
The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

Founding Major General He Dongsheng's temper was notoriously grumpy.

He was angry all his life and tugged the brim of his hat, sometimes he was so anxious that he simply threw the hat away.

When He Dongsheng was the regimental commander, everyone around him knew his temper, and when the cadres of the battalion company wanted to find He Dongsheng, they would always ask He Dongsheng's guards first: Where is the brim of the regimental commander's hat?

If the guards answered "on the eyelids," the cadres fled and hid far away.

If the guard replied, "On the back of the head," then everyone would relax and go in to report on the work, at this time, even if it was a joke with He Dongsheng, it would not matter.

Although he was grumpy, He Dongsheng was really good to the two children in the family.

However, after the death of Comrade He Dongsheng, his lover called the children to him and told them: You are not born to your father.

What's going on here? Does He Dongsheng know about this?

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father


He Dongsheng is a native of Hunan and has been stubborn since childhood.

Once, when he was a child, he picked up a winter melon on the road, and after carrying it home, his father thought that he had stolen it, and he picked up the flat burden and beat him.

As soon as He Dongsheng's temper came up, he couldn't move, and he was beaten hard.

That night, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he simply ran away from home and did not return home for three days and three nights: the first night he lived in a broken temple, the second day he lived in a cave, and on the third day he changed places—slept on the field.

Everyone in the family was going crazy.

In 1930, the Red Army passed by He Dongsheng's hometown, and he signed up to join the army, but the recruited Red Army soldiers saw that he was black, thin and small, and did not want to accept him.

He Dongsheng was annoyed, and the more people didn't let him become a soldier, the more he wanted to be a soldier.

After the Red Army was pulled out, he quietly hid behind the large troops, followed for several days in a row, and did not appear until he appeared at the foot of Jinggang Mountain.

He Dongsheng found the stubborn grind of recruiting soldiers and insisted on becoming a Red Army. Later, he finally got his wish and stayed in the team as a communications soldier.

He Dongsheng fought very bravely, and when he fought Huangpi in 1932, he single-handedly killed 30 enemies.

Because of his outstanding performance, He Dongsheng's position rose step by step, and during the War of Resistance Against Japan, he successively served as the regimental commander and the chief of staff.

Although he became a commander, when it came time to fight, He Dongsheng was unwilling to honestly stay in the command post.

He ran to the assault company for a while, to the machine gun company for a while, and when he was in a hurry, he sometimes simply picked up the machine gun himself.

Once, when the soldiers were fighting fiercely with the Japanese army, He Dongsheng wiped his face and shouted at the commander Chen Shiyu: "Get on the cannon and blow up their bunkers!" ”

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

Chen Shiyu disagreed: "We only have a dozen shells in total, and we can't solve the problem." ”

As soon as He Dongsheng heard this, his temper came up again, "You don't want shells, I don't want soldiers!" Artillery company commander, give me a blast! ”

Chen Shiyu had no choice but to watch as He Dongsheng crossed the line and gave orders.

However, the commander of the artillery company was not dependent, Chen Shiyu was the commander, he did not nod, no one dared to fire.

He Dong was extremely angry and kicked at the artillery company commander, "If you don't fire the cannon again, I will shoot you!" ”

In the end, the war was won.

Afterwards, Chen Shiyu laughed and scolded, "You he bold, there is no commander like me in your eyes!" ”

He Dongsheng quickly put on his hat, stood upright, and saluted Chen Shiyu with a standard military salute, "Commander, you should punish me now!" ”

He Dongsheng is this temper.

Later, people simply gave him the nickname: "Hairy Monkey".

Because he was always not at the command post, so at the end of every battle, Lin Biao always had to let people check where the monkeys ran.

He Dongsheng was a "lucky general", he had experienced hundreds of battles and often encountered dangerous situations, but he had never been shot.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, tens of thousands of Japanese puppet troops carried out a large-scale sweep of the coastal base areas.

In order to cover the breakthrough of government organs and civilians, He Dongsheng led 81 fighters to resist hundreds of Japanese puppet troops, and fought bloodily all day, but did not let the enemy take a step forward.

