
The Taiwanese military displayed unmass-produced combat vehicles, which were unstable at ultra-high and overweight low speeds, and the restart of the project exposed the combat target

author:Wenchang talks every day

Recently, the Taiwan military openly displayed its second-generation "wheeled combat vehicle" to the media on the island, and the scene of the combat vehicle was also explained simultaneously. During the demonstration of the "two-axis stability of the turret," the combat vehicle jointly developed by Taiwan's "Chinese Academy of Sciences," the "Armaments Administration," and the responsible department of the armored forces of the Taiwan military clearly demonstrated the immaturity of various technologies, the fact that the combat vehicle was still unstable at low speeds, and that the shortcomings of being ultra-high and overweight were fully exposed.

The Taiwanese military displayed unmass-produced combat vehicles, which were unstable at ultra-high and overweight low speeds, and the restart of the project exposed the combat target

This tank cost nearly 200 million yuan to build a combat vehicle, and the reason why it failed to be mass-produced can be imagined. But I really didn't expect that the Taiwan military would dare to show it. And they are also ready to restart this project, because after the Taiwan Army "redraws the battle plan", it will need an updated version of this combat vehicle. The degree to which the Taiwan military attaches importance to this combat vehicle can be imagined.

The Taiwanese military displayed unmass-produced combat vehicles, which were unstable at ultra-high and overweight low speeds, and the restart of the project exposed the combat target

In fact, the origin of this tank project can be traced back to 2007, when Taiwan's "Armaments Administration" obtained the "Black Bear Chariot" on the 2007 "Taipei Aerospace Exhibition" according to the "Clouded Leopard", and the United States still wanted to sell them "wheeled chariots" at that time. Then, between 2017 and 2020, the United States gradually did not want to provide them with "wheeled chariots", and they could only hope for self-control. Why doesn't the United States want to supply this armament? Because the United States' operational demand for the Taiwan military is not to win, but to think that once the Taiwan army and the PLA really fight, they hope that the two sides can fall into street battles and start a war of attrition, so that the Chinese and the Chinese can wear down internally, and the United States can gain more benefits. As a tactical equipment that can only be used in a rapid and mobile combat plan, the "wheeled combat vehicle" naturally does not meet the operational expectations of the US side for the Taiwan military. The sinister intentions of the US side are evident.

The Taiwanese military displayed unmass-produced combat vehicles, which were unstable at ultra-high and overweight low speeds, and the restart of the project exposed the combat target

So why did the Taiwan military go to great lengths to toss the "wheeled chariot"? Let's see what the "wheeled combat vehicles" produced by the Taiwan army really look like. The newly displayed combat vehicle, which is 4 meters high, has a very high center of gravity due to the huge turret, which is contrary to the combat concept of "wheeled combat vehicles". The Taiwanese army understands this shortcoming, therefore, they will adjust it on the third generation of "wheeled combat vehicles", so that the combat vehicles are lowered to less than 3 meters.

The Taiwanese military displayed unmass-produced combat vehicles, which were unstable at ultra-high and overweight low speeds, and the restart of the project exposed the combat target

However, it is precisely because of the various dissatisfaction of the Taiwan military and the impatience to restart this project, which has little prospects, that their operational objectives have been exposed. What do they want to quickly assemble powerful heavy weapons? Naturally, they are stubborn and waiting for help. Who do they want to wait for to "come to the rescue"? The answer to this is obvious, they obviously want to wait for the United States to "save" them, but as mentioned earlier, the United States has no such intention at all. If you want me to say that the "Taiwan independence elements" should give up their illusions as soon as possible, if they really have to wait for the PLA to make a move, it will definitely be a thunderous force, and how can they have the opportunity to hold on to help or cause damage?

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