
The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the enthusiastic sons and daughters of the awakened China put on their military uniforms and rushed to the battlefield, only to eliminate the invaders who occupied China's territory, who were heroic and fearless on the battlefield and wrote the prologue to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan with their lives. After the founding of New China, those soldiers who heroically killed the enemy on the anti-Japanese battlefield did not seek fame and fortune, and returned to their identity as ordinary people. With the passage of time, the living conditions of anti-war veterans have received more attention, but many anti-war veterans have been questioned by many people because of the loss of objects proving their identities.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

Special seals

There is a ninety-year-old man named Qian Jianmin in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, who is blind in both eyes and has a clear scar on his mouth. The elderly Qian Jianmin and his daughter and son-in-law lived together, and the daughter Qian Xiaohui only knew that her father had killed the Japanese army on the battlefield, and as for the details of the old man's participation in the War of Resistance, Qian Jianmin did not tell Qian Xiaohui in detail. Because the family's economic conditions are not particularly good, daughter Qian Xiaohui often runs at both ends of the family work in order to take care of her father. When Qian Xiaohui learned that the Public Welfare Fund for Caring for Anti-Japanese War Veterans was established, she persuaded her father to sign up. Later, volunteers came to Qian Jianmin's home to visit, hoping to learn more about the War of Resistance from the elderly population.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

In the face of the volunteers who came to visit, qian Jianmin, who was already ninety years old, although he could not remember many things, he could only clearly and forcefully tell about his participation in the War of Resistance. It is known from the elderly Qian Jianmin that he was a student of the Army Mechanization School and had followed the Chinese Expeditionary Force into Burma to fight the Japanese army. Volunteers also learned from Qian Xiaohui that there was a white paper stamped with a red seal inside the old man's home, and after the white paper was spread out, the words "Seal of the Headquarters of the Eighteenth Division" were written on it.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

Uncover the past

Qian Jianmin was born in 1922 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and studied at Furen Middle School. In 1937, Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China, Wuxi was bombed by Japanese warplanes, and Qian Jianmin and his sister and brother-in-law took refuge in Chongqing. Seeing that the country was constantly destroyed by the artillery fire of the Japanese army, Qian Jianmin decided to take the army mechanization school to learn military knowledge, and after coming out, he went to the battlefield to kill the enemy. In 1940, Qian Jianmin successfully entered the Army Mechanization School, where he underwent rigorous military training, and also saw advanced foreign chariots, but the number was limited and could only be used as teaching aids.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

After graduating from the Army Mechanized School, Qian Jianmin was reluctant to stay in the school to teach and became a member of the Expeditionary Force's indian army. In 1943, the Chinese army in India launched a counter-offensive against the Japanese army occupying northern Burma and western Yunnan, in order to open the Sino-Indian highway, the new 22nd Division was responsible for fighting against the Japanese 18th Division, at this time Qian Jianmin was the trainee commander of the 1st Battalion of Chariots of the 66th Regiment of the New 22nd Division. After the battle began, the Japanese 18th Division withdrew to Valuban under the attack of tanks from the 1st Battalion of Tanks and built a defensive position near Valuban.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

Therefore, the 1st Battalion of Chariots decided to send troops around the rear of the Japanese army to launch an attack, and Qian Jianmin and his troops went around the enemy's rear to hide in the primeval forest to find a suitable time to launch a surprise attack on the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery positions. The 18th Division suffered heavy casualties in the battle, and the headquarters' Guanfang Great Seal was captured. The victory of the war made the soldiers very happy, and the Japanese military guanfang was also stamped on several white pieces of paper. Qian Jianmin also built a few sheets and sent them to his family. After the burmese campaign, Qian Jianmin returned to China.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

In 1945, on the way back from transporting anti-war materials, Qian Jianmin encountered bandits harassing the people, and Qian Jianmin, who had a sense of justice, immediately stopped to stop the bandits from continuing to commit rampant evil. In the process of fighting the bandits, Qian Jianmin was hit in the jaw, and his eyes were hit by shrapnel that flew after the grenade exploded, and blood continued to be left from his face. Later, after the doctor's rescue, Qian Jianmin saved his life and has been blind in both eyes ever since. After the founding of New China, he returned to his hometown to live, and it was not until Qian Jianmin's information showed on the Public Welfare Fund for Caring for Anti-Japanese War Veterans that people paid attention to this hero.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

Old man wishes

However, the seal alone could not prove the identity of the old man, and later You Jieshi, a student of the Army Mechanization School who was the same as Qian Jianmin, provided the proof. When the volunteers asked the old man again what he wanted to fulfill, the old man mentioned that he wanted to touch the chariots of the Chinese armored forces. In order to meet the wishes of the veterans of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Armored Brigade of the First Army of the People's Liberation Army transferred 6 tanks to welcome the elderly to visit the troops. When the elderly Qian Jianmin touched the new chariot of the Chinese troops, he was very excited and no longer had to envy the advanced chariots abroad. In 2018, the elderly Qian Jianmin died of illness, and his exploits will still be immortal.

The ninety-year-old man was blind, the red mark on the paper in his home revealed the past, and the armored brigade directly transferred 6 tanks to greet him

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