
The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

In the revolutionary years when the spark was raging, many benevolent and righteous people and righteous servants and servants successively threw themselves into the revolution with high enthusiasm. However, due to the particularity and concealment of the revolutionary task, many of them had to change their names and surnames, hide their names, hide their names, and even avoid talking about their families, and secretly carry out revolutionary activities without their families.

So much so that after their glorious sacrifice, the family could not search for their bones, and even their revolutionary identity was unknown. Like unsung heroes, they have made indelible contributions to the course of history and silently withdrawn from people's sight.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

The protagonist of today's story, Lian Desheng, the glorious grandfather, is a revolutionary martyr. Like other revolutionary heroes, he threw his head and spilled his blood on the revolutionary front, and was eventually brutally killed. Since his early years of defection to the revolution, his family has been ignorant of his whereabouts and has been missing for 78 years. It was not until 2009 that the retired grandson Lian Guangrong inadvertently discovered that his grandfather was a red agent on the Internet, thus unveiling the mystery of more than half a century of history.

The consciousness of rebellion awakens

In 1893, Lian Desheng was born in Shangyu, Zhejiang. At that time, there were frequent wars, social unrest, and the people's lives were poor and destitute. Because of the difficulty of making a living, her mother fled to Shanghai with Lian Desheng, hoping to find a way out here. Wandering outside, Lian Desheng did not feel lonely, but exercised his strong will.

In order to make a living, the young Lian Desheng could not get an apprentice in a shop, he was smart and studious, down-to-earth, and soon gained a foothold in the store. As an adult, Lian desheng turned to work as a conductor for an electric car company. It was also here that he felt the oppression and exploitation of the class, and the sense of rebellion quickly awakened.

Because of his outstanding leadership skills and strong and courageous efforts, Lian Desheng soon established prestige and reputation among a large number of colleagues. At that time, the workers often suffered unfair treatment, wage arrears, unprovoked length of work hours, and so on, which greatly stimulated the resistance of the workers, and Lian Desheng was the first to lead them to participate in the May Thirtieth Strike.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Later, Lian Desheng also participated in three armed uprisings of Shanghai workers and served as the president of the first branch of the Shanghai Public Concession Tram Federation. In 1925, Lian Desheng resolutely joined the Communist Party of China and embarked on the revolutionary road. After the April 12 coup d'état in 1927, Lian Desheng was sent by the party organization to study in Moscow, the Soviet Union, which shows the importance that the party organization attaches to him.

Also in 1927, after the defeat of the Great Revolution, the CPC Central Committee set up the "CPC Central Committee Special Branch" intelligence group in Shanghai to facilitate the collection of intelligence and facilitate the covert development of revolutionary activities. After Lian Desheng returned from the Soviet Union, because of his quick thinking, flexible mind, and good observation, he was transferred to the intelligence group and became one of the sixteen members of the "Special Second Section" led by Chen Geng to carry out intelligence gathering work. And the famous Zhao Yiman and others were also one of these sixteen people.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

As an intelligence officer, Lian Desheng's task is to find ways to obtain the enemy's operational secrets and make this information for his own use, in order to achieve the purpose of sabotaging the enemy's operations, or to protect the smooth implementation of our operations, he served as the deputy leader of the Red Guard of the Central Action Team, referred to as the "Red Team".

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

At that time, Yang Dengying, the commissioner of the Kuomintang Central Unification Secret Service Organization in Shanghai, had secretly defected to the Communist Party and served the party organization. In order to build a bridge between Yang Dengying and the party organization, and also out of full trust in Lian Desheng, the organization appointed him as Yang Dengying's bodyguard. Ostensibly Yang Dengying's bodyguard, in fact he is the "microphone" of the party organization and Yang Dengying, and the importance of his position is self-evident.

