
From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

Welcome to see this article on history of xiaobian, if you can bring you a little knowledge and analysis, it is the honor of xiaobian, let's take a look at it with Xiaobian!

In the long ancient Chinese feudal society, chastity and the consciousness from the beginning to the end were the virtues that women must abide by, and under the shackles of this feudal creed, women's remarriage became an unchaste and shameful behavior in some social periods, and they would be scolded by people. But historically, this woman not only chose to remarry, but she eventually became a lucky person who was rich and wealthy.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

This woman was from the Han Dynasty, she was the concubine of Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the biological mother of Liu Heng, the Emperor of Han Wen.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

Bo Ji's origin was a little awkward, saying that she was a nobleman, she was not counted; saying that she was a poor person, she also had the blood of the Wei State Sect. The "Records of History" records that "Empress Bo, her father Wuren, surnamed Bo, Qin Shi and the daughter of the late Wei Emperor Wangzong, Wei Mitong, gave birth to Bo Ji, and Bo's father died in Shanyin, because of the burial." That is to say, Bo Ji's father was a Wu guoren, and during the Qin Dynasty, he had an affair with the daughter of the deceased Emperor Wei Guozong, Wei Mi, and gave birth to a daughter Bo Ji, and it was not long before Bo Ji's father, Bo Shi, died, and her mother Wei Mi raised this daughter with difficulty. At this time, the Qin Dynasty was in turmoil, and the remnants of the princes of the Warring States period were divided and prepared to revive the country that had died, and Wei Bao, a descendant of the Wei dynasty, also set up another portal at this time and proclaimed himself the King of Wei.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

Because Wei Mi was also a descendant of the Wei State Sect, so she had a special affection for the homeland, wei Bao sent her teenage daughter Bo Ji into the palace of the King of Wei after she established herself, at this time Bo Ji was already pavilion and beautiful, Wei Bao coveted Bo Ji's beauty, and soon took Bo Ji as his concubine.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

Once, Wei Mi found a fortune teller who was very famous at that time to tell the fortune of her daughter Bo Ji, and this fortune teller looked at Bo Ji's face and said, "Madame will definitely give birth to a son of heaven in the future and become a noble lady who is high above." Upon hearing this, not only Wei Mi and Bo Ji were very happy, but even Wei Bao on the side was suddenly excited, and he thought to himself: "Bo Ji is my concubine, and the Heavenly Son she gave birth to must also be my son, so I will also be half a Heavenly Son at that time"!

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

Wei Bao himself was a person with little political acumen, and after listening to such a prediction by the fortune teller, he was convinced of the fate of his "father of the Son of Heaven", so he immediately changed his military strategy, violated the treaty with Liu Bang to attack Chu, and turned to Liu Bang and Xiang Yu left and right, in order to remain neutral and sit on the fisherman.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

This act of Wei Bao infuriated Liu Bang, and Liu Bang immediately sent Cao To lead troops to attack Wei Bao, and it was not long before Wei Bao collapsed and was captured by Liu Bang. After Liu Bang occupied the Palace of the King of Wei, he sent all of Wei Bao's harem concubines to the weaving room to spin thread and weave cloth, and Bo Ji was among them. One day, Liu Bang went to the weaving room on a whim, saw the beautiful and charming Bo Ji, and summoned her into the harem. After Liu Bang spoiled Bo Ji once, he left her behind and never summoned her again. But it was this time that Bo Ji became pregnant, and eventually gave birth to a son for Liu Bang, that is, the later Han Wen Emperor Liu Heng.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

Bo Ji was left out in the cold by Liu Bang, alone with loneliness and loneliness, and raised her only son, Liu Heng. After Liu Bang's death, Lü Yan began a frenzied revenge against Liu Bang's favored concubines, and even mutilated Liu Bang's sons one by one. Perhaps in Lü Yan's heart, Bo Ji and her had the same fate of pity, and they were both snubbed by Liu Bang, so she did not kill Bo Ji fiercely, but allowed her to go to the fiefdom of her son Liu Heng, the acting king, to raise her for a long time.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

After Lü Yan's death, a great favor landed on the mother and son who had been snubbed and cautious in every way. When the Han dynasty ministers cut off the Lü Yan clique, it was decided to install Liu Heng, who was then the acting king, as the fifth emperor of the Han Dynasty. In a society where "mothers are precious to children", when a son ascends the throne as an emperor, the mother naturally becomes the empress dowager.

From the second married daughter to the imperial concubine, she was only favored by Liu Bang once and gave birth to an emperor's son

From a second-married woman to an imperial concubine; never to be admired by thousands of people. Perhaps for Bo Ji at this time, all the cold treatments she had suffered before and the loneliness she faced were worth it.

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