
"Chen Boda" is his pen name, so what is Chen Boda's original name?


Chen Shengxun, Chen Jianxiang, Chen Shangyou, Chen Wanli, Chen Zhongqian, these are chen Boda's names, the name is a person's code name, he has a total of 23 code names in his life.

So, what's the story behind these names? I'm going to talk to you about it today.

"Chen Boda" is his pen name, so what is Chen Boda's original name?

real name

Before telling, let's briefly introduce "Chen Boda", this name is probably only known to the elderly, and now the young people can know it.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Chen Boda was a prominent figure, ranked fourth, very popular and hot.

At that time, his name could be seen almost every day in the media and newspapers, and in today's words, he was a "traffic star", of course, using these four words to describe it was a bit inappropriate, a bit pejorative. Just so that people who don't understand can quickly understand and understand.

To get back to the point, "Chen Boda" is just his pen name, and his real name is "Chen Shengxun".

The name of the three words is very easy to understand, generally the middle of the word is taken from the family tree, the Chen family's family generation, counting to Chen Boda's generation is these eight words: Shi Zhen family voice, Yun Man Zhaoxiang.

As for the word "training", according to Chen Boda's interpretation, there are meanings of "discipline" and "admonition" in it.

Chen Boda was born in Lingtou Village, Hui'an, Fujian Province, and when he reached school age, he went to a private school in the township to study.

Whether you have a name or not, according to the custom, Mr. Private School will give you another "scientific name".

If it is a large surname clan, there will usually be a "township tree", which will be named according to your rank in the whole township.

Chen Boda's ranking in the townships is in these eight characters: gold and jade, loyalty is treasure.

Among them, Chen Boda ranked in the "Xiang" character generation, so Mr. Chen gave him a scientific name "Jianxiang", and sometimes wrote "Jianxiang".

In addition, he also gave a word, "Shangyou".

Suddenly a little emotional! Now the child's name is too arbitrary, at a glance, full of paper is Zi Han, Zi Han, Zi Han, Zi Xuan, Zi Xuan, looks very wonderful, in fact, in my opinion, it seems to be delicate and made.

To insert a digression, sometimes Chen Boda will sign the name "Shengxun" in his family letters, about this, he himself has not explained the reason, but his son Chen Xiaonong, after the death of his father, and Ye Yonglie's small talk, speculated that this may be the father's abbreviation of "shengxun" as "shengxun".

"Chen Boda" is his pen name, so what is Chen Boda's original name?

In the early years, Chen Boda, probably 17 to 23 years old, during this period he wrote not a lot of articles, but favored poetry creation, most of the signatures are "Chen Shangyou", or "Shangyou".

The origin of the pen name "Chen Boda"

Regarding the origin of the pen name "Chen Boda", when he was interviewed by Ye Yonglie in his later years, he told the reason.

It was when he went to Moscow to study in his twenties, saw a movie "Spartacus", and because he admired the hero "Sparta", he took the pen name "Bada".

However, the word "Bada" was too exotic, so it was changed to the harmonic "Birda".

In addition, the pen names evolved from "Sparta" also have "Star" and "Star", although our family names also have a "Si" surname, but it is not as Chinese as "Star", so there is another "Star" as a pen name.

Ye Yonglie once asked him when he officially began to use the pen name "Boda".

"Probably in 1934, I used it when I was in Peiping"

"Unexpectedly, the pen name of Boda later became my name," Chen Boda laughed.

In addition to that, I'm focusing on a few pen names that he used to use more often.

1. Meizhuang: When he studied at a private school in the township, the name of the private school was called "Meishan Primary School", so he took the pen name "Meizhuang". Here is another digression, his daughter Chen Lingmei, that is, from her hometown "Lingtou Village" and this "Meishan Primary School", each took a "Ling" character and a "Mei" word.

2, Zhimei: This somewhat feminine pen name is also due to Meishan Elementary School.

3, Zhou Jin: This pen name he used very frequently, very long, from the early 1930s, until the 1950s, about the reason for this pen name, if not explained by himself, no one would have thought of it.

Since the pen name "Zhou Jin" is related to archaeology, according to his words, it is: "Zhou" Chao "Jin" Text; this reason and brain circuit, really can't think of breaking the head.

4, Zhong obscure: Strictly speaking, this is not his official pen name, but when he writes inscriptions and poems to others, he will sign the word "Zhong obscure". Among them, "Zhong" and "Bo" correspond, "obscure" and "Da" correspond, from the fifties until his death in his later years, he gave others almost all of these two words as a signature.

"Chen Boda" is his pen name, so what is Chen Boda's original name?

Other names

In addition to the code names mentioned above, there are also the following pen names that are also more representative.

1, Chen Wanli: There was a time when he admired the articles written by Zhao Wanli, so he took a pen name "Chen Wanli", but it was not used much.

