
The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Toothy Boy Head Sixty-Three,

I am always ashamed of everything in my life.

Only the rest of the pen is still in love,

Stay in the world for jokes.

—— This poem was written by the Yuan Dynasty master of calligraphy and painting Zhao Mengfu in his poem "Self-Vigilance".

The surging news learned that 2022 is the 700th anniversary of Zhao Mengfu's death. Following the 2017 "Zhao Mengfu Calligraphy and Painting Special Exhibition" of the Palace Museum in Beijing, from January 2, 2022, the Tokyo National Museum in Japan will jointly plan a special exhibition on Zhao Mengfu with the Taitung RikkyoShu museum - "700 Years After The Future Zhao Mengfu and His Era - Retro and Heritage", which is also the 19th joint project of the two museums. In addition to the famous "Order of the Lonely Bending Wulan Pavilion and the Thirteen Treks of the Orchid Pavilion" (the special exhibition "Sino-Japanese Calligraphy Treasures Exhibition" in the Shanghai Museum in the spring of 2006), it also includes "Wu Jingxin Bending Wulan Pavilion Sequence and Lanting Sixteen Treks", as well as Zhao Mengfu's "Kaishu Xuanmiaoguan Reconstruction of the Three Doors" volume, and Zhao Mengfu's "Xingshu and Lin Daoren Ruler".

The exhibition will focus on the calligraphy and paintings of the Yuan Dynasty headed by Zhao Mengfu, and divide it into four parts: "Zhao Mengfu Eve Song Dynasty Calligraphy", "Zhao Mengfu and Yuan Dynasty Calligraphy", "Zhao Mengfu and Yuan Dynasty Painting", and "Zhao Mengfu's Influence on Ming and Qing Dynasty Calligraphy and Painting", presenting its charm and influence on future generations. Among them, the Tokyo National Museum will exhibit a total of 101 exhibits, and the full list has been announced.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Portrait of Zhao Mengfu, Painted by Kiyoba Yanlan, (Non-Tokyo Special Exhibition Exhibit)

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Exhibition posters

Zhao Mengfu was a calligrapher, painter and writer of the Yuan Dynasty. Zi Ang, Song Xue Dao ren, Shui Jing Gong Dao people, middle-aged meng tian, Huzhou (Zhejiang Wuxing) people. A descendant of Defang, the Prince of Qin, the grandson of the Song Dynasty. Since childhood, he has been intelligent, has read books and memorized, and has established himself for his writing. After the fall of the Song Dynasty, he returned to his hometown to live idly, and later was conscripted by the ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, and the five dynasties of the Li Dynasty, the official to the Hanlin Scholar Chengzhi, the Ronglu Doctor, the Duke of Wei, and the Yuwen Min. He believed in Buddhism and was a disciple of the monk Zhongfeng Mingben (1263-1323) along with his wife Guan Sheng. Proficient in music, good at identifying ancient artifacts, his poetry is clean and elegant, calligraphy and painting are particularly famous, and the seals are divided into true cursive calligraphy, with the deepest and most extensive influence in real books and writing.

Zhao Mengfu was an influential calligrapher in the early Yuan Dynasty. The "History of the Yuan" says, "Meng Fu seals are divided into true grasses that are all ancient and modern, so they use the title of the book to the world." The praise was high. According to the Ming Dynasty Song Lian, Zhao calligraphy learned the Siling (i.e., Song Gaozong Zhao Shu) book of "Eight Laws of Mysterious Enlightenment and Ancient Elegance" in his early years, learned "Zhong Xuan and Xi Xian Zhujia" in his middle age, and taught Li Beihai in his later years. Wang Shimao said: "Wen Minshu mostly comes from the Second King (羲之, Xianzhi), and his body is close, so he wins the right army; if he has a long posture, he gets a great order; and the Zhishu stele imitates Li Beihai's "Yue Lu" and "Shuo Luo" styles. In addition, he also touched the Dingding Monument of Yuan Wei and Tang Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang, and others; Yu Seal Book, he studied ShiGu Wen and Curse Chu Wen; Lishu studied Liang Hu and Zhong Xuan; and xing cursive calligraphy learned Xi Xian, and was able to work inheriting the tradition. As Wen Jia said: "Wei Gong is the best calligrapher of the ancients, and he imitates it." Yu Ji said of him: "Kaifa is deeply rooted in the "Roselle Endowment", and he wins his bid. He wrote the Holy Order and entered his room. As for cursive writing, it is full of the Seventeen Theses. "He is a very accomplished calligrapher who has collected the calligraphy of the Jin and Tang dynasties. Contemporaries greatly respected him, and some people in later generations included him in the four major books of the Kaishu: "Yan, Liu, Ou, and Zhao". The Ming Dynasty calligrapher and painter Dong Qichang believed that his calligraphy was directly Jin.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Zhao Mengfu Lanting Thirteen Treks (Partial) Tokyo National Museum Collection Sent by Kikujiro Takashima

