
China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

author:Du Rui cuisine

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In China's thousands of years of catering civilization, famous snacks everywhere are like stars in the night sky, shining with brilliance. Of all the famous snacks, buns are one of the most popular snack varieties, with skin and filling, saving you the trouble of cooking. There are famous local varieties of buns all over China, which are widely spread everywhere and are also loved by outsiders. Today, take stock of the top 10 famous buns in China, and see if the hometown buns are on the list? Count the number of things you've eaten:

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="36" ></h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

Dog bun is a famous local snack in Tianjin, founded in the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, it is a "Chinese time-honored brand" and ranks first in the "Three Absolutes of Tianjin". The founder of Dog NoRi Bun is Mr. Gao Guiyou, nicknamed "Dog", who has the unique ability to make buns with one hand, and opened a bun shop of "Deju". Because of its fine workmanship, exquisite material selection and beautiful appearance, each bun has no less than 15 folds, which is loved by the locals. When it came time to eat, there was a long line of people buying buns, and the "dogs" only cared about selling buns and rarely talked to people. Therefore, the neighbors often say: "Dogs sell buns and ignore people." Over time, the reputation of "dog ignore" spread, and people forgot the previous "Deju" bun shop, which was called "dog ignore".

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="35" > second, open the soup bun</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

Kaifeng soup bun is a local snack in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, which has a history of more than 100 years. The soup bun is exquisite in the selection of ingredients, with the pork hind leg lean meat as the filling, the special precision flour as the bun skin, and the rapid steaming over high heat. The skin of the steamed bun is as thin as paper, the color is as white as porcelain, and you can faintly see the filling and soup inside. Therefore, in Kaifeng, there is a local saying that when eating soup buns, it is a slip of the tongue: "First open the window, then drink the soup, and finally full of incense." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="34" >3, Guangdong char siu bun</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

In Guangdong, people are extremely particular about breakfast, also known as morning tea, char siu bun is one of the most famous morning teas in Guangdong, together with crystal shrimp dumplings, dry steamed steamed tarts and known as Cantonese four morning teas. The char siu bun is named because it is stuffed with Cantonese-style char siu meat, and the dough skin uses the northern "Dafa noodles", and the improved noodles are steamed to form a natural flowering state, which is the biggest appearance feature of the char siu bun.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="33" >4</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

If you say which kind of bun is the most widely spread in the country, it is not the small dumpling in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and now the streets and alleys of various cities can find the figure of small dumplings. According to research, Xiaolongbao began in the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty, first appeared in the Changzhou area of Jiangsu Province, and later spread in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. Now the more famous small dumplings are Changzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Wuxi, Ningbo, Jiaxing and other places of the small dumplings, but also named after the local city, the small dumplings everywhere also have their own characteristics.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="32" >5, Jiangsu crab yellow soup bun</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

Jiangsu crab yellow soup bun has a long history, it is rumored to have begun in the Three Kingdoms period, is an outstanding representative of Jiangsu noodles. Crab yellow soup bun with crab yellow, crab meat as the main ingredient, adding fresh chicken soup, pork skin jelly, refined filling, thin skin as paper, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties has enjoyed a high reputation, with "production, beautiful form, eat faqi" three characteristics. The more famous ones are Nanjing Dragon Robe, Jingjiang, Taixing Quxia, Zhenjiang Yanchun, Huai'an Wenlou and other 5 kinds of crab yellow soup buns.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="31" >6, Xinjiang baked buns</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

In Xinjiang cuisine, in addition to grilled buns, there are also famous Xinjiang grilled buns. Fat and lean leg of lamb meat as the main ingredient, add onion, cumin powder, pepper, salt and other seasoning, put into the pit and bake.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="30" >7, Shanghai raw fried buns</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

Shanghai raw fried bun is an authentic Shanghai local specialty snack, has a history of more than 100 years, Shanghainese used to call the bun a steamed bun, also known as raw fried steamed bun. The traditional Shanghai raw fried bun is filled with fresh pork added to the pork skin jelly, paying attention to "three points of skin jelly, seven points of meat filling", fry until the bottom of the bun is golden brown, sprinkled with cooked sesame seeds, chives and chopped, eat up a bite of the bursting juice flow soup, rich and pleasant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="29" >8, Yangzhou three dingbao</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

Yangzhou Three Ding Bao is a special snack in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, with diced meat, chicken and bamboo shoots as the main ingredients, so it is called "Three Ding Bao". Yangzhou three ding bao selection materials are exquisite, the flour used is as white as snow, with the next year fat and tender hen meat, pork rib meat, fresh shoots as the main material, requiring "chicken diced large, diced meat, diced bamboo shoots small", clear particles, fresh and pleasant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="28" >9, Chengdu Han Buns</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

In Chengdu, the country of heaven, there are not only spicy and fragrant Sichuan dishes and red oil hot pots, but also a famous variety of buns, that is, Chengdu Han buns. This kind of bun is made of fat and lean meat filling, fine flour as the main material, fine selection of materials, exquisite workmanship, with the characteristics of white skin, thin skin, beautiful appearance, tender meat filling, soft and delicious, fresh and pleasant.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="23" >00, Shandong water frying bun</h1>

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many kinds of you have eaten, Tianjin Dog Bu Li Bun Two, Kaifeng Soup Bun Three, Guangdong Char Siu Bun Four, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaolong Bun Five, Jiangsu Crab Yellow Soup Bun Six, Xinjiang Roasted Bun Seven, Shanghai Raw Fried Bun Eight, Yangzhou Three Ding Bao Nine, Chengdu Han Bun Ten, Shandong Fried Bun

In Qilu, the most famous bun is the Shandong fried bun, which has three main schools: Lu southwest fried bun, Dongying Lijin fried bun and Binzhou Qiaozhuang fried bun. The traditional fried bun mainly has several kinds of fillings of diced leek meat, diced cabbage meat and leek, which is the most delicious snack on the rural market in the past, and it is also the most grounded snack variety. Shandong fried bun without wrinkles, wrapped to the end of the side of the mouth a fold tight, the way to mature is "first fry, then cook, then fry" frying mode, which is the biggest difference from Shanghai raw fried bun.

China's top 10 famous buns, see if you have your own hometown buns? Count how many you've eaten. Friends, do you have any other famous varieties of buns in your hometown? Welcome to leave a comment on it!

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