The next morning, his two platoons finally dispersed and broke out, but he Dongsheng was the only one who did not see him.

At that time, the Dashan base area was occupied by the Japanese army on all sides, and the people rumored that He Dongsheng had died, and even the spiritual hall was set up.

Who knew that in the evening, He Dongsheng and a guard rushed back and took a Japanese prisoner.

Everyone was sad and then happy, laughing and calling him an "undead hair monkey".

During the Liberation War, He Dongsheng led the troops to charge, and suddenly felt like he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer at his waist, and after examination, he found that there was a bullet hole in the leather jacket, and then opened the leather jacket to see that a warhead was embedded in the surface of the skin, and only a little skin was scratched.

He Dongsheng picked out the bullet with his hand, "Yawn" and casually threw it away.

When Luo Ronghuan saw He Dongsheng, he would always joke with him: How come you hairy monkey are still alive?

"Commissar, our two families are less than 30 miles apart, are you so expecting me to die?"

He Dongsheng and Luo Ronghuan's hometown is very close, only more than 20 miles away.

As famous as He Dongsheng's temper, there is also his hat.

He Dongsheng has a habit, as long as he wins a battle or is happy, he likes to pull the brim of the hat up, and his face is radiant; if he is unhappy, he will press the brim of the hat down, at this time, if anyone comes to him, it will be like lighting a cannonball, and he will be scolded.

At dusk on February 22, 1947, He Dongsheng's hat brim was pressed low, and the people around him also bowed their heads and did not say a word.

Everyone just got the news: Du Guanghua, commander of the 10th Division, was hit by enemy shells and died heroically.

He Dongsheng's face was gloomy, and he did not say a word for a long time.

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

Du Guanghua


Du Guanghua was 4 years younger than He Dongsheng, born in a poor peasant family in Sichuan Province, and suffered from hunger and cold at a young age.

In late November 1932, Du Guanghua joined the armed guerrilla group led by the underground party and actively participated in the peasant armed uprising.

In 1933, the Red Fourth Front entered Sichuan, and Du Guanghua enthusiastically signed up and became a member of the Red Army.

Du Guanghua and He Dongsheng were both veterans of the Long March.

In 1937, when Japan invaded China, the two of them rushed from Yan'an to the anti-Japanese battlefield at the same time, and were incorporated into the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

At that time, Du Guanghua served as the company commander of the 686th Regiment of the 343rd Brigade, and He Dongsheng served as the commander of the division teaching brigade, and both of them participated in the PingxingGuan Victory.

After the 11th Division went to the Battlefield of Shandong, He Dongsheng served as the regimental commander of the 686th Regiment, and Du Guanghua was promoted to regimental chief of staff and deputy regimental commander.

The two were both comrades-in-arms born and die- and close friends.

Like He Dongsheng, Du Guanghua was also very brave in battle.

When attacking Tancheng in Shandong, the Japanese puppet army held the city with strong fortifications and sophisticated weapons. Our army failed to capture the city several times, and suffered heavy casualties.

After analyzing the situation between the enemy and ourselves, Du Guanghua suggested that He Dongsheng ask his superiors to fight and ask for a change in combat strategy.

After the division headquarters agreed, the two men immediately studied the battle plan and urgently held a combat mobilization.

Du Guanghua said:

Even if Tancheng is struck with iron, we must resolutely smash it! Tonight I will attack the city with everyone, and no one will come back if it can't be broken!

Du Guanghua's heroism of seeing death as a homecoming greatly inspired everyone.

That night, Du Guanghua personally led his troops, under the cover of fire, blew up a corner of the city wall, and finally broke through Tancheng.

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Du Guanghua served as the commander of the 4th Column and the 10th Division, and He Dongsheng was transferred to the division commander of the 1st Column and 2nd Division.

In November 1946, the Kuomintang general Du Yuming launched the plan of "attacking the north from the south, first the south and then the north", preparing to take the entire southern Manchuria region into his own hands, and then relying on this to attack northern Manchuria.