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Zhao Mengfu's "Heart Sutra Book" on paper, album in the collection of Liaoning Museum (on display at Suzhou Museum, not in Tokyo)

Zhao's ability to achieve such achievements in calligraphy is inseparable from his ability to absorb the strengths of others. What is particularly valuable is that most of the calligraphers in the Song and Yuan dynasties were only good at walking and grass, but Zhao Mengfu was able to study each body. Later generations learned Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy a lot, and Zhao Mengfu's characters were very popular in Korea and Japan.

Zhao Mengfu has an important role and far-reaching influence in the history of Chinese calligraphy art. His contribution to calligraphy is not only in his calligraphic works, but also in his treatises. He has a lot of insights into calligraphy. He believes: "There are two kinds of books, one is the brushwork, and the other is the glyph. The brushwork is exquisite, although good and evil; the glyphs are exquisite, although they are familiar and alive. Learning books can solve this, and then you can also use language books. "Studying books is playing with the ancient Fa Ti, and knowing the meaning of its pen is beneficial." In writing the Ancient Fa Post, he pointed out a rather meaningful fact: "In the past, people had to carve a few lines of ancient times, and they could learn it attentively, and they could become famous in the world." Guan Lanting is a proud book of the Right Army, and he has learned endlessly, and he is not a man. "These can give us important lessons.

Zhao Mengfu's paintings, landscapes and landscapes take the law Dong Yuan, Li Cheng; figures, Kurama master Li Gonglin and Tang Ren; Gongmo bamboo, flowers and birds, all of which are known for their rounded and beautiful pen and ink, paint stones with the flying white method, and write bamboo with pens in calligraphy. Advocating the reform of the style of the Southern Song Dynasty, he said that "painting is expensive and has ancient meaning, if there is no ancient meaning, although the work is useless", chasing the five generations and the Northern Song Dynasty, the commentator said: "There are Tang people who go to their fiber; there are Northern Song people who go to their arms." "Created a new painting style in the Yuan Dynasty.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

In 2017, the Palace Museum in Beijing set up a "Special Exhibition of Zhao Mengfu Calligraphy and Paintings" in Wuying Hall

Zhao Mengfu made a wide range of friends, and interacted with Gao Kegong, Qian Xuan, Wang Zhi, Li Yan, Guo Youzhi, etc.; Chen Lin, Tang Di, Zhu Derun, Ke Jiusi, Huang Gongwang, Wang Meng, etc. were directly instructed by him. Can poetry, style and elegance. Part-time seal carving, known as "Yuan Zhu Wen". Zhao Mengfu also has many handwriting, including "LuoshenFu", "Tao Te Ching", "Bile Tablet", "XuanmiaoGuan Re-cultivation of the Three Doors", "Linhuangting Classic", "Lanting Eleven Treks", "Four Body Thousand Character Text" and so on. The paintings passed down from generation to generation include the volume of "Chongjiang Stacked Mountains" in the seventh year of Dade (1303), the volume of "Quehua Autumn Colors" in the first year of Yuan Zhen (1295), which is recorded in the "Three Hundred Famous Paintings of the Forbidden City"; and the volume of "Drinking Horses in the Autumn Suburbs" by HuangQing Yuannian (1312), which is now in the Palace Museum. He is the author of the Ten Volumes of the Songxuezhai Anthology (with one volume of the Outer Collection).

