
Founding Lieutenant General Cheng Jun said: Without this general, I would have died a long time ago

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding lieutenant general Cheng Jun said to his family many times: "My life is ah, but thanks to Comrade Qiuli, otherwise I would have died a long time ago!" ”

The "Comrade Qiuli" in the mouth of General Cheng Jun is Yu Qiuli, who is also a founding lieutenant general.

Founding Lieutenant General Cheng Jun said: Without this general, I would have died a long time ago

Yu Qiuli was born in 1914 in a poor family in Ji'an, Jiangxi Province, and when he was a child, he didn't even have a name, and the villagers called him "Dog Baby".

When he was 15 years old, Yu Qiuli signed up for the Red Army, and the instructor in charge of recruiting asked him what his name was, and Yu Qiuli replied: "Dog doll!" ”

The instructor thought to himself, this name is not good, so he asked him when he was born, Yu Qiuli said: "Listen to my mother, it was after the grain was harvested in the autumn of that year, and she gave birth to me." ”

As soon as the instructor listened, he had the answer in his heart and said, "Born in the autumn, I think it will be called Yu Qiuli!" ”

Yu Qiuli smiled happily and said, "Okay, Qiuli, this name sounds good!" ”

Later, after the chairman saw him, he also praised his name for its poetry, and Yu Qiuli was also very proud, saying: "This name, I really have to thank the instructor." ”

Founding Lieutenant General Cheng Jun said: Without this general, I would have died a long time ago

As for why Cheng Jun said that his life was saved by Yu Qiuli, it goes back to a battle in 1936.

In the spring of 1936, Yu Qiuli was serving as the political commissar of the 18th Regiment of the 6th Division of the Red 2nd Army, and after his old partner He Bingyan was transferred, the new regimental commander was Cheng Jun.

At that time, the Red 2nd Army had been circling with the enemy at Wumeng Mountain for more than a month, at this time, the 13th Division of the enemy Wan Yaohuang was marching eastward, and when Cheng Jun and Yu Qiuli learned of it, they immediately made a judgment and ordered the troops to rely on the terrain advantage to launch an attack on the enemy and catch them by surprise.

After the order was issued, the soldiers began to charge at the enemy army, but our army did not understand the situation for the enemy at the bottom of the valley, so Cheng Jun leaned out and looked at the bottom of the valley to investigate the situation. At this time, Yu Qiuli found that the enemy on the opposite hillside was aiming his gun at this side, and he quickly shouted: "Old Cheng! dangerous! As he spoke, he pulled Cheng Jun back with his hand.

Cheng Jun was safe, but Yu Qiuli's left arm was shot.

Cheng Jun looked at it, was anxious, and hurriedly asked the hygienist to bandage Yu Qiuli, and asked in a loud voice: "Lao Yu!" Lao Yu! Are you okay! ”

Yu Qiuli gritted his teeth and said that it was all right, and after a simple bandage, he continued to direct the battle until the end of the battle.

Founding Lieutenant General Cheng Jun said: Without this general, I would have died a long time ago

After the battle, Yu Qiuli was sent to the hospital, but the medical conditions at that time were too poor, coupled with the critical situation, Yu Qiuli did not have surgery, but only did simple treatment, and the injury became worse and worse.

At this time, his old partner He Bingyan came to see him, at that time, He Bingyan had just finished amputation, and he advised Yu Qiuli: "Lao Yu, just cut off your hands, like me, more trouble!" ”

However, Yu Qiuli shook his head and said, "You can't cut it, you still have to stay and do the revolution!" In this way, Yu Qiuli dragged the injured left arm all the way up the snowy mountain and through the grass, but the injury to the left arm became more and more serious.

By September 1936, Yu Qiuli's left arm had been swollen and blackened, and if he did not perform surgery, I was afraid that his life would be in danger! At that time, the Red Army just seized a batch of medical supplies, and Hou Zheng, the minister of health, personally operated and began the operation.

Since then, our army has had one more "one-armed general."

This story, Cheng Jun has never forgotten in his life, often mentioned to his family, saying that you must not forget your Uncle Yu's life-saving grace!

In 1984, when the American writer Salberzri came to visit China, he specifically proposed to visit Yu Qiuli. When Yu Qiuli finished telling the story of his broken arm, Sol Bozziri said admiringly: "General Yu, you are really a typical soldier, respectable!" respectable! ”

On February 3, 1999, Yu Qiuli died of illness at the age of 85.

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