At that time, our military strength in southern Manchuria was weak, and many cadres believed that they should withdraw from southern Manchuria and fight in conjunction with the northern Manchurian army.

Lin Biao, on the other hand, believes that the Nationalist army is insufficient in the northeast and the front line is too long to use troops on a large scale in both the north and the south at the same time.

He formulated the strategy of "fighting south and pulling south and north and pulling south":

If you beat me to the south, I will beat you to the north, and if you come back to the north, I will beat you south.

As soon as your reinforcements arrive, I will leave, and if you pursue me, then I will concentrate my superior forces and fight the pursuing troops on your side.

On December 17, 1946, the Defense Of Linjiang officially began, and Du Guanghua led the 10th Division to advance lightly, jumped out of the enemy's encirclement, and went around to the back of the Kuomintang army to fight, hitting the enemy by surprise, and our army won a victory in Linjiang.

At the same time, He Dongsheng was carrying out the orders of his superiors, implementing the tactic of "fighting south and pulling north" in the ice and snow of northern Manchuria and cooperating with the operation.

On February 18, 1947, the Kuomintang army gathered a large number of mobile troops and launched a larger attack on the Linjiang area.

Du Guanghua was ordered to lead the 10th Division and the 3rd Column to counterattack.

The fighting was extremely fierce.

On February 22, the enemy's 51st Division launched an offensive and fierce attack on our army's high ground, and the 10th Division was attacked on the back of the enemy, and Du Guanghua, not afraid of danger, personally went to the front line position and commanded the troops to continuously repel the enemy's repeated heavy attacks.

At dusk, Du Guanghua was hit by an enemy shell and fell into the snow, never to get up again.

The 32-year-old tiger will fall.

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father


On February 28, on the southern slope of Hanjiataizi in Linjiang County, the Liaodong Military Region held a solemn memorial meeting for Commander Du Guanghua.

More than 10,000 soldiers and civilians attended the memorial service, and everyone looked sad, and from time to time there were irrepressible weeping in the crowd.

Xiao Jinguang and Chen Yun personally delivered eulogies.

When Du Guanghua died, his daughter was only one and a half years old, and his wife Chen Ling was still 6 months pregnant.

Chen Ling couldn't stand this sudden blow and couldn't bear the pain.

She and Du Guanghua have been married for three years, but the time together is less than two months.

The last time the two separated was in the autumn of 1945, before leaving home, Du Guanghua held his daughter tightly in his arms, and called her daughter's nickname while kissing, saying that his father was going to the front line to fight, and he didn't know when he would meet again!

After saying that, he kissed her deeply twice on the cheek, then handed her to his wife, and then walked away with an apologetic face and no head back.

Not long after, Chen Ling found that she was pregnant again, but the family was too poor, the child was hungry and crying, there was really no way, she wrote a letter to Du Guanghua, hoping that he would find a way to carry some money back.

Unexpectedly, the news of her husband's sacrifice came.

The troops handed Over To Chen Ling the only military satchel and a few pieces of clothing that Du Guanghua had, and in the worn-out satchel she saw a carefully preserved letter, the one she had written to her husband.

It wasn't until a long time later that Chen Ling learned that although Du Guanghua was a division commander, he was penniless, and after receiving a letter from his wife, he quickly borrowed a few yuan from his comrades-in-arms and prepared to take it back, but unfortunately, before he could send the money out, he passed away...

At the memorial service, Chen Yun and others encouraged Chen Ling to turn grief into strength and raise her two children.

However, this is not easy to talk about.

After the victory in the Battle of Sibao Linjiang, considering that it was too difficult for the young Chen Ling to pull two children alone, the head of the military region thought twice and asked Peng Jiaqing, the political commissar of the Fourth Column, to act as a matchmaker and let Du Guanghua's old comrades-in-arms He Dongsheng and Chen Ling marry.

In fact, as early as after learning the news of the sacrifice of his best friend, He Dongsheng made up his mind that he must help take care of Du Guanghua's family, and when he didn't know how to help, the chiefs put forward this idea.

