
There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

On March 17, 1946, Dai Kasa fell to his death in the western suburbs of Nanjing due to a plane crash.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately shocked China and foreign countries.

At that time, there were many speculations at home and abroad about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, and the spearhead of each speculation was directed at Chiang Kai-shek himself.

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

Since the 1930s, Dai Kasa has been a powerful general under Chiang Kai-shek.

It is reasonable to say that Dai Kasa has repeatedly made great achievements in the anti-Japanese espionage war. then

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression had just ended, Chiang Kai-shek had provoked a civil war again, and there were still many places where he could be used.

As a cadre pulled up by Dai Kasa's own hand,

Mao Renfeng vaguely realized something, and suddenly felt like walking on thin ice and shivering.

At the same time, a terrible and bizarre "rumor" began to circulate in Nanjing, saying that Dai Kasa died in "disaster", and Mao Renfeng would believe it.

In order to protect himself and show his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek in time, Mao Renfeng first sent someone to raid most of Dai Kasa's property in Jiangshan, and after Dai Kasa was buried, he sent someone to seal his tomb with several tons of cement.

So, what are these two statements that make the "Killing Demon King" Mao Renfeng shudder?

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

The first theory is: Dai Kasa's military commander has 180,000 plainclothes under his hands,

Together with the guerrillas and the Loyal National Salvation Army, the numbers were particularly large.

The equivalent of 320,000 troops in 4 divisions, and he has been moving around in a high profile, wanting to become a naval commander, which eventually caused Chiang Kai-shek's dissatisfaction.

The second theory is that Dai Kasa hit the "robbery" and was counted as a death method by the jianghu warlock.

First, rumors from the "CIA"

At least until the 1948 Han traitor MaHan Sanfu Law, Mao Renfeng did not know that Chiang Kai-shek really had no intention of harming Dai Kasa. Although Dai Kasa's men and horses were getting stronger and stronger, they gradually became disobedient, and when he clearly expressed his desire to "break the military command into pieces", he ran to the Americans for help and moved around to drill camps.

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

According to an intelligence report from the United States,

On the eve of his death in 1946, Dai had 180,000 plainclothes agents under his command. There are also 70,000 guerrillas, 20,000 Einsatzgruppen, 40,000 pirates and more than 1,500 "loyal national salvation troops." However, a single division of the Kuomintang had only 8,000 men.

Chiang Kai-shek was worried about the growth of Dai's military command, and repeatedly proposed to "break up his military command into pieces" in order to reduce his strength, but Dai Kasa was obviously very reluctant.

He once sent a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek, delaying the meeting with Chiang Kai-shek on the pretext of handling cases abroad, and ran to negotiate relations with the Americans, hoping to get the support of the US side.

Chiang Kai-shek had to personally take a telegram urging him to meet him as soon as possible. However, Dai Kasa sent a telegram back and forth, quoting Cao Zhi's seven-step poem as saying: "Boiling beans and burning rice with cooking materials, frying is urgent." Allegiance to junza, dare to cloud without a single thought. But Chiang Kai-shek refused to believe him, and he sent two telegrams in a row and called him back.

The telegram exchanges between Chiang Kai-shek and Dai Kasa were all handled by Mao Renfeng himself. Mao Renfeng was very aware of the unhappiness between Jiang and Dai. Now that he saw the intelligence of the US side, Mao Renfeng felt that he had figured out why Chiang Kai-shek had to conspire against Dai Kasa.

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

As soon as Dai Kasa died, the position of deputy director of the military command was vacant. But soon after, Mao Renfeng rose to the top, and many people with older qualifications and stronger abilities than him were not promoted.

Why him? Because Chiang Kai-shek needed someone who was not ambitious and seemed "honest and reliable." So after Mao Renfeng sat in the right position, he immediately expressed his loyalty to Chiang Kai-shek. He immediately sent agents to Dai Kasa's hometown in Jiangshan and raided his home to the sky.

