
What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

Ning Er: "Mother is really sorry that you did not fulfill your educational responsibilities." At present, because of the resolute struggle against the Manchu resistance against Japan, today has reached the eve of sacrifice. I hope you, Ning Er, hurry up and become an adult and comfort your underground mother. When you grow up, hopefully don't forget that your mother died for the country. ”

This is a letter that travels through time and space, sinking in the long river of time for 18 years, and finally delivered to the recipient, who died 18 years ago, leaving only a letter of guilt for his son and a letter worried about the future of the country.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

The land of Shenzhou, with five thousand years of civilization and national belief, is left in the blood of every descendant of Yan Huang, once in that dark era, there will always be someone who stands up and carries the hope of the whole nation with their own backs.

Zhao Yiman was born in a landlord family in Sichuan, and has been loved by her father since she was a child, and a wealthy family can support her to study since she was a child, and when she is in the academy, she is also the most active one, often able to get praise from teachers.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

In the early 20th century, the advanced intellectuals headed by Chen Duxiu launched a new cultural movement with the slogans of "Mr. De" and "Mr. Sai", and the wind of the new cultural movement swept the whole country, and this wind brought us Marxism, our great Communist Party, and since then it has been born.

Dare to be the first is a person's most basic attempt, when countless people are still groping in the dark, some people have already tried to contact new ideas and lead the Chinese to explore the road to save the country.

After the founding of our party, Zheng Youzhi was one of the first people to join the party, and this person was Zhao Yiman's eldest brother-in-law. After Zheng Youzhi joined the party, he carried out a mission to propagate Marxism, and Zhao Yiman, who had been brilliant since childhood, was influenced by Zheng Youzhi, broke through the shackles of the old era, embarked on the bright road, and joined the glorious revolution.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

Since she joined the party, she has actively preached in her hometown, taking the lead in organizing advanced women with bright hearts to help women whose minds are bound by old-fashioned rules and regulations, and promoting Marxism.

Jiangnan women have always been the representative of gentleness and elegance, but Zhao Yiman, who was born in the north, has a heroic wind of her own, and she carries the title of "hot girl" of Sichuan women, and is no inferior among a group of men.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

Like them, she studied military skills at the Whampoa Military Academy, wearing a dark gray military uniform, with clean and neat short hair, tight belts, and a straight shoulder and back, like pine and cypress, and a cool and heroic posture. Even later, during the study abroad fever, she obeyed the organizational arrangement and went to Moscow to study.

After returning from Moscow, Zhao Yiman, who had a wealth of knowledge, obeyed the organizational arrangements and traveled all over the country to carry out underground work and publicize the party's program, in which she met her revolutionary comrade-in-arms Chen Bangda, and because of the same revolutionary beliefs, the two quickly fell in love. Soon after, she gave birth to a child--- Ning'er.

In Zhao Yiman's heart, faith is above everything, revolution is above everything, the country is above everything, and they have no time to indulge in the private feelings of their children, or even time to take care of their newborn children.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

Forced to do so, Zhao Yiman fostered his children in his brother's house, while he continued to struggle towards the revolution he longed for.

Due to the needs of the organization, Zhao Yiman went to the northeast to fight against Japan in a cold winter, and she looked at the sleeping child before leaving, and could not help but burst into tears, she was worthy of the motherland, not ashamed of the people, but she was ashamed of this child.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

In the northeast, Zhao Yiman quickly joined the war and led the team to defeat and win many times. Even after she fought the war, she could also mobilize the masses to join the ranks of revolutionary resistance, so that the ranks of the Japanese army that resisted did not decrease but increased, giving the Japanese army a heavy blow.

At that time, the young Zhao Yiman was the most delicate flower in the snow-white territory of the northeast, she was like a boy, eating and living with the warriors, not caring about her identity as a girl, the local people, very much loved this female warrior who did not say much, but was very heroic.

It is often said that good people will have a peaceful life, but for the heroine of the female comrades, bad luck has crept in.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

One day, as usual, Zhao Yiman and his comrades-in-arms fought against the Japanese army for a day, but they were helplessly outnumbered, and the enemy's encirclement gradually surrounded the team. Under the crisis, Zhao Yiman immediately made a decision, leaving himself to contain the enemy and make the large troops withdraw.

In that cold winter, the cold wind blew a large piece of snowflakes, which fell on the head of Zhao Yiman lurking on the side of the hill, watching the large army gradually disappear, Zhao Yiman let go of the hanging heart, she understood that she might not be able to go back, but fortunately, her comrades finally evacuated safely.

A bullet came from a distance, suddenly felt a heat in the shoulder, followed by a sharp pain, Zhao Yiman slowly closed his eyes and fell on the hill.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

A group of Japanese troops came from a distance and brought the unconscious Zhao Yiman back to the cage, and the 6-month imprisonment began.

Because Zhao Yiman had been in the Communist Party for too long, she knew a lot of information, so the Japanese army hit the weak woman, and she was dragged to the interrogation room before she was fully injured.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

It is difficult to imagine what kind of torture Zhao Yiman's thin body has undergone, but according to legend, every day, Zhao Yiman's screams can be heard from the cell.

The revolutionaries of the older generation always cling to a little fearless stubbornness, which is not the so-called unreasonable teasing, but their loyalty to the revolution, the Communist Party, and the country that they exude from their bones.

No matter what kind of humiliation the Japanese army made to her, no matter how painful the wound would be, Zhao Yiman never revealed a single word to the enemy from beginning to end, such a dignified woman, the Japanese army knew that there was no way to pry open her mouth, and could only give up and decided to execute Zhao Yiman.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army interrogated the leader of Zhao Yiman, remembered the terrible torture that Zhao Yiman had carried out before his death, regretted it endlessly, and whenever he remembered Zhao Yiman's screams at that time, he would always be sleepless at night, and sincerely hoped to apologize to Comrade Zhao Yiman by kneeling down and obtain her forgiveness.

What kind of abuse did Zhao Yiman suffer after his arrest? Japanese war criminal: I would like to kneel down and beg for her forgiveness

In the face of the enemy's aggression, Zhao Yiman was not afraid of danger and did not give in; when he was tortured by the enemy, Zhao Yiman gritted his teeth and persevered, without revealing half a bit of news. She is loyal to herself, loyal to the party, loyal to the country.

Today, we can only peek into the stories of the heroes of that year through the few words that remain in the history books. A few strokes, just a few words, can not write the splendor of their lives.

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