
Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

Super League Ball Review

2024-06-29 15:53

On June 28, the Chinese Football Association issued a notice on the "Implementation Rules for the Promotion and Relegation of Referees in the Professional League of the Chinese Football Association in 2024 (Trial)", which clearly stipulates the promotion and relegation of referees. This new policy is another important measure for the management of referees in Chinese football after the referee evaluation system, marking the further strictness of the management of referees by the Football Association.

Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

According to the new referee evaluation standards, professional ability accounts for 60%, of which referee supervision and evaluation and key event errors and omissions account for 45% each, and net game time accounts for 10%. The proportion of errors and omissions in key events is 45%, and the performance of referees in the actual law enforcement process will become an important indicator of assessment. These adjustments show that the Football Association hopes to improve the actual law enforcement level of referees through more intuitive assessment standards.

Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

The new policy also proposes severe penalties for "major misjudgments". For those mistakes and omissions that affect the relegation and relegation results of professional league teams and have a great negative impact on society, referees will be directly demoted. This regulation undoubtedly puts higher requirements on referees, and also aims to reduce controversial decisions in matches and improve the fairness and transparency of the league. The Chinese Super League, the Chinese League A and the Chinese League B will have 2 referees and assistant referees relegated each year, for a total of 9 per year.

Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

Since the 2024 season, the referee management system of the Chinese Football Professional League has undergone major changes, and the core lies in the introduction of the referee evaluation system. So far, the Chinese Football Association has announced 11 referee reviews, covering the Chinese Super League, the Chinese Football League, the Chinese Football League and the Chinese Super League, as well as the FA Cup, Women's Super League and other competitions. Each referee review invites the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the General Administration of Sports and the discipline inspection department of the Football Association to send personnel to supervise, and at the same time, authoritative media representatives attend the audit, and the relevant leaders of the Football Association have not been absent. This not only reflects the great importance that the Football Association attaches to the referee's evaluation, but also plays a role in supervision and deterrence.

Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

The introduction of the new referee management policy shows the importance and determination of the Football Association to the management of referees. The relegation quota of 9 people per year and the severe punishment for major mistakes and omissions undoubtedly put forward higher requirements for referees. As some industry insiders said, after the implementation of the new policy, the work of Super League referees will be more difficult, but this will also prompt them to be more rigorous and professional in law enforcement, so as to improve the overall level and credibility of the league. (Super League Commentary)

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  • Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!
  • Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!
  • Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!
  • Punch hard! The Football Association will directly demote referees for major mistakes and omissions: 9 people are relegated every year!

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