Second, rumors from the jianghu warlocks

It is said that after Mao Renfeng confiscated Dai Kasa's family wealth, he also did a vicious thing, that is, he used several tons of cement to seal Dai Kasa's tomb.

The reason why Mao Renfeng did this was because there was a rumor in Nanjing at that time that Dai Kasa died particularly strangely, possibly related to numerological feng shui.

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

Dai Kasa was very superstitious, and he often "transported" by changing his name throughout his life.

His real name was Dai Chunfeng, and because he failed the first examination for the Whampoa Military Academy, he changed his name to Dai Kasa and passed smoothly. Later, he listened to the fortune teller's saying and felt that he was short of water, so he gave a word called "rain farmer".

Dai Kasa later became a spy, using twenty-seven pseudonyms in a row, the last one called "Gao Chongyue", with the mountain without water, and as a result, his plane crashed into the mountain.

This is supposed to be a coincidence, but sometimes things that are too coincidental will also make people beat drums in their hearts.

Other than that

There was also a thing that made Mao Renfeng feel more afraid. A few months before Dai's death, he had met a classmate named Li. This classmate was good at "Zhou Yi", and after showing Dai Kasa a picture, he advised Dai Kasa not to go out on March 16, 1946.

This rumor spread the most that year. After Dai's death, newspapers in Beijing said that this classmate surnamed Li was a brigade commander of a certain Kuomintang army at that time. When I was young, I had to be pointed out by high people, and I saw that I was ten to nine.

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

At that time, after he showed Dai Kasa a picture, he wrote four proverbs saying: Three, five, thirty-seven, ride a crane to Liaoxi. Not afraid of a tiger coming from the south, afraid of a machine coming from the north.

Unfortunately, Dai Kasa did not listen to his advice and went out on the day of March 17th.

As a result, Dai Kasa's plane crashed and fell to his death in the western suburbs of Nanjing.

Mao Renfeng followed Dai Kasa for a long time, and under his influence, he also became very superstitious. He would rather believe such obvious nonsense. Therefore, he simply took the opportunity to bury Dai Kasa and found someone to get a few tons of cement and blocked his tomb.

At that time, the external explanation was that Dai Kasa had too many feuds before his death, preventing others from digging graves to retaliate. However, Zheng Jiemin, who was in command of the military command, was very angry when he knew it, and he thought that Mao Renfeng was superstitious about feng shui, and he had seen it and deliberately did so.

There are many theories about the cause of Dai Kasa's death, two of which make Mao Renfeng shudder

Mao Renfeng thought that the tomb was tightly sealed, but later Dai Kasa's grave was still chiseled open by the villagers at the east end of the mausoleum for half a month. It turned out that the villagers had heard that when Dai Kasa died, a "Nine Dragon Sword" was placed in the coffin.

But in the end only a revolver and a rusty broken sword were found. The villagers threw them all into the pond, and Dai Kasa's coffin was dismantled into a pigsty.


During Dai's lifetime, it was the period of the greatest power of the Military Command Bureau; after Dai Kasa's death, the Military Command Bureau was weakened and later changed to the Secret Bureau. When Dai Kasa was alive, his secret service organizations were all over the country, but it was not so easy for him to organize a mutiny.

Although Chiang Kai-shek was jealous of his great power, he did not reach the point where he could only dissolve his power unless he was killed. As for the saying that fortune tellers should be robbed, they are purely superstitious rumors. The reason why Mao Renfeng was afraid because of the above two statements was actually worried that he would fall into the same fate.

According to the release of Taiwan's puzzle files in recent years, the real death of Dai Kasa has been investigated since 1948. Dai Kasa was actually killed by the traitor Ma Hansan,and the complexity and strangeness of the process were even more bizarre than the above two rumors.

It's just that after the fierce suspicion of the law, Mao Renfeng finally didn't have to be afraid anymore and was immediately relieved.

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