
He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

The iron horse ice river soldiers poured blood on the territory, steel guns and armor, and soldiers loyally defended the people; eight years of the War of Resistance, saving the country and saving the people from water and fire; the first generation of military uniforms, marching south to defend the homeland; driving the enemy and the people, throwing their heads and spilling blood on the real Haojie; defending the country, splitting the gall and wearing a big husband; the red star shining, illuminating the homeland. In this long river of history, how many heroes are sacrificing for our country and for our people. Many people, many things have become blurred by the erosion of time, until they disappear, but heroes will always live in our hearts.

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

Our protagonist Cai Hesen, due to the choice of important work organizers in China in 1931, had a different heart, and died in the Guangzhou Military and Political Prison at the age of 36. On September 14, 2009, Mr. Cai was named one of the 100 heroic models who made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China. Mr. Cai studied at the First Normal School in Hunan Province, yes. Our great men also went to school there. At that time, he was a close friend of the great man, and they participated in the May Fourth Movement together. And the establishment of the Xinmin Society, which is of cross-epochal significance, is also the earliest revolutionary group established in the May Fourth Movement. Although his life was very short, his death was for the people.

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

At noon on June 10, 1931, Mr. Choi decided to go to an emergency meeting of the Hong Kong Seafarers' Union, and yes, he knew it was dangerous, but as the television show showed, he knew the danger and he still had to go. Because the sons and soldiers at that time were ready to dedicate themselves to the cause of the motherland. Before leaving, he kissed his 4-year-old daughter and then said to his wife, "I will definitely come back, and if by one o'clock in the afternoon, I mean if, if I don't come back at that time, then something is wrong." ”

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

Things always turn out to be the worst, as he thinks. It was at this meeting that Mr. Cai blended into the venue. Recognized by Gu Someone, he was immediately arrested by Kuomintang agents, and Shi Huang and 5 other comrades were arrested at that time.

As one of the early leaders of the CCP, Gu Shunzhang worked as a foreman in the tobacco factory of the Nanyang Tobacco Company in his early years, and from an early age he was brave and fierce, and he joined the Green Gang and became a small leader. Because he dared to fight and dare to kill, he was favored by the ccp leaders who led the Shanghai workers' movement at that time, and he joined the CCP in 1924, and in 1925, during the "May Thirtieth Movement", because of his active performance in the strike and his high skill, he once served as a defender of the Soviet adviser Borodin.

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

In 1926, Gu was sent to the Soviet Union to study along with Chen Geng and others. Although he did not train for a long time in Soviet Russia, with his clever and alert talent, Gu Someone learned a skill, such as transfiguration, magic, operation and repair of machinery, psychology, etc., and he was also good at shooting with both hands, blasting, shooting indoors without hearing sounds outdoors, killing people with bare hands without leaving a trace, etc.

In 1927, Gu Ren returned to China, and was elected as the commander-in-chief of the workers' armed pickets during the Shanghai workers' armed uprising. When the Central Special Section was established, he was the head of the section and the head of the third section (operations section). At that time, the "red team" led by Gu Ren was extremely active and punished many traitors. As a result, Gu was elected as an alternate member of the Politburo at the 1987 Session. However, with the rise of his status, Gu Someone became more and more arrogant, his life became corrupt, and he ate, drank, gambled, and gambled, and became more and more unsightly.

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

In March 1931, Gu escorted Zhang and Chen from Shanghai to the Eyu-Anhui Su District. In Hankou, after sending the two away, he hooked up with a woman. Because of the lack of money, he actually took the stage under a pseudonym to perform magic, only to be recognized by the traitors on April 25 and immediately arrested.

That night, Gu was quickly escorted to the camp of the Kuomintang's Wuhan Appeasement Office. Without severe torture or coercion, Gu Someone had already defected.

Subsequently, after Mr. Cai was arrested, our party immediately sent someone to organize a rescue, but he was quickly transferred to Guangzhou. After that, the Kuomintang imposed all kinds of cruel punishments on Mr. Cai, whether torturing his flesh or eroding his spirit, in order to make him tell the secrets of the Communist Party. In that situation, Mr. Cai's heart is still tenacious, the righteousness is awe-inspiring, it should be a compromise to the enemy for half a point, and resolutely keep the secret of the organization. Later, he was sent to the cell and could no longer move, and the comrades were heartbroken when they saw it, but Mr. Cai did not care at all, and encouraged everyone to fight to the end, the hope of the nation was in us, and I believed that the final victory must belong to us.

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

"The cruel torture of the enemy did not destroy Mr. Cai's strong will, they wanted to openly interrogate, and they were afraid of the accusations of public opinion, so they decided to kill Mr. Cai." One day in the early winter of that year, the fierce enemy pulled Mr. Cai to the wall of the prison, stood, and placed several large iron nails in front of him to make a final threat to him.

He stood tall and mighty. The enemy roared, pulled his hands and feet apart, and nailed him to the wall with iron nails. He passed out in pain and still didn't say a word. The stupid enemy could do nothing, so he cut off his flesh little by little with his bayonet, and the last knife plunged into his chest.

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

Mr. Cai's heroic sacrifice under the enemy's butcher's knife in this way fully demonstrated the iron will and firm revolutionary integrity of a Communist Party member. Just before Mr. Cai's murder, the Comintern had informed the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to revoke the punishment given to Mr. Cai and reinstate him as a member of the Politburo, but before he could be informed, he was arrested until he died heroically, without which he himself knew it.

Mr. Cai was only thirty-six years old when he died. (Editor's note: In September 1928, Liu Shaoqi and Chen Tanqiu, in the name of an enlarged meeting of the Shunzhi Provincial Party Committee, criticized Mr. Cai for "extreme democratization of the organization and undermining the party's centralism" and proposed punishment to the central government. Soon, Xiang Zhongfa and Li Lisan again criticized Cai by name. In November of the following year, Mr. Cai was dismissed from his post as a member of the Politburo).

He was a classmate of Chairman Mao's, but he was later arrested for Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, and his limbs were nailed to the wall

It is not difficult to see from this passage that the kuomintang's methods of extorting confessions are extremely cruel, nailing, slashing, and poking, and these words make people afraid when they hear them. Brutality is the last impression left on us, of course, there is also the admiration of Mr. Cai's heroic spirit of seeing death as a homecoming.

If you look closely, you will find that in the process of Mr. Cai's dedication, some of the details written in the book are different. One of the most "harsh" versions is: "In the end he was nailed to the wall by the enemy with iron nails, his eyes were gouged out, his ears and nose were cut off, his chest was poked by a bayonet, and he was stabbed to death with a torture knife." This description was taken from a publication of the Moscow Comintern in 1936 (or 1935) by Li Ming, then a member of the COMMUNIST delegation to the Comintern.

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