
Bull's Eye Ball: Tarzan Champions In the new era, Don't forget that Lu can cultivate the road, and the centennial goal remains unchanged

Finally, the Taishan team once again stood at the top of the Chinese Super League, and after 11 years, won the fifth top league championship in the history of the team, opening a new era of Taishan championship. From Luneng to Taishan, this is a perfect handover and a kind of inheritance. For the Taishan team, this championship has special significance, this is the beginning of the diversification reform, but also a new era of Shandong football development, congratulations to the new Taishan team, do not forget to cultivate 23 years of Luneng, this championship, is the fruit of perseverance.

In response to the Football Association's neutral name reform requirements, Shandong Luneng Taishan officially changed its name to Shandong Taishan team in 2021. Coincidentally, Shandong Luneng Taishan team began to carry out diversified equity reform from 2020. Under the background of the divestiture of the tertiary industry of the State Grid, the equity of Luneng Taishan Football Club changed, and the State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company transferred part of the equity of Shandong Luneng Taishan Football and Table Tennis Club to the Jinan Municipal People's Government, and the Jinan Municipal People's Government authorized relevant enterprises to undertake the shares, forming a diversified pattern of club equity.

Bull's Eye Ball: Tarzan Champions In the new era, Don't forget that Lu can cultivate the road, and the centennial goal remains unchanged

Judging from the results of the equity reform, Luneng Taishan Football Club has now formed a tripartite co-management situation, that is, Shandong Electric Power, Luneng Group and Jinan Municipal Government. The relevant reforms will be completed in 2020 and the handover will be officially completed at the end of the year. In fact, there was a meaningful scene at the scene of the 2020 FA Cup victory, Sun Hua, general manager of Luneng Taishan Football Club, and Wu Zhidong, the future general manager, celebrated the victory in the same frame, which was also a special handover.

Bull's Eye Ball: Tarzan Champions In the new era, Don't forget that Lu can cultivate the road, and the centennial goal remains unchanged

From 1998 to 2020, Luneng Group is the key to the stable and sustainable development of Taishan Team. In 1999, Luneng took over the Taishan team and won the double championship the following year, after which Luneng Taishan gradually grew into a giant team in Chinese football, winning the Chinese Super League championship three times in 2006, 2008 and 2010, creating its own dynasty. Although from 2011 to 2020 for 10 years, Luneng Taishan did not win the top league championship, Luneng's investment has been very stable, and the Taishan team can still stick to itself and move forward steadily under the impact of Jinyuan football. Especially in terms of youth training, Luneng Football School has always been the banner of Chinese football youth training, not only for the Taishan team to continuously send talents, but also to become a talent base for Chinese football. Nowadays, the players produced by Luneng Youth Training are the main backbone of the Taishan team, and players such as Zheng Zheng, Wang Tong, Wu Xinghan, Liu Binbin, Duan LiuYu, and Guo Tianyu are the main choices of the team. In the first leg of the match against Hebei, the players produced by Luneng Youth Training scored 5 goals, which is also the strength of youth training, the result of perseverance, and the foundation for the steady development of Taishan team.

Bull's Eye Ball: Tarzan Champions In the new era, Don't forget that Lu can cultivate the road, and the centennial goal remains unchanged

After 23 years of perseverance, the Taishan team has been branded with Luneng and is also a key part of the century-old football road. Although the name of the team is no longer Luneng, every Taishan team fan will not forget the significance of Luneng to The Taishan team. Nowadays, Luneng Group has changed its name to China Green Hair, in fact, careful fans can see that in the official poster of the Taishan Team, the main sponsors are Jinan Cultural Tourism, Shandong Electric Power and China Green Hair, which also reflects the situation of tripartite co-management. To some extent, Luneng Taishan's diversification reform has pushed the team closer to the centennial goal, although there is still a five-year transition period for the three parties, and it is believed that with the passage of time, all parties will have a more reasonable solution.

As early as when Luneng took over the Taishan team, it was clear that the goal of building a century-old club was clear, and now, the Taishan team has gone through 27 ups and downs, and 2021 is a new era of Taishan, and this championship is an inspiration for everyone and a new beginning. For Jinan Cultural Tourism, officially taking over the first year of the team's operation to win the championship, which is a tonic, but also for the future of the team to point out the direction, look forward to, this is the beginning of another dynasty of Taishan team.

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