
He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

Happy with the world, worried about the world. - Mencius

This sentence comes from Mencius's "Liang Huiwang Zhangxia Sentence". The gist is to achieve the same happiness and worry with the people, and after this, there must also be a strong spirit of dedication such as "worrying about the world before the world, and enjoying the world after the world".

This reminds people of that arduous anti-Japanese period, the era when heroes and heroes were born. How many people with such selfless dedication and such a spirit deserve to be remembered forever!

There was once such a soldier, he was the captain of the guard at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later he became the deputy prime minister, but what he did not expect was that his secretary later became the vice chairman. So what kind of glorious past is it?

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

One-armed general Yu Qiuli

Yu Qiuli was born in a small town in Jiangxi, when his family was poor and could not afford to read, but his father and mother still gritted their teeth and provided him with books for two years. It was during his studies that the breath of reform swept over the land of China, and Yu Qiuli was no exception, he quickly accepted new ideas and had his own unique understanding of China's changes.

Although the situation in China was turbulent at that time, Yu Qiuli's idea was very firm, in his idea, it was better to build the motherland, and the party of liberating the people was what he aspired to, so after that, he naturally joined the Communist Party of China, which he thought was worth serving for a lifetime.

He was assigned to the army, where he always trained seriously and diligently, not afraid of hardship or tiredness. Someone else does one set of training, he does two sets. Even during the break, he insisted on practicing shooting skills. Soon, when it was time to go to the battlefield, although he was young, he was really a tough general on the battlefield!

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

He was always at the front when fighting, and once his arm and leg were accidentally injured, and the captain asked him to rest for a while to recuperate, but he only rested for a few days and then rushed back to the team to train. And his proactive spirit also led the people around him, so every training was very smooth.

One day, the political commissar of a certain Red 6 Corps found Yu Qiuli, praised him for his careful and basic skills, and asked him if he would like to serve as the captain of the defense team and be responsible for defending the safety of Ren Bishi, the chairman of the 6 Corps. After Yu Qiuli heard this, he was very grateful for the trust that the organization had placed in him, and he quickly promised that he would do a good job. In this way, Yu Qiuli became the captain of the guard to defend Ren Bishi.

At that time, Ren Bishi was unfortunately suffering from malaria, his body was extremely weak, and he could not walk at all, and it happened that the troops were to be transferred at this time, so Ren Bishi could only travel on a stretcher.

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

I have to say that Yu Qiuli is really careful in his work, when he is on the road, he is afraid of the bumps on the stretcher, and he deliberately takes off his coat to give Ren Bishi a cushion. And it will also arrange that each soldier carrying the stretcher should be about the same height, so that there will be no stretcher tilt.

Every evening, Yu Qiuli would also dutifully be by Ren Bishi's side. Under his careful care, Ren Bishi's body slowly improved.

By 1935, there were many places in the party that urgently needed outstanding talents, and through long-term observation and understanding, Ren Bishi felt that Yu Qiuli was a person who could do practical things for the people.

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

So he recommended Yu Qiuli. In this way, Yu Qiuli went to a team as the general secretary of the general branch. During the days around Ren Bishi, Yu Qiuli also learned many combat skills, tactical strategies, etc. Therefore, the soldiers of his legion were very brave on the battlefield, and he was as brave as before. It was recognized by the soldiers.

However, in an attack, his arm was unfortunately hit by a bullet and he was seriously injured immediately. However, due to the limited medical conditions at that time, it was delayed again and again, and he had no choice but to amputate his limbs and become a "one-armed general".

There were many people who comforted him, but Yu Qiuli was not discouraged, but heroically said that even if he only had one arm, he could still go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and contribute to the motherland, which made everyone present moved!

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

All the way up the ladder The original intention has not changed

Yu Qiuli did indeed do it, even if he was missing an arm, but it did not affect his style on the battlefield. During that time, he often cooperated with He Bingyan, and the two teams often cooperated to annihilate the enemy.

Since both men had only one hand, some people at that time called their troops "one-handed troops", so that the enemy was frightened every time he heard this name.

Later, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the founding of New China was founded, and Yu Qiuli began to rise all the way, but he never took chances, but completely relied on doing things for the people and doing useful things, which was recognized by everyone. Later, he was promoted to vice premier of the country.

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

Although his official position was large, he always kept his original intention in mind, bent on doing practical things for the people, and never used his power to facilitate the welfare of his family and relatives. His nephew wanted to go to a better military school, and he also called out that there was no need.

After the outbreak of the war against Vietnam, his son was personally sent to the front-line battlefield by him to lead by example. Such a high wind and bright festival is really admirable!

As the saying goes, near Zhu Is chi, Yu Qiuli's good character deeply affected everyone around him. There was a fellow villager in Yu Qiuli who used to work as a secretary at his side, studying with him and watching him deal with people and serve the country.

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

Many years later, this secretary also became the vice president of the country, passing on the spirit of doing things for the people and doing practical things, and this person was Zeng Qinghong.


Yu Qiuli has both a tenacious fighting spirit and a careful character, when he was the captain of the guard team at ren bishi, he not only protected and cared for Ren Bishi very well, but also deeply learned the style and tactics of Ren Bishi's marching and fighting, as well as the spirit of selfless dedication.

Many years later, Yu Qiuli became vice premier, and he passed on this noble character of selfless dedication and dedication to the people to the secretary next to him, he was Zeng Qinghong. After Zeng Qinghong later became vice chairman, he still maintained the noble character of doing things for the people and doing practical things.

He was the captain of the guards at the time of Ren Bishi, and many years later became deputy prime minister, and his secretary became vice president

This incident also taught us a truth, no matter when and where, we must have a good character, this good character will subtly affect many people around us and those who have this noble character are destined to succeed!

I believe that the young people of our generation have never forgotten history, and will also uphold the legacy of their ancestors and develop the motherland more and more powerfully with a beautiful and noble character!

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