During his tenure as Yang Dengying's bodyguard, Lian Desheng completed the task brilliantly. In addition to his own work, he also accidentally collected all kinds of valuable intelligence and helped rescue a large number of trapped comrades, which was highly recognized by the party organization.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Gu Shunzhang

Because he had been one of the leaders of the Shanghai workers' movement, Lian Desheng had close contacts with Gu Shunzhang, the commander-in-chief of the workers' armed pickets. In 1931, Gu Shunzhang was arrested, unable to resist the threat and inducement, and he quickly chose to defect to the enemy and rebel the party. Even in order to gain the trust of the enemy, party organization secrets were provided unreservedly. It was this shameless act that directly led to the arrest of more than 800 comrades of our Party and the destruction of many networks and underground organizations established by the Party organizations.

As a comrade with close contact with Gu Shunzhang, Lian Desheng's situation was extremely dangerous. In order not to expose Lian Desheng's identity and protect his life, the party organization secretly transferred him to Hong Kong. For this arrangement, Lian Desheng obviously could not tell the truth to his family, and it was this opportunity that made Lian Desheng and his family permanently separated and disappeared for 78 years.

Disappeared and drowned the sea of people

In April 1931, After Leaving Shanghai, where he had lived for more than 20 years, Lian Desheng never reappeared, and disappeared forever from the vision of his family. Subsequently, the family received only a letter from Hong Kong, which read: "Please rest assured that the family has gone somewhere else." Since then, Lian Desheng has evaporated like a human being. And this family letter became the last thought left by Lian Desheng to his family.

After arriving in Hong Kong, Lian Desheng went to the Soviet zone and reached the forefront of the revolution. After arriving in the Jiangxi base area, he first served as a hospital administrator, and then became the chief of the traffic section of the central government office (the director of the office was Chen Yi at that time), and the chief of the traffic section of the central military region headquarters.

After the Long March of the main force of the Central Red Army, Lian Desheng accepted the order of his superiors to stay in the Central Soviet Region and followed Xiang Ying, Chen Yi and other comrades to persist in the struggle. On March 6, 1935, Lian Desheng was arrested by the enemy during the breakout operation of the Suigannan Military Region. On March 21, 1935, Lian Desheng was killed in Dayu County, Jiangxi.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Chen Yi

The grandson has followed in his grandfather's footsteps for most of his life

Lian Desheng's descendants never gave up looking for his whereabouts, but until the victory of the War of Resistance, there was still no news, and this matter also became a hidden pain for the entire family. As the grandson of Lian Desheng, Lian Guangrong's experience is deeper.

Since I can remember, Even Glory was brought up by his grandmother, never met his grandfather, and there was no trace of his grandfather in the family, not even a single photo could be found. When I was a child, out of curiosity, Even Glory would ask my grandmother, "Where did Grandpa go and what did he do?" But Grandma only said that Grandpa was an underground party, so she shut up.

Every time Grandpa was mentioned, Grandma was silent and taciturn, and her heart was tingling. Even Guangrong knew that Grandpa was the knot in Grandma's heart that could not be untied, and it was someone that Grandma could not put down for a lifetime. Until the death of grandma in 1969, grandpa did not have any news, and grandma died with a lifetime of regrets. Between her grandmother's death, she made a small wish, hoping that Even Glory could inquire about her grandfather's whereabouts, whether dead or alive, and that she would be able to rest in peace under the Nine Springs.

For decades, Grandpa's whereabouts have been a mystery in Lian Guangrong's heart. He wanted to personally unravel the mystery, to know who his grandfather was, who he was still alive, why he had not been in touch with his family for so many years, and all kinds of questions swirled in his heart. Solving this mystery is not only a wish of your own, but also an explanation for your deceased grandmother.

For so many years, even Guangrong never gave up tracking down the whereabouts of his grandfather, and also visited all kinds of relevant people, but because the time gap was too long, many people and things were washed away, even a little bit of news could not be verified, the stone sank into the sea, no one could tell him valuable information. Even so, even Desheng did not dispel the idea of looking for his grandfather.

