
He was a great man who did not lose to the chairman, and his sacrifice can be called the greatest loss of the Chinese revolution!

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

"I'll be back before one o'clock in the afternoon, and if I don't, I'm arrested."

This is cai and sen's last words to his wife. Subsequently, due to Gu Shunzhang's rebellion, Cai hesen was unfortunately arrested and never returned.

He was a great man who did not lose to the chairman, and his sacrifice can be called the greatest loss of the Chinese revolution!

Unlike other revolutionary martyrs who were arrested, Cai and Sen's news can only be traced back to before his arrest, and the exact time of his imprisonment, the exact time of his sacrifice, and even where his body was hidden is unknown.

It was not until the beginning of this century, when relevant experts and scholars went through a large number of documents, that they deduced from the declassified archives that Cai Hesen should have died on August 4, 1931, at the age of 36.

Someone once said: "The sacrifice of Cai Hesen is the greatest loss of the Chinese revolution." Although this statement is somewhat absolute, it also shows the status and role of Cai and Sen.

Unlike many poor revolutionaries, Cai and Sen came from large families, both from their fathers and mothers, and were closely related to the Zeng Guofan family. However, the rich family did not restrain his footsteps, as early as a teenager, Cai Hesen decided: "The extreme purpose of our people is to break through the layers of the world and create a free personality, a free status, and a free deed." ”

He was a great man who did not lose to the chairman, and his sacrifice can be called the greatest loss of the Chinese revolution!

Cai Hesen studied under Yang Changji, and during his studies at the Hunan Provincial First Normal School, he and the chairman saw each other as they were, and they were introduced as close friends.

Before his death, Yang Changji wrote to Zhang Shizhao to recommend two people, one was the chairman and the other was Cai Hesen, and solemnly wrote: "I solemnly speak jun, Mao Cai's second son Hai Nei talent, has a great future. If the king does not say that saving the country is already done, he must first save the country with two sons. ”

Later facts also proved that Yang Changji was really a hero with discernment!

Looking at the chairman and Cai and Sen alone, the chairman's personality is more flamboyant, like a bright torch, high spirits, and looking at the ancient and modern; while Cai and Sen are elegant in appearance, like a vast ocean, with both an inclusive heart and the courage to destroy everything.

In 1920, Cai he and Sen studied a large number of Marxist books in France and carried out in-depth research on the October Revolution in Russia, he realized that it was necessary to establish an organization in the country and assume the responsibilities of "initiator, propagandist, vanguard, and war department", and pointed out with great certainty and firmness: The future of China must go the road of the Russian revolution again, must be led by the proletariat, and now the proletariat of our country is still sleeping, it is not awake, someone must stand up, establish it, organize it.

He was a great man who did not lose to the chairman, and his sacrifice can be called the greatest loss of the Chinese revolution!

There is no doubt that Cai and Sen are not only excellent experts in theoretical research, but he also sees farther than anyone else.

In his letter to the Chairman, whether it was the prediction of the second world war, the outbreak of a war in China, or the inevitable war between China and Japan, or even the prediction that the proletariat would lead China to victory in the revolution after the Second World War, all of them were fulfilled.

In his reply to him, the chairman also praised him with a rare high degree: "The view is extremely good, and I have not agreed with a single word!" ”

Therefore, many people will think about a question: If Cai and Sen had not sacrificed, would the course of history have changed dramatically?

Of course, history cannot be assumed, and although many prophecies were ignored due to the untimely deaths of Cai and Sen, the general direction of the Chinese revolution did not change, and although there were many twists and turns in the middle, they soon returned to the right direction.

This is the general trend of the world, the vast soup, whoever grasps this trend first will win the final victory!

He was a great man who did not lose to the chairman, and his sacrifice can be called the greatest loss of the Chinese revolution!

When the first congress of our party was held in 1921, Cai he and Sen could not attend because they were abroad, but from the second congress until his death, Cai he sen was always one of the important leaders, especially during the third congress in 1923, Cai Hesen was elected as a member of the Central Committee with 37 votes, and only one Chen Duxiu (40 votes) was higher than him, and even li Dazhao, the founder of our party, had only 37 votes, the same as Cai Hesen, and our chairman had only 34 votes.

At that time, Cai Hesen was only 28 years old, and the chairman was 30 years old.

But unfortunately, such a top talent was unfortunately arrested because of Gu Shunzhang's rebellion, and he bravely rebelled on August 4, 1931, at the age of 36.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that Cai Hesen's first wife, Xiang Jingyu, was also one of the founders of our party and the first female member of the Central Committee; Cai Hesen's sister Cai Chang was also one of the leaders of our party, serving as chairman of the All-China Women's Federation and vice chairman of the National People's Congress; and his brother-in-law, Li Fuchun, served as vice premier for 21 years and was one of the premier's most important assistants.

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