
The only founding lieutenant general who ever served as vice premier, his son was a major general, and many years later his secretary became a state official


When it comes to the Long March, friends who like modern military history are familiar with it. This journey of ten thousand miles was a difficult journey, a history of the blood and tears of countless revolutionaries, who faced not only a harsh living environment, but also an enemy army that was in relentless pursuit.

In order to open up the way forward, countless heroic martyrs were wounded or even sacrificed in one battle after another. They were willing to trade their lives for the hope of their comrades for the future, and even if they survived the brutal battle, their bodies were covered with scars and even mutilated limbs.

The only founding lieutenant general who ever served as vice premier, his son was a major general, and many years later his secretary became a state official

The protagonist today is in the Long March, in order to cover the comrades-in-arms caused serious injuries to the left arm, the poor medical conditions caused the injury to worsen, and finally lost the left arm, becoming the "one-armed general" in the army. Physical mutilation did not affect the general's ability to work. In the eight years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he personally created a "first regiment under the heavens", and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he became the only founding lieutenant general who had served as vice premier, and he was General Yu Qiuli.

15-year-old little Red Army

Yu Qiuli was born in 1914 to a poor peasant family in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province. The Yu family only has a few acres of thin fields, even if they catch up with the good years of wind and rain, under the pressure of bureaucratic bullies, they cannot leave much rations, and in the disaster year, they can only pick wild vegetables and eat leaves, and beg for food everywhere.

The family is busy all year round to fill his belly, and there is no money for him to study. Because the whole family was illiterate, when he signed up for the army at the age of 15, he only had a nickname "dog doll". Since he joined the Red Army as a soldier, he should have an official name, and he begged the comrade in charge of the registration office to give him a name, and the other party learned that he was born in autumn, so he named him "Qiuli".

The only founding lieutenant general who ever served as vice premier, his son was a major general, and many years later his secretary became a state official

In the big family of the Red Army, Yu Qiuli received cultural education and knew a lot of words. In the harsh combat environment, he exercised his courage and accumulated rich experience in struggle, and Yu Qiuli, who was intelligent and clever, dared to fight and dared to fight, was soon discovered by his superiors, and three years later he was already the acting regiment leader of the Ji'an Independent Regiment.

Later, Yu Qiuli was regarded as a key training cadre, arranged to study in the Red Army School, and after graduation, he became a political instructor of the military team accompanying the battalion. At this time, the Central Soviet Region had turned into the fifth "anti-encirclement and suppression" struggle, and for various reasons, the situation in the struggle in the Soviet Region was getting worse and worse, and the main forces began to move outward.

In August 1934, the Red Sixth Army was ordered to leave the Xiang'e Su District and move to the Qiandong Su District led by He Long. On the way, the Red Sixth Army was surrounded by heavy enemy troops, and was once cut into three sections, falling into the most dangerous moment after leaving the Xianggan Su area.

Before leaving, Comrade Ren Bishi had been seriously ill, and almost all of the transfer was lying on a stretcher, and at this time, the safety of defending Ren Bishi also became the top priority, when Li Zhen, the head of the regimental organization, specifically found Yu Qiuli and asked him to pick up this heavy responsibility, as the leader of the political defense team, mainly to protect the safety of Ren Bishi's guards and escort him safely to highlight the enemy's encirclement.

The only founding lieutenant general who ever served as vice premier, his son was a major general, and many years later his secretary became a state official

After nearly half a month of arduous fighting, the team finally broke away from the enemy's front and rear blockades, and due to Yu Qiuli's meticulous care, Comrade Ren Bishi was not hurt in the slightest, and his condition improved.

Loss of left arm

Fast forward a year, xiang'echuan qiansu district also encountered heavy enemy pressure, because the strength of the two armies is too large, holding the Soviet area can only cause the greatest loss, in order to preserve strength, Yu Qiuli followed the Red Second and Sixth Armies to start the Long March.

During the Long March, when Yu Qiuli, the regimental political commissar, commanded the battle of Dezhangba, in order to sacrifice his life to protect the regimental commander, His left arm was seriously injured by the enemy's machine gun, because there was no medicinal material, he only let people stop bleeding and bandage, so he endured the pain and dragged the wounded arm for several months, until he went to Hui County in Gannan, Yu Qiuli let the military doctor examine the wounded arm, at this time the wound was full of maggots, and the left hand was also dry and dead, and he could only amputate his limb to save his life.

Although Yu Qiuli lost his left arm for the revolutionary cause, he thought it was worth it to be able to exchange the life of his comrades-in-arms, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Cheng Tuan, who had changed his name to Cheng Jun, became the founding lieutenant general, and Yu Qiuli was also awarded the rank of lieutenant general.

The only founding lieutenant general who ever served as vice premier, his son was a major general, and many years later his secretary became a state official

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yu Qiuli was transferred to the Southwest Military Region by General Manager He and served as the logistics director of the military region. Although the position is very different from before, Yu Qiuli's excellent working ability, quickly adapted to the new environment, and achieved good results in a short period of time. Because of this outstanding work performance, Yu Qiuli was transferred to Beijing to serve as the deputy director of the General Finance Department, and a few months later, due to the death of Comrade Yang Lisan, he took over the post of minister.

The motherland seeks development and has made new breakthroughs in industry, and everything is inseparable from oil. However, at that time, China was an "oil-poor country", and although there was new progress in oil exploitation in Xinjiang, it could not fully meet the economic construction of the motherland.

In 1958, Yu Qiuli was appointed as the second minister of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry, under his leadership, the new China's petroleum industry has made breakthroughs, the most important thing is to explore and develop the Daqing oil field, so that new China took off the hat of "oil-poor country".

The only founding lieutenant general who ever served as vice premier, his son was a major general, and many years later his secretary became a state official

As a capable and responsible leading cadre, Yu Qiuli's position was also continuously promoted, and in 1975 he was elected vice premier, and he was the only founding lieutenant general.


Although the old general has a high position and authority, he never makes a special mistake because of his own identity, whether it is a friend or a relative.

At that time, his son Yu Heigu applied for the military academy, although he was admitted, but wanted to transfer to a better college, he begged his uncle General Yu to say a word for him, but the general finally refused. A few years later, niece Yu Manxiu also wanted to enter the military school, but the score was not enough, and this time she asked her uncle for help, but she was still rejected.

General Yu has his own standards for work and life, and his excellent revolutionary traditions also affect the growth of his sons and daughters, and his only son, Yu Hao, joined the army through his own efforts and grew up to be a major general in the People's Liberation Army. The staff around General Yu also learned a lot, just like a secretary with the surname of Zeng, who became the vice chairman of the Central Committee many years later, and the official reached the level of Zhengguo.

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