He Dongsheng didn't say a word and directly agreed.

On the night of the candle in the cave room, Chen Ling apologized to He Dongsheng and said, "We are dragging you down." ”

He Dongsheng held her hand and said word by word: "Master Du's flesh and bones are my flesh and bones, you can rest assured!" ”

He Dongsheng did what he said.

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

Since then, He Dongsheng has been obligated to take over Du Guanghua's burden at home.

The two children, the eldest being less than two years old, the youngest waiting to be fed.

In order to avoid hurting the children's feelings, but also so that the family can live in harmony in the future, everyone changed the children's surname to He, the daughter named He Mo, and the son named He Jun, and has been keeping this secret to the two children.

As the decades passed, the children grew up day by day.

In 1962, He Dongsheng was appointed commander of the Guangdong Military Region and lived in Changsha, Hunan Province.

In 1985, 38 years after Du Guanghua's sacrifice, Tonghua staff interviewed Chen Ling, and when asked about the two children, Chen Ling sighed with tears:

"Guanghua's two children are very good, and Commander He is even better to the children than his own." Now our family is very harmonious, and we have not yet told the two children about their origins. ”

On August 27, 1998, He Dong fell ill and died.

Before dying, he repeatedly told Chen Ling that he must tell the children their origins and let the children go to Tonghua to pay tribute to their biological father.

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

Major General He Dongsheng


Tonghua's Xiaohuanggou Township was Du Guanghua's sacrificial ground.

In 1948, the Tonghua County government renamed Xiaohuanggou Township "Guanghua Township" in honor of General Du Guanghua.

In the spring of 2001, Du Guanghua's son He Jun (then director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hunan Province) and daughter-in-law Li Shuyun (a trade union cadre of the Hunan Provincial Bank of Communications) successively contacted Du Guanghua's former unit, the Tonghua Municipal Government, and the Tonghua Military Subdistrict, and found the place of sacrifice and burial of his father, Du Guanghua.

Then, they informed their sister He Mo and brother-in-law Li Rui of the situation they had received.

He Mo and her husband work together in the Military Attaché Office of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Embassy in Belgium, He Mo is the deputy division secretary, and her husband is a military attaché at the level of a full division.

On March 7, 2001, after returning to China, Mr. and Mrs. He Mo immediately rushed to Tonghua.

When the people of Guanghua Town heard that Master Du's daughter was coming, they spontaneously cleared the way up the mountain.

It was a memorial service that was more than half a century late.

The founding major general loved his children very much, and after his death, his lover told his children: You are not born to your father

An old man who witnessed the sacrifice of Master Du gave a detailed account of the scene to He And his wife.

He Fell on the snow that had been stained red by his father's blood, crying bitterly.

She cried out in grief, "Daddy, your daughter is coming to see you!" Dad, daughter came too late! ”

The leaders and local people present were all moved and wept...

When his biological father died, He Mo was only two years old and did not remember anything.

It was not until after the death of her adoptive father, He Dongsheng, that she heard her mother mention the matter of her biological father, Du Guanghua.

At this time, 54 years have passed since Du Guanghua's sacrifice, and the two children have finally arrived at their father's burial place, but the wishes of their adoptive father He Dongsheng and generations of people have been fulfilled.

Du Guanghua's children were unfortunate because they had lost their father early on, and they were also lucky because their adoptive father, He Dongsheng, regarded them as their own.

Comradeship and love are the truest, and it is incomparable to any emotion!


Dong Guijun, Li Ruiquan. Postmark of "Guanghua" Martyrs' Place Names[J]. 2004.

Ouyang Qing. The main division of the Fourth Field Army and its famous major general[J]. Party History Expo, 2015(12):7.

Zhou Zhitong. The Battle of Linjiang That I Personally Experienced[J]. Zongheng, 2008(11):6.

Chunhua, Xinren, Zhao Hongxia. Glorious History: Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Battle of Sibao Linjiang[J]. Lantai Inside and Outside, 2007.

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