
The top ten engines are seven domestic, how do people in the industry view the progress of domestic cars?

Speaking of domestic cars, what is your impression? Turning the timeline back a few years, many consumers will shake their heads. Loud noise, poor shock absorption, not durable... These labels are attached to one domestic car after another.

However, whether it is a fuel vehicle or a new energy vehicle, domestic cars have made great progress at present - the appearance of the interior is good, cost-effective, the degree of intelligence is high, the new energy technology is outstanding, even compared with the joint venture model is still backward engine, gearbox and chassis "three major pieces", is not the "chicken rib" of the year.

In November this year, the winner list of the "China Heart" 2021 Top Ten Engine Selection Activity organized by Automobile and Sports Magazine was released, and seven of the top ten engines of the year were domestic engines, and Geely, Great Wall, Changan and other head autonomous car companies have been listed.

"Three days of Shibetsu should be treated with astonishment." The current domestic car can undoubtedly bear this recognition. So, in the eyes of industry professionals engaged in car maintenance, what aspects of the progress of domestic cars are reflected? How can related automotive aftermarket services progress together with domestic automobiles to provide Chinese consumers with better products and services? We talked to people with the people involved.

The progress of domestic cars is reflected in all aspects

"In the past, when I helped consumers do maintenance for their cars, when I saw that it was a domestic car, I would frown myself, because there were many failures, and some serious faults could not be solved in a moment and a half." Speaking of his own experience, Liu Zilong, who has more than 20 years of experience in automobile repair and maintenance, said.

In Liu Zilong's view, in the past 20 years, he has grown from an apprentice to the technical director of a Tuhu car workshop, and it is also 20 years of rapid progress in domestic cars. "I have repaired and maintained countless cars, and I found that domestic cars have indeed transformed very quickly, which is a great improvement compared with when I first entered the industry."

Liu Zilong believes that at present, taking fuel vehicles as an example, domestic automobile engines are very stable, durable and precise, and the gap with joint venture vehicles and imported cars is narrowing. "I personally feel that the progress of domestic engines is reflected in at least four aspects, including materials, processes, assembly and technology, etc. It can be said that on the main evaluation indicators of engine quality, many domestic cars have performed very well."

The top ten engines are seven domestic, how do people in the industry view the progress of domestic cars?

Speaking of this, Liu Zilong shared his previous car maintenance experience. "At that time, there was a domestic brand of the car was sent by the owner, this car is equipped with a 1.5T engine, the total mileage has been 130,000 kilometers, I disassembled the engine to check, found that many parts are the same as the new, and did not mix with any impurities, this of course is related to the owner's gentle driving, pay attention to maintenance, but also shows that the engine's workmanship and technical level is really good."

Liu Zilong said that in recent years, domestic cars have been at the forefront of comfort, intelligence and other aspects, "now even the engine, battery, motor these core components can do better, as an auto repair worker, whether in the face of domestic fuel vehicles or new energy vehicles, see their progress in all aspects, I feel very proud when working." ”

The automotive aftermarket is progressing along with domestic cars

In the conversation, Liu Zilong also talked about another advantage of domestic cars. "From the perspective of our usual maintenance work for the car, compared with the joint venture or imported car, the parts required for repair and maintenance are cheaper, and the cost of car maintenance for the owner will naturally be lower."

In fact, the cost of car maintenance is lower, in addition to being related to the vehicle itself and the car habits of the owner, it is also inseparable from the mature development of the automotive aftermarket. The emergence of talents, the abundance of accessories, and the convenience of maintenance allow consumers to obtain more high-quality automotive aftermarket services at a lower cost.

"Our Tuhu car stores will conduct statistics on popular models and popular accessories through relevant data analysis, and then prepare a sufficient number of spare parts reserves accordingly, so that consumers do not need to face a lot of unnecessary time and procurement channel costs when repairing cars." Liu Zilong introduced.

The top ten engines are seven domestic, how do people in the industry view the progress of domestic cars?

The above work is actually a direct embodiment of Tuhu's standardization of car maintenance technology. At present, in terms of equipment, processes, quality inspection, etc., Tuhu Has formed its own set of standardized systems, and the technicians in the store must provide corresponding services for consumers in accordance with unified standards, which has even become a model for the industry.

It can be seen that with the unremitting efforts of some leading enterprises, China's auto aftermarket services are making progress together with domestic automobiles, making indelible contributions to enriching consumers' lifestyles and improving consumers' quality of life.

"What the market lacks, Tuhu will do what it does." Liu Zilong's voice is also the original intention of Tuhu to raise cars.

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