
"Once they were all insiders, now they are naked", is it cowardice to escape from the big factory?

"After seeing the doctor so many times and taking so many medicines, the result is that resignation is the most effective for good health."

Naked words are sometimes not cowardly, but to live better.


The first video of a newcomer up the owner exploded unexpectedly.

30-year-old living alone, no friends, no background, no house, no car, no specialty, no desire, only two points and one line of work.

In the work that they devote themselves to, they must also be wronged. "It is the workers who work on the assembly line, but the group leaders and ministers who take more money." There is no positive feedback from his efforts, and he spends every day in depression and worry.

"Once they were all insiders, now they are naked", is it cowardice to escape from the big factory?

Don't know the direction of the future, don't know what can be done, don't know what can be done... Therefore, the lord chose to resign nakedly to end this chaotic state of life.


The picture quality is not clear, the editing level is low, and the people are not handsome... This blockbuster video does not have the exquisite cow x in the public impression, and the key to its real appeal is that the content can resonate.

I don't know if you have found that there are more and more content of self-reported resignation on the B station recently. The keywords of "big factory", "naked words" and "inner volume" appear on almost everyone's recommendation list.

Slightly higher-paying jobs are on the side of 996, there is no time at my disposal, and it is a completely emotionless work machine. Nowadays, it is common to work to depression.

"Once they were all insiders, now they are naked", is it cowardice to escape from the big factory?

Internet manufacturers were once synonymous with "good jobs", but in the past two years, there have been frequent voices of "escape".

A girl from a large factory in Hangzhou caused an uproar on the Internet because of her naked words. In her resignation letter, she detailed the reasons for her departure:

No time to fall in love; no time to travel; no overtime pay; no friends, no way to sneak around in the company; no future, the company's performance declined; didn't want to mess around.

Seven reasons, covering the bitter tears of many workers, but I believe that Mo said that it was these seven, even if you write ten more reasons worth leaving, the leaders will feel that she does not understand things.

"Once they were all insiders, now they are naked", is it cowardice to escape from the big factory?

Sister Chao has a friend who is planning at a company and does not come home until one or two o'clock every day in order to change the plan. Years ago, she found out that there was a problem with her body, and she gently told her boss that she wanted to quit her job and recuperate for a while.

The boss replied to her: "Do you post-90s think you are particularly good?" You can't get out of here and never find the same treatment as you do now! ”

The bosses offer jobs as if they were giving handouts. Employees can't have an opinion when they get paid, just like signing a deed of sale, whether they are dead or alive, they have to work here.


Sister Chao would like to say that work has always been a two-way choice, and the salary is also what the boss should give, and no one owes anyone.

People always advise unrequited people to "not hang themselves on a tree", in fact, it is also the reason for putting it on work. There is no better life with you, so I will find another branch.

"Once they were all insiders, now they are naked", is it cowardice to escape from the big factory?

Escaping is not necessarily cowardice, but rather a new kind of rebirth, seeking a better balance between work and life.

Although most of the work is not necessarily pleasant, we can at least actively reject some long-term unpleasantness. If you often feel anxious and depressed about your work, or even affect your health because of the excessive intensity of work, then let's pack up and run.

The heavens and the earth are vast and have done a great deal, and it is not possible to leave this temple and never ring the bell again.

Silly x lead, we'll never see each other again.

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