
He was given the title of major general, but the guard was given the title of general, and the marshal saw him and called him "teacher"

During the Northern Expedition, China had a very famous army, which achieved a well-known record and was a famous army known to everyone at that time, and this army was the Ye Ting Independent Regiment in the Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army led by General Ye Ting. Everyone is very familiar with General Ye Ting. A famous revolutionary leader in our country. However, the unfortunate death of General Ye in an air crash is regrettable. There are eight founding generals in this army, and today we are going to introduce Major General Yuan Yelie.

He was given the title of major general, but the guard was given the title of general, and the marshal saw him and called him "teacher"

Yuan Yelie was born in 1988, studied with his father since childhood, and later studied in school, during the period of study, he was influenced by revolutionary ideas, often participated in patriotic activities, and then was admitted to the military academy and participated in the student uprising in the school to oppose the warlord rebellion. After graduation, he served at the Whampoa Military Academy as the instructor of the Whampoa Phase 4, and Ye Shuai was a student of the fourth phase, and Instructor Yuan took great care of Lin Shuai, a non-speaking cadet. General Yuan then engaged in political work. In the same year, he was selected to the Ye Ting Independent Regiment and began his career. Later, after Lin Shuai graduated, he was also assigned to the Ye Ting Independent Regiment, and happened to be assigned to be a probationary platoon leader under General Yuan, who was already a battalion commander. General Yuan was still very good to him. Therefore, even if Lin Shuai later became the founding marshal, it can be seen that he still calls General Yuan a teacher.

He was given the title of major general, but the guard was given the title of general, and the marshal saw him and called him "teacher"

There were also two generals under General Yuan, one was Xu Guangda and the other was his guard Su Yu. Both of the men who were not outstanding at the time later became founding generals. At this point, we can see that General Yuan's seniority is very high, even his subordinates are senior generals, why is he only a major general, and what has changed here?

After the Nanchang uprising, the troops moved south, and there were constant enemy attacks on the way, and the army was scattered, and General Yuan was also one of them, he could not find the shadow of the army, and had to return to his hometown. In his hometown, he did not give up looking for news of the party, and finally with unremitting efforts, he got in touch with the party. He also led the Baise Uprising, and was subsequently led by the chief of staff of the Fifth Guard Corps and One Regiment in Guangxi to advance the army to the Central Soviet Region. However, in the process of advancing, the army was attacked, and General Yuan was seriously wounded. He was urgently sent to Shanghai for rescue.

He was given the title of major general, but the guard was given the title of general, and the marshal saw him and called him "teacher"

In 1931 the enemy stormed his home and brought him to trial. Faced with unscrupulous persecution by the enemy. He did not choose to give in, did not reveal half of his identity, and even so, the enemy still sentenced him to five years in prison. It was not until 1937 that he regained his freedom. After returning to the organization, although he resumed his party membership, his five-year prison career had prevented him from developing his military career, and he could only take on training and local work, until the Battle of Huaihai, when he served as the commander of the jinan and Xuzhou garrisons.

He was given the title of major general, but the guard was given the title of general, and the marshal saw him and called him "teacher"

When the rank was conferred, all his soldiers were awarded the rank of general, admiral, and he was only awarded the title of major general, and many people felt that it was okay for him, thinking that he should not be just this rank, but he himself did not think so. He said that he had never wanted to be an official, and that he had made a sacrifice by participating in the war. Now the honor given to me by the state is either low or high."

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