
He was the first full-fledged figure to be shot, imprisoned for nearly 30 years, and secretly executed at the age of 79

When it comes to orthodox figures, it is presumably very powerful and powerful, and one of them was executed at the age of 79 after being imprisoned for nearly 30 years. So who is he? What is the story of this?

He was the first full-fledged figure to be shot, imprisoned for nearly 30 years, and secretly executed at the age of 79

This man was called Luftan. Born in 1890 in Tai'an, Shandong. He has successively served as the secretary of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee, the head of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and the director of the Central Organization Department, and is a figure of the state level. He later launched the famous Shandong riots. From this, it can also be seen that his strength is very strong. During Wang Ming's trip to the Soviet Union as a central representative, Xiang Zhongfa was arrested and defected, and the Politburo needed to be re-elected, so Lu Futan became the head of the Federation of Trade Unions.

He was the first full-fledged figure to be shot, imprisoned for nearly 30 years, and secretly executed at the age of 79

He then joined the Secretariat and became one of the politburo standing committee members at the time. But such a peaceful life did not last long. Later, Luftan was arrested by the British Patrol House, and before the British could do anything to him, he defected and confessed many important secrets and confidential documents of the organization. He also told the news that Kang Sheng had defected. Later, in the 1960s, Kang came out of prison with connections, and Lu Futan had been imprisoned for nearly 30 years.

He was the first full-fledged figure to be shot, imprisoned for nearly 30 years, and secretly executed at the age of 79

Kang Sheng was very frightened when he learned that Lu Futan had spoken out about his rebellion, so he joined forces with Xie Fuzhi of the Ministry of Public Security at the time and signed a contract to execute Lu Futan. The person in charge of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau who received the order did not understand, but there was certainly nothing wrong with Kang Sheng's autograph on it, and he also received a special order to get Lu Futan drunk before executing him. Later, 79-year-old Luftan was executed. In this way, it is likely that Luftan's execution was related to personal grievances.

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