In 2009, Lian Guangrong, who retired at home, learned to surf the Internet, which opened the door to a new world. Driven by some thought, under the inspiration, Lian Guangrong entered his grandfather's name "Lian Desheng" in the search box, but he did not hold out any hope. At first, I browsed a lot of web pages and did not find relevant clues, but the kung fu paid off, and finally saw the three words "Lian Desheng" in an article about historical records.

The article mentions:

"Members of the secret organization of the Shanghai Communist Party of China have set up a big household in order to pool their money to buy weapons."

Not only that, but what made Lian Guangrong most ecstatic was that the article also mentioned: "Lian Desheng, a conductor of the Shanghai British Commercial Tram Company." Seeing this, even Guangrong could no longer suppress his excitement, and the name he had been thinking about miraculously appeared in his field of vision.

With this progress, Lian Guangrong could not stop, he did not stop looking for various materials, in another article, Lian Guangrong saw the name "Lian Desheng" and wrote that "he" was killed by the Kuomintang in Ganzhou, Jiangxi on March 21, 1935. And this article is accompanied by a photo of "Winning in a Row". When this photo was printed in the eye, even Glory could no longer sit still, this person looked too similar to himself. He had a hunch that this was his grandfather.

In order to confirm his conjecture, Lian Guangrong quickly came to Ganzhou, Jiangxi, and with the help of the relevant departments, finally confirmed that the "Lian Desheng" mentioned in the article was "Lian Desheng", and the tall and burly person in the photo was his grandfather. In addition to the joy, even Desheng was full of sadness. It turned out that as early as 1935, Grandpa had passed away, when he was only forty-two years old.

With this information, lian Guangrong's grandfather's face became clearer and clearer. He was no longer a name from Grandma's mouth, but a real, flesh-and-blood man. It turned out that Grandpa was not an anonymous man, but a national hero, a red agent, and a revolutionary who followed the leaders of the party in bloody battles. Lian Guangrong was deeply shocked in his heart and was proud to have such a grandfather.

From the death of her grandmother to the present, Lian Guangrong felt comforted for the first time. This family, which had fallen apart, finally waited for its relatives, who had been separated for seventy-eight years. Even Guangrong knew in his heart that Grandma could rest in peace under the Nine Springs.

Help Zhou Enlai turn the tide

After many visits, Lian Guangrong learned a lot about his grandfather's glorious deeds, and deeply admired and admired the revolutionaries who were as great as his grandfather. At first, Lian Guangrong thought that Grandpa was just an ordinary revolutionary, but after understanding it, he learned that Grandpa was a person who had dealt with Zhou Enlai, and even helped the other party get out of danger, and his admiration for Grandpa was even deeper.

In 1929, the French Concession Patrol House launched a special operation to arrest Revolutionary comrades such as Peng Pan, Yang Yin, and Yan Changyi. At that time, Lian Desheng was also Yang Dengying's liaison officer. Out of the high sensitivity of the intelligence personnel, he learned from Yang Dengying that this was a clue revealed to the enemy after the defection of the communist Bai Xin. Immediately, Lian Desheng reported this information to Zhou Enlai.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Bai Xin

At that time, Bai Xin knew that the fact of the rebellion had been exposed, and decided to flee overseas desperately. In order to avenge the death of comrades, the party organization prepared to kill Bai Xin and must not let him go unpunished. Lian Desheng was responsible for surveying Bai Xin's trajectory and reporting to his superiors, and in order to get rid of Bai Xin earlier and avoid future troubles, he proposed to Chen Geng that Bai Xin be solved by himself. But Chen Geng immediately stopped his thoughts and told him: "You are an intelligence officer, and the most important task is to cover up your identity and collect intelligence, these things are not what you should do." ”

And Chen Geng also assigned Lian Desheng a difficult task, that is, to find an American Colt revolver. During an opportunity to follow Yang Dengying to receive guests, Lian Desheng noticed that one of the people in the entourage was holding an American Colt revolver pinned to his waist. He came up with a plan to trick the man into the car, and successfully grabbed the pistol, completing the task assigned by the organization. On November 11, 1929, the organization sent people to eliminate Lian Desheng at the Bai Xin residence provided by Lian Desheng.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Zhou Enlai

In September 1930, Lian Desheng had information that traitors had betrayed Zhou Enlai and helped Zhou Enlai escape the disaster.

