
Horror! The Hawks currently have as many as 26 players on their roster

Horror! The Hawks currently have as many as 26 players on their roster

Live Bar Dec. 30 This morning at 9 a.m., the Hawks will take on the Bulls away.

According to statistics, including the use of difficult special cases with players such as Cameron Oliver and Chris Clemmons, the Hawks currently have as many as 26 players on the roster.

Currently, the Hawks have 13 players in the team who trigger the health and safety agreement: Bogdan Bogdanovic, Gion, Malik Ellison, Delang Wright, John Collins, Jaylen Johnson, Gallinari, Lough, Royuu, Hurth, Avandau, Cooper and Okonwu.

In addition to the 13, the Hawks have two players missing due to injury: Solomon Hill (right hamstring tendon tear) and Hunter (recovering from a right wrist injury).


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