
Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!

Yuan Dynasty Wang Mengkai Shu Bao Zhao Mengfu Xingshu Linding Wulan pavilion preface volume, Beijing Palace Museum collection.

Written in the twenty-fifth year of Zhizheng (1365), Wang Meng recounted how he obtained his grandfather Zhao Mengfu to write the "Dingwu Lanting" scroll in Suzhou, and the style of the book resembled Zhao Mengfu, with a fine and delicate pen, and a brilliant spirit. He admonished his descendants: "Gou can concentrate on copying thousands of times, although he cannot reach the predecessors, he must not let those who can write in this world." This reflects his own pursuit of studying books.

Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!
Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!
Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!
Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!
Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!
Zhao Mengfu's grandson inscribed for Zhao Mengfu, and this calligraphy is indeed extraordinary!

Huanghe Shan people Wang Mengshu

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