It is better to die unyieldingly and sacrifice heroically

Among the many deeds of Grandpa, Lian Guangrong was obsessed with one thing, that is, when did Grandpa die? How was it sacrificed? After knowing the truth of his grandfather's death, even in addition to glorious grief, he was deeply shocked by his grandfather's words and deeds.

On March 4, 1935, Liu Bojian led relevant personnel and some troops to break through to the vicinity of Maling in Xinfeng and Dayu, and was sniped by the Kuomintang troops. At this time, Lian Desheng stepped forward and led his comrades to fight hard, break through the siege, and break through the enemy's serial attack.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Liu Bojian

On March 6, the large troops were chased and intercepted by the enemy in the area of Jinsha, Luokeng, Shiliao, and Yabokeng at the junction of Xinfeng and Huichang, because of the disparity in the number of personnel, our physical exertion was serious, and in the end it was outnumbered, most of the comrades sacrificed their precious lives, and Lian Desheng, Liu Bojian, and others were captured.

Under the severe torture of the enemy, Lian Desheng did not give in, but guarded the bottom line of the Communists. He and Liu Bojian, pretending not to know another comrade who had been captured together, helped the other party to clear their suspicions and be released from murder.

From the first day he joined the party, Lian Desheng was ready for a glorious sacrifice and would never betray the organization in order to save his life. The enemy wanted to get out of his mouth the activities of the party organizations in Jiangxi and other places, coerced and seduced, lured him with heavy money, and promised him a high-ranking official, Houlu, but even Desheng was unmoved. Although he suffered physical torture, his spirit was not crushed. In his confession, Lian Desheng wrote even more passionately: "I joined the Communist Party of China, and everything was at the mercy of the party. ”

The enemy was furious with Lian Desheng's stubbornness and brutally killed him. On March 21, 1935, Lian Desheng and Liu Bojian and others were pushed into the execution car, ending their precious lives. When he was heroic and righteous, Lian Desheng shouted: "Long live the Communist Party of China when you defeat the Kuomintang reactionaries." To his death, he did not lose the integrity of a Communist.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

The hero comes home

Because of Lian Guangrong's visits and follow-up investigations, Lian Desheng's deeds were able to see the light of day and surface, and people knew that there was once such a heroic figure who, who endured the sorrow of family disintegration, resolutely and resolutely followed the revolution, illuminated the revolutionary road with wisdom and tenacity, and still did not change his heroic nature under severe torture, dedicated all his sincerity and blood, and even sacrificed his precious life.

Seventy-eight years after the separation, Lian Desheng was no longer a nameless person, and finally returned to his hometown and "returned" to his home after a seventy-eight-year absence. Although he had returned to heaven, he found his way home.

In 2010, Lian Desheng was posthumously recognized as a "revolutionary martyr" by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the organization for which he fought all his life has not forgotten him.

The old man spent most of his life looking for his grandfather who had been missing for 78 years, and after learning to go online, he found out that his grandfather was a secret agent

Unveiling ceremony of the tomb of the martyr Lian Desheng

The times create heroes, and in that turbulent era, many unsung heroes emerged. In the Revolution, they may not have been named and not recorded in history. They may not be dignitaries in high positions, but merely no-names. They may not have said goodbye to their loved ones, and the moment they threw themselves into the revolution, they were ready to die and say goodbye to their families, so that their relatives lived in regret and sorrow for the rest of their lives.

But none of this can affect their greatness. The living will remember them, and history will engrave their contributions in another way. People who live in times of peace will not forget that the beautiful present day was bought with their blood, and only by remembering it is meaningful.

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