
If a colleague is less talented than you, but is promoted to the top boss, will you choose to resign?

In the workplace, "getting ahead" is everyone's ultimate goal, but many people have a mediocre life, not that their ability is inferior to others, but they are too eager to achieve success.

The workplace is not to win at the starting point, but to win at the turning point, and what can open up the distance between people and people is your emotional intelligence.

If a colleague who is not as talented as you is promoted to your boss, will you resign and not do it?

Remember that the factor that will determine your ultimate choice at any time must be your own interest.

Colleagues who are not as talented as you have become your leaders, and of course you are unwilling, difficult to hide your loss, and feel too unfair.

But don't be carried away by these bad emotions, see the fact that others have been selected and dig out the deep reasons behind their selection.

Think about why the leader chose him and not you, to reflect on your own shortcomings and problems, so that you will understand the gap between yourself and others so that you can better progress and grow, so that the next promotion opportunity to seize when it comes.

Complaining is a manifestation of incompetence, capable people will use actual achievements to speak, with actions to prove themselves, if you do not accept, you have to do better, even if you think that your talent is not as good as your colleagues have become your leader, the heart is extremely unhappy, can not appear, not to mention impulsively leave.

All decisions should be made in self-interest, for the sake of their own future, not to make decisions on the head, to think carefully and thoughtfully before doing it, so that they can not regret it and make the right choice.

If a colleague is less talented than you, but is promoted to the top boss, will you choose to resign?

Self-awareness must be clear, don't think that you don't have talent

You think your colleagues are less talented than you, where do you come from?

Whether it is your own narrow opinion or the common judgment of everyone, you must think clearly about this and do not live in your own world.

"Authority fans", we are always more tolerant of ourselves, even if there are shortcomings, it is only a little, compared to others, we will always support ourselves.

But there should be a bottom line, that is, respect the objective facts, do not always start from your own point of view, see the advantages of others that are worth learning, and humbly accept the valuable advice given to you by others.

In addition, is talent the only consideration for promotion?

Obviously not, the selection and promotion of a person at the top looks at his comprehensive ability in all aspects, the examination is never a single factor, there are many talents that managers need to have, far-reaching strategic vision, the ability to recognize and employ people, the mentality of being able to do things calmly and steadily, and so on.

If a colleague is less talented than you, but is promoted to the top boss, will you choose to resign?

Walking in the workplace, please put away your glass heart

If you are frustrated at work, do not actively look for a solution, but resign with a big deal, then it is difficult to succeed in promotion no matter where you go.

This is the same as giving up when encountering tribulations in life, not working hard to overcome changes, and there will be no improvement in life.

Your colleagues who are not as talented as you have become your boss, you are angry, dissatisfied, unwilling to work under him, and the dissatisfaction in your heart will always be reflected in the follow-up work.

At that time, as a boss, he will also feel that you are a thorn in the head, taking the atmosphere of the team out of place, and then it will not be that you choose to consider resigning, but that you are fired from the company, so that there is no benefit to you.

If you want to get a high salary, you must learn to be patient and generous, and if you decide to stay, you must put down the mustard and get along with the current boss in harmony and friendship.

And the former colleagues become leaders, this status change, you have to grasp the measure in the future with him, which jokes can not be done in the heart, so that your work will go smoothly, your career will be smooth.

The consideration of whether to resign should be based on one's own career planning, and do not be arrogant.

If you stay in the original company's development prospects are still good, then you should eliminate the idea of leaving, resolve the contradiction with the current leader of the original colleague, and strive to achieve the dream as soon as possible.

If a colleague is less talented than you, but is promoted to the top boss, will you choose to resign?

Respect your opponents to surpass your opponents

Looking at people with colored glasses, you can never see the truth clearly, and you can't fully understand others.

Biased judgment that is not comprehensive does not support you in making the right choice.

For the achievements of others, it is common for people to be envious, but it is still necessary to remain rational, understand the practical efforts required to change the status quo, and then put the mentality at ease, adjust well, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the goal of life.

For example, a friend of mine, Lao Bai, met a colleague who was not as talented as his and became his boss, and at first he was difficult to accept and chagrin, and he also thought of simply resigning and not doing it, and he felt depressed in his heart.

But later, through the completion of a project together, he discovered the super communication ability of his current boss and the keen observation of the market, and he realized that he had brought colored glasses to see people before.

I only see that others are not doing things as fast as themselves, but I don't know that others are doing things more securely and thoughtfully, and these are the things that they lack.

After figuring it out, he no longer struggled with whether to resign. Instead, open your heart and sincerely learn from your current boss.

After the change of mentality, he found that he was making progress day by day, thinking about things more thoroughly and comprehensively, having a global view, and seeing deeper and farther.

A year later, he was promoted to management, and this is inseparable from his rational view of things, the awareness of his mistakes and the courage to correct and not be right with the facts that have happened, and the mentality of humility to learn with a broad mind.

Text/Lao Xia Analyst

Sometimes, though never met. But they have known each other for a long time, very subtle and contented

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