
Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

As the saying goes, heroes are born in a chaotic world, but during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the storms and turmoil were turbulent, and many heroes emerged in the vast land of our country. They are distributed all over the motherland, and each of them has a legendary story. Today we are going to discuss the three heroes who appeared in the Shandong territory, they are respected by the locals as the "Three Tiger Generals", so which three tiger generals are they, and who among the three of them has the highest achievements? Let's take a look at it together.

Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

It is often said that one side of the water and soil to raise one side of the people, Shandong belongs to the north, the local people are uninhibited, eclectic, with typical northerners bold personality characteristics. The first tiger general we are going to talk about today is such a bold and uninhibited figure--- a general with the surname of Zhang, whose name is "Renchu", nicknamed Zhang Crazy. General Zhang's hometown is located in Huang'an, Hubei Province, and he has lived in Shandong since childhood. He is bold and rugged, and has a prominent mouth of large teeth and looks very savage. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he served as a battalion commander of the 686th Regiment.

Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

In one battle, he led a battalion and annihilated a whole regiment of the other side, and for a time his reputation was greatly shocked, and in order to eliminate the enemy, he sent more than 3,000 puppet troops and more than 4,000 Japanese troops to encircle and suppress his troops. Later, he took advantage of the favorable terrain and the mass base to maneuver with the enemy for more than a month to repel the enemy's attacks many times, and smashed the enemy's plot of encirclement and suppression. In this anti-encirclement and suppression campaign, more than 1,300 enemy members were killed, causing a sensation in the country and awarding the rank of "lieutenant general" after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

The second tiger we are going to talk about will be a general surnamed Liang, whose name is "Xingchu", because his front teeth are prominent and looks particularly conspicuous, so he is given the nickname "Liang Daya", Liang Daya's hometown is a Jiangxi native in Jiangxi, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, he led his troops to participate in many battles, including the Guangyang Ambush And the Battle of Fenli Highway, etc. Later, he led his troops to the north to participate in the Pingxingguan Victory, and was commended by Chen (chen) Geng.

Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

Later, he moved to the North China Plain and has been active in Shandong, dealing with the local Japanese army. The founder of the Thirty-eighth Army of our army was General Liang. It is precisely because of such an excellent founder that the Thirty-eighth Army has played the momentum and prestige of our army on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and has won the title of "Long Live the Army." After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was awarded the rank of "lieutenant general" and served as the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and was also the most accomplished general among the three tiger generals.

Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

The last of the three tiger generals was called "Hairy Monkey", and he was a general with the surname He and the name "Dongsheng". General He was an authentic Shandong native, and in 1943, the Japanese army sent a large number of troops of nearly 10,000 people to encircle and suppress our Shandong base area, and He Dongsheng only took the strength of a company, and with the advantage of being familiar with the terrain, he began to use the terrain to gradually counterattack the enemy with a company of troops to contain several times his own Japanese army. Stubbornly blocking the opponent, in the end did not let the enemy take a step forward.

Who were the "Three Tiger Generals" in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression? What rank did you hold after the founding of the People's Republic of China? Who achieves the most?

So why do people call it "Hairy Monkey"? It turned out that at that time, the large troops had already broken through, and when the people arrived at the safe zone, they found that the company led by He Dongsheng did not protrude from the encirclement, and because of the fierce battle at that time, people thought that he had sacrificed his life for the country. Since he returned one night, he relied on his flexible thinking and favorable terrain to circle with the enemy, and finally succeeded in breaking through the encirclement and capturing an enemy, so people gave him the nickname Hair Monkey, and after the founding of the country, he was awarded the rank of "major general".

In addition to the three of them, there are many outstanding sons and daughters of China who fought bloodily for the fate of the country.

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