
As a German fan 🇩🇪 for 22 years, after experiencing the trough of recent major competitions, it was not easy to watch the German tank regain some of its former shadow at this European Cup, but it turned out to be a coincidence

author:Red furnace snow

As a German fan 🇩🇪 for 22 years, after experiencing the trough of recent major tournaments, I finally watched the German tank find some of the shadow of the past in this European Cup, and it happened that I met the duck 🇪🇸 who also found the shadow of the past. The little anticipation that had just risen was about to be extinguished again.

The reason why I say this is because after watching the German team's games for so many years, I found that the German team, whether in its heyday or in the trough, has always had a few sufferers, as long as they meet them, they will lose more and win less.

As far as I have watched football over the years, the two biggest sufferers in Germany are the duck 🇪🇸 & pear 🇮🇹. In recent tournaments, as long as you encounter these two teams, you will inevitably be eliminated. After the pear was eliminated by Switzerland, I was glad that there was one less bitter master, but I never thought that I would meet the duck in the 1/4 finals.

To be honest, I don't dare to expect Germany to beat Banya this time, I can only hope to play normally and strive to enter the semi-finals smoothly. If you can really cross the hurdle of the duck this time, I think the rest of the road will be smooth!

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As a German fan 🇩🇪 for 22 years, after experiencing the trough of recent major competitions, it was not easy to watch the German tank regain some of its former shadow at this European Cup, but it turned out to be a coincidence
As a German fan 🇩🇪 for 22 years, after experiencing the trough of recent major competitions, it was not easy to watch the German tank regain some of its former shadow at this European Cup, but it turned out to be a coincidence
As a German fan 🇩🇪 for 22 years, after experiencing the trough of recent major competitions, it was not easy to watch the German tank regain some of its former shadow at this European Cup, but it turned out to be a coincidence

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