
Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Sisters with boys in the family must have encountered such embarrassment...

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

For girls, living with boys, the most troublesome thing is to go to the toilet.

Because, boys are standing to urinate, but it is really easy to splash outside the toilet!

Every time she goes to the toilet, the girl has to carefully check the toilet in the struggle between urine and willpower to avoid the fart touching the strange liquid.

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...
Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

(Image source: Internet)

Sometimes I'm really annoyed by peeing, and I really want to help them pee a little more accurately!!!

For example:

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...


Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Precision strikes

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Or, a high-flying "little bird"

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Of course, these are pure fantasies. So is there a way to make boys not pee out of the toilet?

In this issue, we will explore how boys urinate, how to scientifically "press the water splash"?

When it comes to the line of "peeing out of the toilet", boys often come up with this national standard answer: "How come?" I pee very accurately! ”

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Men may not know that accurate urination is of course important, but it is not enough to change the course of history.

The United Kingdom once did a test, using artificial urinary catheters to simulate the action of standing and urinating, using fluorescent liquids to simulate urination, and restore the splash of urine.

This is a very standard inlet water:

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

(Visible splash, image taken from "UV light shows the unseen splashes created by standing urination")

However, once the UV light is turned on:

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

(UV lamps and fluorescent liquids reproduce the range of splashes when standing and urinating, screenshot from "UV light shows the unseen splashes created by standing urination")

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Yes, even if you accurately urinate into the toilet, it will still splash a lot of water mist.

In addition to toilet lids and floors, even toilet paper, walls, and wash standes have splashed urine stains. That is to say, if our toothbrushes and cups are relatively close to the toilet, I am afraid that we will also enjoy this "rain and dew".

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

But fortunately, a Japanese program "What is the difference between this?" (こののって何), once calculated the number of urine droplets sprayed in different locations of the "sniper" toilet, and found that urine in some locations can greatly reduce the number of urine droplets splashed.

So, let's ask the detectives to guess first!

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

A. The king was chosen at once, 7550 drops

B. Depth charges! There are 372 drops

C. Hopefully not because of the urine bifurcation, 293 drops

Beat 70% of users nationwide, 277 drops

Well, the no-prize quiz is over, please open the wrong question book below, the focus is on.

According to the test of the program group, a single splash of urine, up to 7550 drops, if calculated by urinating 5 times a day, about 40,000 drops of urine can be spilled every day...

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

Therefore, when male compatriots urinate, avoiding the back wall of the toilet can greatly reduce the lethality!

But there are still many problems with this approach.

For example, many boys like to adjust the firing angle, distance, etc. a little bit, appreciate the changes brought by their small efforts to the parabola, and turn ordinary urination into an earth-shattering shooting game.

For example, even if you want to pee well, the pressure on your bladder and the speed of urinating too quickly may make the scene run out of control.

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...


For example, the "angry birds" every morning may be more difficult to control.

So we thought of a second way.

Look at a shower or a column of water spewed out by a faucet, and you'll see that the water column ends up breaking into small droplets.

This is exactly what we learned about the Plateau–Rayleigh instability in kindergarten, which tends to change from columnar to beaded due to surface tension and inertia.

The same is true of the urine column when urinating, which, after a certain distance away from the "water gun", will become a droplet of urine, which will then cause a splash.

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

(Splash of cracked urine column with intact urine column, screenshot from "Simulated Urine stream")

In other words, if you urinate on the toilet wall before the urine column is torn apart, you may be able to avoid splashing.

According to research by the BYU Splash Lab at Brigham Young University, if the range of urination is 12.7 cm from the toilet wall, it can not splash urine droplets [1].

So what should boys do?

1. If you are talented, you are the so-called dragon among men

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

(Image source: Spirited Away)

As long as you "take a small step forward," you can "take a big step toward civilization."

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

2. If you are more down-to-earth, there are several other practical approaches you can take

A. Install urinals at home. It is not only in line with the habits of boys, but also more convenient to adjust the "camera position" and avoid splashing. However, after urinating, you still need to clean up your own scene!

B. Kneeling method

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

It can greatly shorten the range of the "water gun", and at the same time perfectly open up the couple's interactive projects such as kneeling durian and kneeling keyboard, which is a real multi-scene application.

3. If you are still not satisfied, there is another solution that is both cost-effective and comfortable, that is—

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...


Sitting and urinating is actually quite common.

In Western countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Sweden, there are many boys sitting and urinating.

Germany regarded this behavior even more as a gentleman's performance. As early as 2004, there was a toilet siren called "toilet ghost" in Germany, which would sound an alarm and alert whenever someone was detected standing and urinating.

As far as our neighbor Japan, it is also becoming more and more popular for boys to sit. According to some online media and street interviews, many people said that this is cleaner and more convenient, and it is more likely to be favored by girls, and a small number of people think that this posture is more attractive.

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

The famous multi-threaded task and time management master also expressed his own views in the early years, saying that boys who sit and urinate prefer to be clean and make girls more convenient.

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

(Voice-over: If you really want to embody "manhood", there is actually a better place than a toilet.) )

In addition, if there are "lower urinary tract symptoms" (LUTS), such as frequent urination, waiting for urination, urine droplets, incomplete urination, and nocturia, sitting will shorten the time to urinate, speed up urination, and be more conducive to bladder emptying [2].

For some boys, it may not be convenient to sit and urinate. If you use a toilet of this shape, it will be more suitable.

Boys standing urines will splash outside? Japanese experiments confirmed that about 40,000 drops of urine are spilled every day...

If you really can't do it, then you can clean up the scene after the fact, I believe it can also make the people who live with you a lot more comfortable!

I hope that the girls who read this article can move their fingers to forward to the boys at home, and the boys who read this article hope to be able to make a little change, if you have always been so good, please move to the comment area to receive applause!

Review expert: Ren Jian | Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Urology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital


[2] de Jong Y, Pinckaers JH, ten Brinck RM, Lycklama à Nijeholt AA, Dekkers OM. Urinating standing versus sitting: position is of influence in men with prostate enlargement. A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2014;9(7):e101320. Published 2014 Jul 22. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101320

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