The exhibition in Tokyo will focus on the calligraphy and paintings of the Yuan Dynasty led by Zhao Mengfu, presenting their charm and influence on future generations. Among them, the Tokyo National Museum will exhibit a total of 101 exhibits, and the full list has been announced. In addition to the "Order of the Lonely Bending Wulan Pavilion and the Thirteen Journeys of the Orchid Pavilion", it also includes the "Wu Jingxin Bending Wulan Pavilion Sequence and the Sixteen Journeys of the Orchid Pavilion", as well as Zhao Mengfu's "The Book of The Three Doors of the Reconstruction of the Xuanmiao Temple of the KaiShu" and Zhao Mengfu's "Xingshu and Lin Daoren Ruler". In the third year of his reign (1310), Zhao Mengfu was instructed to travel from Wuxing (present-day Huzhou, Zhejiang) to Dadu (present-day Beijing), and Dugu Chunpeng (1259-1336) came to bid farewell, and gave the Song Tuo Ding Wu Lan Ting Order, and Wu Sen (1250-1313), who was in the same boat, also carried a copy of the Ding Wu Lan Ting Order. A heaven-given opportunity, Zhao Mengfu, who was able to enjoy two copies of the "Orchid Pavilion Preface" by chance, wrote the full text of the "Orchid Pavilion Preface" day by day in order to make a trek in January. There are thirteen treks in the Solitary Book, so later generations called this the "Thirteen Treks of Lan Ting The".

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Cho Mengfu Lan Ting Thirteen Trek (Partial) Tokyo National Museum Kikujiro Takashima Sent gifts

After the expansion of the "Orchid Pavilion Preface", there are Song Wushu, Zhu Dunru, Yuan Qianxuan, Xian Yushu and other treks, followed by the thirteen treks written by Zhao Mengfu from September 5 to October 7, and the second book written by Ke Jiusibao, who obtained the best copy of the "Orchid Pavilion Preface". During the Qianlong period, the piece belonged to Tan's group, and after Tan's death, it was burned and damaged by natural disasters, and it remained as it was. It was later passed down to Japan, where it was collected by Kikujiro Takashima and donated to the Collection of the Tokyo National Museum in Japan. In the spring of 2006, it was exhibited in the Shanghai Museum's special exhibition "Sino-Japanese Calligraphy Treasures Exhibition".

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Dingwu Lanting Preface Solitary Book Tokyo National Museum Kikujiro Takashima Sent

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

According to relevant reports, in addition to Zhao Mengfu's important works, there are also works by his friends, contemporaries and predecessors who are related to or influenced by him. Such as the Northern Song Dynasty Mi Fu's "Xingshu Hongxian Poems" volume, the Yuan Dynasty Xian Yushu's "Xingcao Shu Ten Poems and Five Zha" volume, Feng Zizhen's "Obscure Poems with No Hidden Yuan", "Yi Yuanji Scroll Scroll" and so on.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Yang Weizhen Zhang Shi Tong Bo Que Table Scroll Part Of the Tokyo National Museum Collection

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Motoyasu Konri Cursive Poetry Scrolls Tokyo National Museum Collection

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Feng Zizhen and Wu Yin Yuan Obscure Poems Tokyo National Museum Collection

At present, the Taitung Calligraphy Museum has not yet released a list of exhibits. It is reported that there will be Zhao Mengfu's "Biography of Han Jidian in the Yongqing Bunko" and the Calligraphy Museum in the Shushu "Cursive Later Chibi Fu Album". Among them, the "Biography of Ji Di" is a Song Danhuang Tibetan Scripture on paper, a small kai album, a total of 10 pages. This work is a masterpiece of Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy in Xiaokai. Compared with his other small works such as the Tao Te Ching, this work is heavy and elegant, neither smiling nor tadpole stupid, light and heavy; the pen is calm and unhurried, in one go, neither the wind nor the softness of grace, although sharp but gentle; the pen seems to be slightly heavier, but it is even more sharp. The curved pen calmly turns, condensed and contained; the folding pen stands on a square edge, and the work is quiet. The vertical strokes are all heavy, and the other strokes are sparse and jagged, interspersed with them, such as the dense foliage in the bushes, and the moonlight is transmitted, covering up the fun. However, the style of the book "The Tale of Ji Di" is very different from the style of Zhao Mengfu's biography of Xiao Kai, so there has always been a lot of controversy about its authenticity. One is inferred that Yu He (1307-1382) imitated Zhao, and many people held this view, such as Zhang Guangbin and Fu Shen in Taiwan, and Wang Lianqi in mainland China. But there are many scholars who insist that this is Zhao Mengfu's immortal work.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Zhao Mengfu 《汉汲汲濅傳》 Volume (傳) Xiao Kai, paper, Wusi Bar 17.6× 17.4cm× 10 1320 Collection of the Yongqing Bunko in Tokyo, Japan

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death
The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

The exhibition is divided into four parts: "Zhao Mengfu Eve And Song Dynasty Calligraphy", "Zhao Mengfu and Yuan Dynasty Calligraphy", "Zhao Mengfu and Yuan Dynasty Painting", and "Zhao Mengfu's Influence on Ming and Qing Dynasty Calligraphy and Painting", presenting its charm and influence on future generations.

