
Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn

Want to wear a sense of fashion, with a white design is not bad, such as u-shaped design, quite beautiful collarbone, that kind of collocation, very simple, white u-shape plus a certain design, shoulder line is still quite temperamental

Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn
Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn

The white dress itself is a bit fairy, plus the design, the overall is quite foreign, the white dress, in the U-shaped design is good, or the shoulder line is also more plus, the waist line is waist, the skirt is fluffy

Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn

A little bit of the soft beauty of the little girl, but also a little elegant texture, with light color Martin boots or tall boots, do not need casual design, with a more fashionable design, the overall elegant and simple a little cute, slightly fashionable atmosphere to form a collocation

Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn

Among the white dresses, the extra points on the accessories of the collarbone are good, the accessories are just lit up with gold, the earrings are also in gold, the accessories are also gold, the design should be exquisite, and the makeup should be elegant

Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn

Seemingly simple dress collocation, in fact, it is more plus, Tang Yan wears a white dress, on the style, the overall good, on the wear, the extra point has texture, usually concave shape, but also quite nice

Tang Yan wears a white dress, the style is good, really eye-catching, suitable for fashionistas to learn

The little sister in front of the screen prefers which classic style, white-based style, you can also tell us in the message area below, wear to choose their own, play the strengths and avoid the shortcomings, it is easier to add points

Disclaimer: Picture editor Jiang Xiaoyu, text: bj Jun original content editor M Jun review, content without permission please do not reprint, plagiarism will be investigated

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