
The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

In 1934, the Fifth Anti-Encirclement and Suppression Campaign of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army unfortunately failed.

The Kuomintang troops seized the opportunity to attack the Central Soviet Region of our army, occupied a large number of base areas, and at the same time tried in a vain attempt to annihilate the Red Army in one fell swoop. In order to protect the main forces and get rid of the Kuomintang's encirclement, pursuit, blockade, and interception, the Central Military Commission issued an order: The large troops of the Red Army withdrew from the base areas, moved to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia revolutionary base areas, and carried out the Long March.

The total journey of the Long March was about 25,000 miles, spanning several provinces, crossing snowy mountains and meadows with the Red Army troops, and dealing with attacks by the Kuomintang troops on the road.

The "Long March" is a miracle in military history, on the Long March Road, countless soldiers have sacrificed, among them, the rejuvenation of Jiangxi, is also known as "the first county of China's Long March martyrs".

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

First, I was also a warrior

In the eyes of the villagers and the younger generations, Liu Fayu has always been an ordinary rural old man, who treats people kindly and never causes trouble to his children.

Liu Fayu's second son, Zhang Bingxian, knew that his mother was from a foreigner and had come to Henan because of the war. My mother was older and had the idea of returning to her hometown. However, due to her mother's poor health and the long distance, she did not agree to her request to return to her hometown.

Moreover, since the death of her father, her mother has been very lonely, and she is too busy at work to spend time with her mother. Therefore, the second son bought his mother a tv set that was the most fashionable at that time to relieve his mother's boredom.

One day, the second son was watching TV with Liu Fayu, and at this time, the TV was playing a war film commemorating the soldiers of the Red Army. Liu Fayu looked very seriously, and even left tears in the climax.

When the second son saw his mother like this, he stood next to him in confusion, and at the same time, his heart was also confused, and he did not know why his mother reacted so much.

After Liu Fayu's mood calmed down, the second son carefully said his doubts. The mother sighed and said to her son, "I was also a Red Army soldier, and when I saw the soldiers in this TV series, I couldn't help but think of my former comrades who sacrificed." ”

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

I didn't expect that my mother, who usually treated people kindly, was once a female Red Army, and the son had great admiration for his mother. At this time, the mother also proposed to her son again that she wanted to go back to her hometown to see the country, just to see those comrades who had died on the Long March Road.

This time, the son did not reject his mother, he began to understand his mother's intention to go home, so he chose to return to Jiangxi Xingguo with his mother, this year is 1986, the old woman is as high as 73 years old.

A few days later, the mother and son stepped on the train to the south, looking at the scenery outside the window, Liu Fayu's heart could not help but return to decades ago, remembering the glory days of that time.

After a long journey, the two finally came to Xingguo, Jiangxi. As soon as she got out of the car, the mother wanted to go to the martyrs' cemetery, but the son was worried about his mother's health, so he persuaded his mother to rest for a day and then go over, and the mother agreed.

The next day, the two came to the Xingguo Martyrs Cemetery, Liu Fayu walked slowly, looking at the familiar names on the tombstone, tears filled her eyes.

Suddenly, Liu Fayu stopped and stood in front of a tombstone, looking at this tombstone, he could no longer hold back his tears and let it come out.

The son took a closer look, and on this tombstone, there was actually written his mother's name - Martyr Liu Fayu.

It turned out that Liu Fayu had participated in the revolution and never returned, and the people in the village thought that she had sacrificed, so they applied for martyrdom for her.

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

Second, go! The revolution goes

When Liu Fayu was just born, he had a nickname called "Sha Xiuzi". Liu Fayu's family is very poor, and Liu Fayu's birth undoubtedly increased the burden of this family.

At that time, there was another way to reduce the burden on the family by giving birth to a daughter, that is, to sell the daughter.

Therefore, when Liu Fayu was seven years old, his parents sold him to the Lai family as a child bridesmaid, just for the Lai family's dowry, so that others could hold on for more time.

At this time, Liu Fayu's "husband" Lai Yongfa was only 8 years old.

At that time, the world was not good, after Liu Fayu arrived at the Lai family, in addition to serving his in-laws and handling household chores, he also had to go outside to find food, but even if Liu Fayu and Lai Yongfa were very industrious, the Lai family was still struggling in hardship.

When Liu Fayu was 19 years old, the Lai family officially held a wedding for the couple.

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

The spark of a spark can ignite the plains. At that time, the seeds of revolution continued to spread, and the rejuvenation of the country formed a vigorous revolutionary wave when the red thought came.

In this revolutionary wave, women were also liberated. They cut off their long hair, replaced it with clean short hair, put on military uniforms, and participated in revolution after revolution. They are all in the fields, cultural classes, and villagers' meetings.

Liu Fayu was also touched by the enthusiasm of these women and joined these "new women". Later, she persuaded her husband to join the Red Army. From then on, the adopted daughter-in-law Liu Fayu no longer existed, only Liu Fayu, a soldier of the Red Army.

Liu Fayu is industrious and capable, not afraid of suffering or tiredness, and seems to have endless strength in his body. She did her job very well, and the leader felt that she was very serious and meticulous, and it was very suitable to be a medical soldier, so he sent her to the Fujian Red Army Hospital to learn health care knowledge.

Taking care of the wounded requires great care and care, which is much harder than the previous work in the army, but Liu Fayu can bear hardships, is not afraid of tiredness, studies carefully every day, and soon gets started, and also has a skill in traditional Chinese medicine.

Soon, Liu Fayu became a qualified nurse, returned to the original unit, and became the squad leader of the health squad, specializing in caring for the wounded who retired from the battlefield.