2, Xu Minghua: This is the pen name he took on a whim and took it casually.

3, discipline training: this is very well understood, "remember the lesson".

4, Cheng Shu: The word "Cheng" is "Chen", as for this "special", it is related to Manjushri Bodhisattva, and when Chen Boda wrote articles on Buddhism, he signed it as "Cheng Shu".

5. Qutu: This name was used more frequently during the war years, and it is a title among comrades-in-arms in the party, taken from the idiom "Qutu migration salary".

During the war years, Chen Boda took a pen name from "Qu Tu Migration Salary" which was quite interesting.

This idiom comes from the "Book of Han Huo Guang Biography", saying that there is a family's chimney is very straight, a passerby saw it and persuaded the owner, saying that this chimney in your kitchen, just straight up from the stove, the mars in the stove will easily fall on the roof, causing a fire.

It is recommended that the host family change the straight chimney to a curved one, so that it is safe.

The meaning of this idiom is that the metaphor should focus on prevention in advance to avoid the occurrence of danger after the fact.

During the war years, "Qutu" was used as a pen name for intra-party communications, and the names of cultural people were indeed unusual.

6. Wang Tong: This is the name that Chen Boda casually blurted out when he was arrested in Tianjin in the 1930s after returning from studying in the Soviet Union. So much so that during his time in Tianjin, he used this name.

As for what the name means, Chen Boda explained it like this:

"It didn't mean anything, when the agent asked me what my name was, I blurted out that my name was Wang Tong."

7. Barinov: This Soviet name was used when he went to Moscow to study.

"Chen Boda" is his pen name, so what is Chen Boda's original name?

23 names, two aliases.

So, to count, the 23 names he used are as follows:

1. Real name: Chen Shengxun, Chen Jianxiang, Chen Shangyou;

2. Pseudonym: Wang Tong;

3. Pen names: Chen Boda, Shi Da, Mei Zhuang, Qu Tu, Zhou Jin, Zhong Han, Xu Minghua, Chen Wanli, Chen Jixun, Chen Zhimei, Cheng Shu, Si Da, Wang Wenshu, Shi, Da, Bo Da; there are sixteen in total.

4. Extended name: Chen Jianxiang, Chen Shengxun;

5. Foreign name: Barinov;

The origin of the two elegant numbers is also a bit interesting.

1, the old master: This meaning in our current view, more or less with a little derogatory meaning in it, said that this person does not eat ancient, is an old stubborn, called "old master".

However, Chen Boda is called "Lao Fuzi" because he is not only familiar with the study of traditional Chinese culture, especially in philosophy, but also has his own unique insights, so "Lao Fuzi" represents the word "knowledge" in him.

As for when this ya number began to be called, it is impossible to verify, even he himself is not clear, it was in the Yan'an period, this Ya number appeared.

2, small people: Since the 1960s, Chen Boda often called himself a "small people", and over time, this became his elegant name. However, after the fall of the country, this "little common man" was more or less ironic in it.


To say that Chen Boda's family affairs are also quite tragic, the ancestors have been farming for generations, and they only began to study from the generation of their grandfather, but they only knew a few words and did not take the meritorious name.

In the generation of his great-grandfather Chen Jincheng, he began to make a mark. His great-grandfather was a late Qing dynasty filial piety, that is, a lifter. This meritorious name, before Chen Boda, was the highest meritorious name of the Chen family.

"Chen Boda" is his pen name, so what is Chen Boda's original name?

However, in Chen Boda's father's generation, the Chen family began to decline, his father only obtained a meritorious name of a talent, and did not take the career path, just an ordinary private school gentleman, barely able to support the family.

When Chen Boda was eight years old, his father died because of the plague, and the Chen family was completely defeated.

His brother also gave up in poverty, and his mother could not stand the discord between his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so she hung up the roof beam.

To say that the last glory of the Chen family belongs to the generation of Chen Boda, who is the secretary of the great man's side and the one who has followed the longest time, for almost thirty years.

At the peak of his life, Chen Boda ranked as the fourth person in New China, and he was really prominent.

However, with his downfall, the Chen family has also returned from glory to ordinary, and now the Chen family is just an ordinary family of scholars.

Of course, in China, there is no emphasis on the theory of pedigree, who has not been generous in their ancestors; in China, only pets will pay attention to bloodline.

Suddenly remembering a hot news in the past, Beijing's aunt took a bus to call herself "ZhenghuangQi" and insulted outsiders.

It also suddenly occurred to me that when choosing a good horse in the horse market, it would open its mouth, look at its teeth, and cover its hooves; at that time, it was really necessary to open the mouth of the big mother to see if the teeth were royal and noble.

In addition, I recently read a lot of articles about Chen Boda, and I felt more, from the beginning of the Chen family to the lonely old man.

Remembering the old saying, the prosperity of a family requires the struggle of one generation or even three generations; and the destruction of a family requires only one generation.

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