In "Zhao Mengfu Eve Song Dynasty Calligraphy", you can see calligraphy with personality in the Song and Jin dynasties. For example, the Song Dynasty's calligraphy post "Hongxian Poetry Scroll" is one of its few large-character works. The priority of the whole volume of posts is extremely strong, the sense of rhythm is extremely strong, and the ink is dry and wet, and it is integrated, which is naturally interesting.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Northern Song Dynasty Mifu Xingshu Hongxian Poetry Scroll Tokyo National Museum Collection

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Northern Song Dynasty Mifu Xingshu Hongxian Poetry Scroll (Partial) Tokyo National Museum Collection

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

In "Zhao Mengfu and Yuan Dynasty Calligraphy", starting from Zhao Mengfu, from Ni Wei to the late Yuan literati and Zen monks such as Zhongfeng Mingben, the works of Zen monks such as The Yuan Dynasty calligraphy are summarized.

In addition to the famous "Lanting Thirteen Treks", there are many books of the Lanting Preface written by Zhao Mengfu in later generations, of which several "Wu Jingxin Ben Ding Wu Lan Ting" "Lan Ting Sixteen Trek Texts" are also quite well known, but at present, the authenticity is still inconclusive, and there are many controversies.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Wu Jingxin Ben Ding Wu Lan Ting Order and Lan Ting Sixteen Trek Tokyo National Museum Takashima Kikujiro clan sent gifts

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death
The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death
The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Another piece of "Dingwu Lanting" Wu Bingben is one of the "five characters that have not been damaged" that has been handed down. Mr. Qi Gong once listed it as a "Zhending Martial Book" in the Lan Ting Thekao: "... The five characters are not damaged, the ink is slightly heavier, the words are invaded, and the place where posterity paints ink... Later, the Song Dynasty learned from Huang Tingjian to record a passage of Li Hou's main comments, and there were Wang Rong, Wu Shan, Wei Su, Xiong Mengxiang, Zhang Shen, Ni Zhan, Wang Yan, Zhang Shi, Shen Zhou, Wang Wenzhi, Ying He, Yao Yuanzhi, Chong'en, Wu Yusheng, Chen Jingtao, and Chu Deyan. ”

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Zhao Mengfu Kai Shu XuanMiaoGuan Reconstruction of the Sanmen Scroll (Partial) Tokyo National Museum Collection

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death
The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Genken Shihan Book Moto cho Mengfu Xingshu and Hayashi Dojin Ruler Tokyo National Museum Kikujiro Takashima sent a gift

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Dynasty Xianyu Shu Cursive Ten Poems Five Scrolls (Partial) Tokyo National Museum Kikujiro Takashima sent gifts

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death
The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Dynasty Qian Liang Right Book Zhao Mengfu Bamboo Stone Tubao Tokyo National Museum Kikujiro Takashima sent a gift

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Dynasty Yang Weizhen Zhang Shi Tong Bo Que Scroll Tokyo National Museum Aoyama Sugi Yu Clan gift

In "Zhao Mengfu and Yuan Dynasty Painting", the fine works of Zhao Mengfu and his contemporaries are presented.

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

(Heavy text) Yuan Dynasty Luo Zhichuan Xueting Game Bird Scroll Tokyo National Museum Collection

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Yuan Dynasty Cai Shan Luohan Tu Axis Tokyo National Museum Collection

In "The Influence of Zhao Mengfu on Ming and Qing Dynasty Calligraphy and Painting", some cases of Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy and painting influence on later generations of calligraphers and painters are presented. For example, Dong Qichang, when he was young, he once said that Zhao characters were more tacky than his own characters, but in his later years he said in a letter to a friend: "Now that I am old, I have known the magic of Wu Xing (Zhao Meng) calligraphy. ”

The Tokyo special exhibition recreates "Zhao Mengfu and His Time" to commemorate the 700th anniversary of his death

Ming Dong Qichang Cursive Book Treatise (Partial) Tokyo National Museum Collection Kikujiro Takashima sent a gift

(This article is a comprehensive compilation of zhao Mengfu's related documents, the Tokyo National Museum, the exhibition and the surging news previously reported materials.) )

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