
He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

The history of the new Chinese revolution is an epic poem that can be sung and wept, and it is a magnificent picture. It was countless Chinese Communists who threw their heads and spilled their blood for ideals and convictions, and after arduous struggle, they exchanged them for a new China.

In this grand epic and picture scroll, we see more of the iron side of the revolutionary predecessors. In fact, these revolutionary predecessors also have a tender and watery side. The founding general We want to introduce today, He Dongsheng, is not only a general with outstanding military achievements and heroic courage, but also a good comrade-in-arms, a good husband, and a good father with a full sense of humanity.

He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

He Dongsheng

Du Guanghua was heroic and righteous

Before introducing He Dongsheng, we will first introduce another general, Du Guanghua, who, as the commander of the Tenth Division of the Fourth Column of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army, participated in the third defensive battle in the Battle of Sibao Linjiang in 1947. The Kuomintang troops mobilized all their mobile forces and stormed the Linjiang area, and the battle was extremely fierce. On February 22, the enemy pounced on the 571 heights of our army, and the Tenth Division was attacked on its stomach and back, and Du Guanghua personally came to the front line to direct the battle. During the battle, Du Guanghua was unfortunately hit by enemy shells and died heroically. In order to confuse the enemy, our side did not disclose the news of Du Guanghua's sacrifice at the first time, but waited until the end of the war to hold a memorial service.

He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

Du Guanghua

Du Guanghua's wife, Chen Ling, who had only been married for two years, could not accept the fact of Du Guanghua's sacrifice, was extremely sad, and fainted several times. At this time, her daughter was only 16 months old and was pregnant with Du Guanghua's second child. Xiao Hua, chief of the Liaodong Military Region, Peng Jiaqing, political commissar of the Fourth Column, and other leaders were very worried about Chen Ling's condition. Xiao Hua and Peng Jiaqing discussed whether they could help Chen Ling reorganize a family, jointly raise the children of martyr Du Guanghua, and comfort the martyr's spirit in heaven? This matter was later implemented in Peng Jiaqing.

Peng Jiaqing knew that this candidate was not easy to find, he thought left and right, repeatedly deliberated, and finally set his eyes on He Dongsheng, then the commander of the Second Division of the First Column of the Northeast Field Army, and the First Column and the Second Division were now the 113th Division of the 38th Army, which was a heroic unit. The reason why Peng Jiaqing chose He Dongsheng, in addition to He Dongsheng's unmarried, responsible, and daring to take responsibility, there is also an important point that he and Du Guanghua were originally close comrades-in-arms, and when the former Jiaodong Lao Sixth Regiment was held, He Dongsheng was the regimental commander and Du Guanghua was the regimental chief of staff.

He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

He Dongsheng's revolutionary experience

He Dongsheng was born in 1911 in Youxian County, Hunan Province, when he was 19 years old, he joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, talking about He Dongsheng's participation in the Red Army, there is a small story, that year, the recruiting Red Army suspected He Dongsheng was thin and small, did not agree to his joining the army, He Dongsheng followed the Red Army, walked for many days continuously, became the small tail of the Red Army, it is this persistent enthusiasm, He Dongsheng joined the Red Army. The Red Army was a big school, and He Dongsheng made rapid progress, and in 1932 he gloriously joined the Communist Party of China. He Dongsheng grew up in the crucible of the revolutionary war and served as a squad leader, platoon leader, and company political instructor. He participated in the "anti-encirclement and suppression" struggles and the 25,000-mile Long March in the Central Soviet Region. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, He Dongsheng served as the commander of the teaching brigade, the regimental chief of staff, the regimental commander, and the chief of staff of the division of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and participated in the Battle of Pingxingguan. During the Liberation War, he served as chief of staff, deputy division commander, division commander, deputy commander, acting commander and chief of staff of the Northeast Democratic Coalition Army Division.

He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

He Dongsheng and his comrades-in-arms

Throughout He Dongsheng's life, he was a lucky general, he experienced hundreds of battles, but unscathed, in the autumn of 1943, the Japanese army surrounded and suppressed the base area, in order to cover the organs and the masses to transfer, He Dongsheng led 81 people to block hundreds of Japanese puppet troops, and later the troops dispersed and broke out, but he Dongsheng was not seen. The local people and troops thought that He Dongsheng had died, so they set up a spiritual hall to pay tribute to him. After dark that day, He Dongsheng miraculously returned, and together with a guard, he also took a Japanese prisoner. He Dongsheng has a habit of pushing the brim of his hat upwards when he is in a victorious battle or in a good mood, and then his face is like a flower, radiant; when he is angry or angry, he presses the brim of the hat down, and his anger is soaring, and he is touched. Whenever his subordinates reported to him on the work of asking for instructions, they would privately ask the guards where the brim of the chief's hat was, and if the guards said that the brim of the hat was on the eyelids, one by one, their hearts were jumping; if it was on the forehead, everyone would smile and even dare to joke with the chief.

He Dongsheng supported his comrades-in-arms

The flowers bloom in two, one on each side. When Peng Jiaqing told He Dongsheng about this idea, he pondered for a moment and firmly agreed to the marriage. On the night of the wedding, Chen Ling hugged her two-month-old son and apologetically said to He Dongsheng, who was also holding his two-year-old daughter, that he had dragged him down. He Dongsheng said without hesitation: "Du Guanghua's flesh and bones are my He Dongsheng's flesh and bones." Rest assured! He Dongsheng did what he said, he changed his two children to He surname, his daughter named He Mo, and his son named He Jun, regarded him as his own, and warned his comrades-in-arms around him that they must keep secrets from the two children in the future.

On August 27, 1998, General He Dongsheng died. Before dying, he took Chen Ling's hand and asked Chen Ling affectionately to tell the children the true origins and let them go to Tonghua, Jilin Province, to pay tribute to their biological father, Du Guanghua.

He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

He Dongsheng and Chen Ling


One day in the spring of 2001, He Jun, who was already the director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hunan Province, took his wife to Tonghua City, Jilin Province, to pay tribute to his biological father, Du Guanghua; on March 7, 2001, after hearing the news, He Mu, who was working at the Chinese Embassy in Belgium, returned to China to pay tribute to his father, Du Guanghua. The two brothers and sisters were in tears, they were unfortunate because they had lost their biological father since childhood; they were lucky, because they had never lacked fatherly love.

He Dongsheng, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, supported his family for his fallen comrades and let his children know the truth before dying

Tomb of Du Guanghua

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