
In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

"The rising sun rises to Mulan, and Xiao Xiao's iron horse leaps into the sky." What is the lifelong retribution? Ji Shi Cangsheng did not wait for idleness. ”

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, countless progressive people emerged to save China. Their sacrifices can be sung and wept, and they set an example for us with their actions, among which the encounter of the female martyr Zhao Yiman and the behavior of tenacious resistance also made people awe-inspired.

Zhao Yiman as a child

In 1905, Zhao Yiman was born into a wealthy family in Yibin, Sichuan, and she was fortunate enough to be sent to a private school to begin to contact the ideas of the new era.

As she grew older, she became more and more resistant to the products of old ideas, and in that era when girls were all tied to their feet, Zhao Yiman insisted on her own ideas, and no matter how much her parents discouraged her, she was unwilling to accept such bad habits.

Her parents let her go deep into simplicity, learn embroidery, guzheng, etc., and find a good family to marry in the future, which is her parents' greatest expectation for her. But Zhao Yiman ignored his parents' arrangements, but preferred to leave here and see the outside world.

It is also this kind of personality that makes Zhao Yiman and her brother-in-law Zheng Youzhi become friends who talk about everything. At a family gathering, Zheng Youzhi's new ideas completely conquered Zhao Yiman, and he immediately decided to join his brother-in-law in the national salvation movement.

The beginning of the journey to save the country

With the help of Zheng Youzhi, Zhao Yiman began to contact new ideas and new theories, and through continuous learning, she knew that only new changes could save China and save these people.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

Zhao Yiman not only has thoughts, she also puts ideas into action. In 1924, with the approval of the organization, she officially joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League and began to actively participate in the anti-feudal and anti-exploitation oppression movement.

In many campaigns, Zhao Yiman also became the target of the Kuomintang government, in order to avoid danger, but also in order to improve her, the organization decided to send her abroad to learn advanced culture and knowledge, to provide greater help for future struggles.

Hearing this news, Zhao Yiman was initially reluctant to study abroad, and she hoped to continue to dedicate her strength to the land of the motherland. After the ideological work of the political commissar, she realized that learning knowledge is more valuable than continuing to fight now.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

Zhao Yiman, who then came to her destination, worked hard to devote herself to learning, hoping to learn useful knowledge here and go back to help China.

Here, she also met Chen Dabang, a partner who shared her ambitions, and the two of them were almost perfectly aligned in their thinking, both progressives who were fighting to save China. With a common topic, the two gradually became familiar with each other, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

Hard work and sweet married life made Zhao Yiman feel the happiness of life, she knows that only the peace and stability of a country can provide a happy living environment for the people, so she is more determined to return to the motherland and make her own contributions.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

The days of studying soon came to an end, and Zhao Yiman returned to the country immediately after graduation, even though she was now pregnant with a child, but for the sake of the revolution, she preferred to suffer herself.

Once again, he threw himself into the revolution

Returning to her homeland, she immediately threw herself into the struggle, and the most serious thing in China at this time was not an internal war, but an external aggression. After the September 18 incident, Japanese imperialism began to invade northeast China, and Zhao Yiman and the organization applied to go to the northeast to develop anti-Japanese work.

At this time, the northeast had been invaded by japan, and Zhao Yiman felt the suffering of the people, she took the fight against the Japanese as her primary goal, and used her disguised identity to come to work in the tobacco factory, and here are also some young workers.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

The heavy labor made their resistance mood higher and higher, and Zhao Yiman seized on this point, actively propagated revolutionary ideas, and gradually achieved results here. And led many strikes, her behavior also made the leaders of the factory and the puppet army aware of Zhao Yiman's identity, and the attention to her gradually increased.

In a strike to organize the workers of the tobacco factory, Zhao Yiman's identity was completely exposed, and with the help of his co-workers, he quickly left here.

After being exposed, she could not continue to work in Shenyang, and organized and arranged for her to go to Harbin, where Zhao Yiman began to move from the underground to the frontal battlefield to face the aggression of Japanese imperialism.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

During the struggle, Zhao Yiman actively organized peasants to carry out sniper missions and formed a guerrilla group. Destroy the enemy's rear, destroy the enemy's telephone lines, railway lines, etc.

Zhao Yiman also showed excellent leadership skills in several battles, and the organization promoted her to become a political commissar, ensuring the accuracy of the soldiers' ideological line while fighting.

Unfortunately arrested

In 1935, Zhao Yiman, who was always at the forefront, was shot in the leg during a cover team evacuation, and in order not to drag everyone along, she chose to block the Japanese pursuit in the rear. Unfortunately, the injured Zhao Yiman was caught by the Kwantung Army while successfully protecting the evacuation of the team.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

The Japanese army attached great importance to Zhao Yiman and sent the army to escort her to prison for interrogation overnight, hoping to find the location where the Eighth Route Army was hiding through her, but Zhao Yiman did not say anything about the organization.

The cruel officers began to violently punish Zhao Yiman, and all the torture was tried on Zhao Yiman's body, and in the end they did not get the results they wanted.

In order to get useful information from Zhao Yiman's mouth, the Japanese officer sent Zhao Yiman, who was tortured to the ground, to the hospital for treatment, and when her body recovered, he continued to try to extract useful information from her mouth.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

Prepare to escape

Zhao Yiman, who was then sent to the hospital for treatment, began to recover gradually, and at the same time, Zhao Yiman envisioned how to escape from here, but the Japanese army strictly controlled her, and it was easy to escape.

In the procession that spied on her, Zhao Yiman discovered a puppet army that often had sympathy for the Japanese, and through continuous ideological work, the puppet army named Dong Xianxun agreed to help her escape.

It was not enough to have only one puppet army, and in order to escape more safely, she mobilized another nurse. The nurse's name is Han Yongyi, and the family conditions are superior. She was also baptized with new ideas and resented being oppressed by the Japanese.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

After the three men planned the escape route, they implemented the escape plan one weekend, when the hospital was sparsely staffed, but in the end it was unsuccessful, they were betrayed by the driver, and finally all were found.

The result of three people

In the end, Zhao Yiman was tortured to death by the Japanese army, and did not say any news about the organization until he was sacrificed, and she was a well-deserved heroine.

Dong Xianxun was killed on the spot during his escape, and the nurse Han Yongyi was severely punished and finally relieved with the help of his parents. Subsequently, Han Yongyi also threw himself into the national salvation movement, and died in February 1949, when New China was about to be founded.

In 1935, Zhao Yiman was captured and fled with the help of police and nurses.

The Chinese nation is a nation full of heroes, and this nation will never forget its heroes.

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