
At the moment when new energy vehicles are hot, how to solve the charging problem?

As we all know, new energy vehicles have become a hot topic in recent years, compared with fuel vehicles, the advantages of unlimited travel, low cost of use, and strong functional expansion of new energy vehicles make it loved by many consumers. Previously, the four ministries and commissions jointly issued the "Notice on Further Improving the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles", pointing out that the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles in 2022 will be reduced by 30% on the basis of 2021, which also means that the last week of 2021 will set off a car purchase frenzy.

At the moment when new energy vehicles are hot, how to solve the charging problem?

How to solve the problem of charging new energy vehicles?

Behind the good situation of new energy vehicles, in fact, there is also a dark tide. As we all know, short mileage and long charging time are the two major problems of new energy vehicles, especially after the winter is fully entered everywhere, the endurance problem of new energy vehicles will be further aggravated, and the charging efficiency will be greatly reduced. However, this is not the most important problem, as of September 2021, China's vehicle pile ratio is about 3:1, but the average utilization rate of public charging piles is not 10%, mainly due to the uneven distribution of charging piles.

In the face of replenishment, the problem of endurance has become secondary, due to the large land area of our country, the laying of charging piles often does not cover all areas, and some car owners can only look at the charging piles that are far away on the map.". So how to solve the problem of charging new energy vehicles? Zhiche sent everyone one by one.

Car companies increase the charging layout to improve interface adaptability

In order to let car owners feel that charging piles are "everywhere", the primary task of car companies is to increase the charging layout, and Xiaopeng Automobile has done a relatively good job in this regard. In November this year, Xiaopeng brand supercharging stations have accumulated 111 online, an increase of 20.1% month-on-month, adding 70 new cities, an increase of 44.3% month-on-month; as of December 20, Xiaopeng brand supercharging stations have accumulated 661 online, covering 228 cities. In the future, Xiaopeng brand supercharging station will run through 337 cities across the country (including all 333 prefecture-level administrative divisions and 4 municipalities directly under the central government). In addition, Xiaopeng destination charging stations have accumulated 134 online, and free charging stations have accumulated 1843 online, covering 312 cities.

At the moment when new energy vehicles are hot, how to solve the charging problem?

Xiaopeng car charging pile

It is not enough to increase the layout, and the charging technology of major car companies should also be improved to reduce the charging waiting time of car owners, and Tesla's achievements in this regard can be described as obvious to all. The peak charging power of Tesla V3 supercharger pile is 250kW, and some models such as Model 3 and Model Y only need to be charged for 15 minutes to supplement the 250 km endurance, and the energy replenishment efficiency is further aligned with that of fuel vehicles.

In addition, as of November 16, Tesla has built and opened more than 1,000 superchargering stations, more than 8,000 superchargering stations, more than 700 destination charging stations, and more than 1,750 destination charging stations in Chinese mainland, covering more than 360 cities in China. The strength of the veteran new energy vehicle companies is beyond doubt, but if the interface is not suitable for other brand models, then many car owners can only "dry eyes" at the charging pile.

At the moment when new energy vehicles are hot, how to solve the charging problem?

Tesla charging pile

On November 8, Zhichepai learned from foreign media that Tesla Holland opened some overcharging stations and opened charging services to other brand models, and when a Porsche Taycan owner used Tesla charging piles, the output power was only 130kW, which was about 50% lower than the rated 250kW. Although the charging speed of third-party models using Tesla charging piles is not as fast as that of Tesla models, it also shows that Tesla has gradually opened the charging interface, giving other car companies a "good start".

The location of charging piles needs to be investigated in order to improve utilization

Blindly laying charging piles is not advisable, car companies need to go through a lot of research before layout, analyze the population distribution of the region, and choose the optimal layout location. According to CCTV, due to the arrival of winter, the mileage of new energy vehicles has shrunk, and they need to be charged frequently, and some car owners said that they need to get up early to queue for an hour, (morning afternoon?). It takes 5 o'clock to charge. On October 1, when a car owner charged the car in the service area of Leiyang, the charging and queuing time took more than 5 hours. The above examples reflect from the side that the layout of some charging piles is not very reasonable, and there may be only a few charging piles in some areas, resulting in the phenomenon of "car crowding" in front of the charging pile.

At the moment when new energy vehicles are hot, how to solve the charging problem?

CCTV reported

The layout of car companies is not satisfactory, and the state needs to help

The charging problem of new energy vehicles cannot be solved by the unilateral efforts of car companies, which requires national policy support. On October 28, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice on Launching the Pilot Work on the Application of The New Energy Vehicle Power Exchange Model", which included 8 comprehensive cities such as Beijing, Nanjing and Wuhan, and yibin, Tangshan and Baotou, and 3 cities with heavy truck characteristics into the power exchange application pilot, and the promotion goal is to replace more than 100,000 vehicles and replace more than 1,000 power stations.

As we all know, the energy replacement speed is far faster than the speed of charging, under the national policy tilt, the phenomenon of "queuing for charging for an hour" will be further reduced, and the energy supplementary experience of new energy vehicle owners can also be improved, which can promote the sales of new energy vehicles, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

At the moment when new energy vehicles are hot, how to solve the charging problem?

Notice on Launching the Pilot Application of New Energy Vehicle Power Exchange Mode

In addition to promoting the replacement point model, the state has drafted the "Opinions on Strengthening the Construction and Management of Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities in Residential Areas", encouraged the sharing and utilization of self-use charging piles, and actively promoted the charging service model of "intelligent and orderly slow charging as the mainstay, supplemented by emergency fast charging". Owners of new energy vehicles often buy supporting charging piles, but some car owners are shy and intend to buy them later, so they need to go to public charging piles to charge and increase the burden of public charging piles.

In this regard, the state recommends that charging facility enterprises, electric vehicle enterprises, third-party platform enterprises and other units reach an agreement with the owners of self-use charging piles to achieve the sharing and utilization of self-use charging piles and improve the utilization of resources. In the long run, the cooperation between the charging pile owner and the car company can increase an additional income, and the car company can also reduce the charging pile layout in the area, and then increase the layout of other remote areas, which can be described as a win-win situation.

Solve the problem of charging new energy vehicles and the road is long

The problem of charging new energy vehicles can not be solved overnight, and solutions such as the upgrading of charging piles, the opening of interfaces, and the release of policies require a long period of precipitation, but major car companies have gradually increased the charging layout. Taking Tesla as an example, by the end of 2022, Tesla plans to expand the size of the Supercharger Network by 31%, which already has more than 30,000 charging piles worldwide, and plans to add no less than 10,000 charging piles.

In general, solving the problem of new energy vehicle charging needs to be gradual, but the overall situation is in a good situation, if it can be solved, the number of people who choose new energy vehicles may increase greatly, which is of great significance to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions.

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