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

One day, Liu Fayu was changing the medicine for the wounded, and a familiar figure came into view, it turned out to be her husband Lai Yongfa! After Liu Fayu joined the Red Army, he also left his parents and followed Liu Fayu's steps and joined the Red Army.

After the two met, they only said hello, greeted each other a few words, and then went their separate ways into work.

In 1934, the fifth anti-encirclement and suppression campaign failed, and the Central Committee issued an order for the great transfer of all the Red Army.

Liu Fayu had already felt the hardships of this battle, and in this battle, more and more wounded came down from the front line, and the medicine was getting less and less, and the supplies were delayed.

But she did not expect that the situation would develop as it is now. Where the Red Army was going after the Great Shift, no one knew. She also quietly found her husband to ask about the situation, and her husband did not know, but the two agreed that they must follow the party and must persist!

In the process of the great transfer of the Red Army's troops, in addition to overcoming various harsh environments, they also had to face the encirclement and blockade of the Kuomintang.

Soon after, the fiercest battle of the Xiang River during the Long March broke out. The Kuomintang troops gathered a large amount of firepower and launched an attack on the Red Army troops, and the Red Army soldiers rose up to resist, and the blood stained the Xiang River.

And her husband, Lai Yongfa, also left Liu Fayu forever in this battle. When Liu Fayu saw her husband, her husband was covered in blood and had already been sacrificed, and his hands were still tightly clutching weapons until death, and he couldn't break them down.

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

Witnessing her husband's sacrifice, Liu Fayu's brain went blank, sadness swept through her heart, but she could not make any sound, she wanted to cry a lot, but at the moment she had other more important things to do, so she buried her husband's body in pain, and then she joined other fighters in the rescue of the wounded.

Third, they were arrested and imprisoned, and they were displaced

The war is getting more and more brutal, but the supply of medicines has been delayed. When Liu Fayu was worried about medicine, the regimental commander found her and her comrade-in-arms Zhong Sanlan. It turned out that the regimental commander had a task entrusted to them: to ask them to find a way to enter the city of Wuhan and go to a doctor Cao to get a batch of medicines that were vital to the Red Army. The doctor Cao was an underground party member and knew Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanlan, so the task fell on the shoulders of the two.

Although the nine deaths were a lifetime, the two resolutely accepted the mission, disguised themselves, sat on a small boat, and went down the Yangtze River.

Soon, they arrived in Wuhan. But at this time, Wuhan is strictly investigating the people who enter the city, how can they blend in?

Liu Fayu had a clever move, found a few dirty clothes, and the two dressed up as scruffy beggars. The defenders thought that they did not know where hanako came from, so they did not question them, and the two successfully entered the city of Wuhan.

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

However, just as they met with Dr. Cao, who had just handed over the medicine to the two men, the nearby police surrounded them, and Dr. Cao, seeing the emergency, pulled out his pistol and fired several shots at the police, while shouting for the two to run.

The two are not familiar with wuhan, where can they run? After a scuffle, Dr. Cao was killed on the spot, and Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu were arrested and imprisoned.

In order to pry open the mouths of the two, the police tortured them to force them to reveal their true identities and other underground party positions. However, the two of them faced torture and did not say a word.

When the police saw that they were indifferent, they used money and status to seduce the two, but the two were still unmoved.

Seeing that the two were soft and hard and did not eat, the police chief was angry and smashed Liu Fayu's little finger bone alive during an interrogation, and Liu Fayu still did not spit out a word.

After an unknown amount of time, the policemen seemed to have lost patience and, one evening, they were caught in a truck with the other prisoners.

The two knew that this was going to kill them, and their hearts were much calmer.

However, just as the truck was out of town and walking to the outskirts, there was a fight outside. It turned out to be guerrillas! The guerrillas happened to encounter the torture vehicle that escorted them and got into a fight with the police.

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

In this way, Liu Fayu and Zhong Sanxiu escaped from the torture car in the chaos, and then jumped down the slope in order not to be discovered by the police.

Unfortunately, the two unfortunately lost in the process of escape, Liu Fayu hid behind a large stone for a long time in order to avoid the police, and only came out at dawn and whispered to Zhong Sanxiu, but unfortunately did not get a response.

Although he was very worried about Zhong Sanxiu, Liu Fayu had to leave this place, and only by finding a large army could he go to rescue his comrades-in-arms.

Therefore, Liu Fayu embarked on the road of finding the Red Army alone.

As Liu Fayu walked, she inquired about the movements of the Red Army, and after walking for a long time, she never found the Red Army. A few months later, Liu Fayu was already in rags and disheveled, and had become a real beggar.

Every day, Liu Fayu was already hungry and yellow-skinned, and once she fainted on the side of the road, and the owner of a towel factory took her in.

In order to maintain his life and repay his boss, Liu Fayu stayed in the towel factory to work. In 1945, the good news came: Japan surrendered!

The 73-year-old woman was visiting the grave at the Martyrs' Cemetery and accidentally found her name, which immediately alarmed government officials

Liu Fayu's excitement was indescribable, and she decided to look for troops again. However, this time, she still did not find the big army, but spent all her savings and continued the life of wandering and begging before.

At this time, a carpenter took her in, and Liu Fayu's determination to find troops in his heart was not as strong as it had been, so she married this carpenter, and now this carpenter is Zhang Bingxian's father.

Returning to his homeland, Liu Fayu found that next to his tombstone was the tombstone of his ex-husband "Lai Yongfa Martyr". At this moment, Liu Fayu was relieved, it turned out that they had not been forgotten, and then his son immediately reported to the government, and after learning the news, the government immediately sent relevant personnel to verify. There are many people in this world who remember them. It can be said that it is precisely because of them that China is now prosperous and strong!

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