News Network. Photo by Wang Lei

"Although our librarians have different life experiences, they all have a tenacious and open-minded quality, always maintain loyalty to the motherland, and dedicate their lives to the cause they love." He Tiangu recalled that after being hired as a librarian of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Literature and History Research Museum, Xu Qianyun rarely performed on stage due to her advanced age, but when she was over 90 years old, she put all her energy into the cultivation of young theater art talents, and at present, many of her students have won the "Plum Blossom Award", the highest award for Chinese drama. "Xu Qianyun even sold her own house in order to help poor students study Sichuan opera, and the elderly often said that whoever loves Sichuan opera, she loves whom."

At the beginning of 2020, during the critical period of the national fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Museum of Culture and History held a public welfare calligraphy and painting creation activity of "Paying Tribute to the Most Beautiful Angel in White" and collected more than 180 calligraphy and painting works in just two months. Several librarians in their 90s took the lead in creating, and other librarians responded. In addition to calligraphy and painting works, we have also organized the creation of more than 200 anti-epidemic poems. These calligraphy, paintings, poems and works highlight China's anti-epidemic spirit and anti-epidemic strength. He Tiangu said that after the end of this public welfare calligraphy and painting creation activity, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government Literature and History Research Museum donated the works to the medical staff in Sichuan to express their admiration for them.

Recording the times and praising the people is the natural duty of literary, historical, and literary and art workers. In recent years, the Research Museum of Literature and History of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government has organized librarians to go to ethnic minority areas and old revolutionary areas to carry out research and collect activities. "Through on-the-spot research and collection, everyone not only collected creative materials and inspired creative inspiration, but also underwent ideological baptism, and the literary and artistic works created were closer to the times, and there was a force that inspired people to forge ahead." He Tiangu recalled that during an activity to visit the Red Army Martyrs' Cemetery in the Sichuan-Shaanxi Revolutionary Base Area, the tombstone of the martyrs' collection was engraved with the words "The party emblem is hanging low and the whole party is in sorrow." He was deeply shocked, so he wrote a poem that reads, "The axe is low and the hero is hanging low, and the hero is immortal and dead."

In order to dig deep into the cultural resources of Bashu region and show its unique charm, the Research Museum of Literature and History of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government not only holds an annual exhibition of poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing of "Bashu Literature and History", but also edits and publishes a large number of literature and history books, and holds a large number of literary and historical seminars with local governments and relevant units. "The excellent qualities of many librarians who are human and learn are very worthy of learning from young scholars. When Mr. Meng Mo, a professor at the School of History and Culture of Sichuan University, participated in the collective activities of the Museum of Culture and History before his death, he would come to the conference room early every time and sit in the front row, knowing that he was more than 80 years old at the time. He Tiangu introduced that Meng Mo's father was an outstanding historian of modern China and a descendant of modern "Shu Studies", Meng Wentong. In his later years, when Meng Mo was in poor health, he still painstakingly sorted out and published the "Complete Works of Meng Wentong", including nearly one million words such as manuscripts, poetry miscellaneous works, and anthology that had not been included before, filling the academic gap.

He Tiangu, director of the Sichuan Provincial Government Research Museum of Literature and History: Literary and historical work should inherit innovation and be close to the times

He Tiangu at work. Courtesy of respondents

The Sichuan Provincial People's Government Literature and History Research Center is responsible for "inheriting culture, casting the soul of Bacon, and using culture as a person", and it is normal to carry out the "four histories" education focusing on the history of the Communist Party of China. In recent years, He Tiangu has organized librarians to carry out theme creation and research around major historical nodes for many times. After serving as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 2018, He Tiangu put forward a proposal to start editing the National History of the People's Republic of China.

"The cultivation of the prosperous world is the tradition of the Chinese nation, and in the more than 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the CPC has led the people to experience a great historical leap from standing up to getting rich and then becoming strong. He Tiangu said: After the reform and opening up, two rounds of compilation of local chronicles have been carried out throughout the country, accumulating a lot of historical materials, and at the same time forging a group of experienced troops for compiling and revising histories, and incorporating the achievements of New China's construction, reform, and development in the past few decades into the national memory and national memory in the form of national history. (End)